Status: Short again soon

You Can't Blame Me For Hating It



The door burst open and Brendon, Ryan, and Spencer stood there. We all jumped up, but Kai was faster. She ran over to the door and her fist connected with Brendon's jaw, causing him to stumble back out of the door. Ryan went to grab her from behind but she slammed him back into the wall and kicked Spencer as he came at her. Ryan pushed her over to Brendon, who held her tightly. "Let me go you backstabbing, evil.." Ryan yelled at her, something I never expected him to do. "Kai, just shut up! We aren't here for just you." Kai stopped fighting and Brendon released her. She looked at them for a moment. "What do you mean you aren't here for just me?" Before I knew what was happening, Spencer came over, knocked out Pat Joe and Andy, and grabbed me all within two seconds. I jerked to get away. "Let go of me Spence!" "I can't Pete. I've got orders." Kai went to help me but didn't see Ryan raise his hand. "I'm sorry, Kai." He said with a voice full of compassion before knocking her back into the wall, her body slumping to the floor limp. "KAI!" I strugged to pull free, but Spencer held me with an incredible strength I never knew he had. Brendon leaned down and kissed Kai's forehead, whispering something to her. "Get away from her you prick!" My anger was boiling over. Brendon stiffed and stood up, walking over to me. "Why Peter? Are you jealous because she wanted me and not you." I finally ripped out of Spencer's arms and swung my fist into his chin. Brendon stumbled back, then kicked me in the stomach, causing me to fly into Spencer and Ryan's grasps. Both of them combined were too strong with the wind knocked out of me. I looked up in time for Brendon to punch me again. "Don't you once ever think I don't care about her. Or that Ryan doesn't. But this is the only way we can save her." I was out of it, my head swinging. "Bu..bullshit! You j..jj..just want the..." His fist connected with the side of my head and everything blacked out.

My head was pounding when I came to. I tried to get my eyes to focus, but all I could see was blackness. Then I realized that it was because I was in a dark room. Hearing a groan from the corner, my head painfully jerked to the side to see Patrick on the floor, chained to the wall by his leg. I went to go to him, but my arms were chained. "Trick? You okay?" He groaned again. "Yeah, I'm fine. How are you? You looked like hell when they brought you in. Well, dragged would be a better way to say it. They kicked the shit out of you." I moved my legs and pain shot through my body. "Ugh, I can feel it. Where's Kai? Andy? Joe?" Pat nodded his head over to the other side of the large room. Andy and Joe were sitting there, their ankles chained to the wall, bouncing a ball back and forth between them. "You guys are chained to a wall and you're playing bounce the ball?" The question slipped out before I even thought about it. They looked up and smiled, Andy responding. "What else did you expect us to do? The only person that could even attempt to break these chains was still knocked the fuck out." We all laughed, but I stopped from the pain in my ribs. Then a door opened and footsteps sounded on the stairs. We all stayed quiet, eyes straining to see who it was.

Of course, it was William. He came down the stairs with a large grin on his face. I strained against the chains. "It's no use, Pete. They're resistant to even your strength." He patted my cheek and I jerked away from him. He tutted and smiled over at Andy and Joe, who had the ball in his hand. "Glad you boys found a way to occupy yourselves." Will turned to Pat and Joe threw the ball at him as hard as he could. Will just turned his hand and caught it, dropped it and turned back to Patrick. "So, what's this I hear about you knowing the way to identify which vampire is destined to be mated with the hybrid?" Patrick mustered up all his courage. "I...I don't know what you're talking about." William laughed slightly, then kicked Patrick back into the wall. "LEAVE HIM ALONE!" I screamed at him. Will just ignored me. "Excuse me? I don't think I heard you correctly. What did you say it was?" "I said I don't..." SMACK. Joe Andy and I all tried to pull free of our chains now, but it was no use. Will turned at glared at Andy and Joe and soon they flung back into the wall, their heads cracking against it and knocking them out. "Stupid mortals." I was still straining to get to Will, but he took no notice. "Now, I'm going to give you one last chance dear Patrick. Tell me what you know." Pat just sat for a moment. Concentrating what little energy I had, I listened to what he was thinking. Fear was all I heard. "I....I..." Will's eyes widened with excitement. "Yes?" "I found out that the chosen one is the one that the hybrid....marries. If they marry under binding law and consumate the marriage, then that vampire becomes the chosen one." Pat sank back into the corner and Will smiled, then stood up and turned to leave. "You boys better rest up. Tomorrow's going to be a big day." "Why?" I spat. "Going to kill us?" Will stopped right in front of me. "Of course not, dear Peter. You're going to be guests of honor." He patted my cheek again and walked to the steps. "Get your rest boys. There's going to be a wedding tomorrow. Oh, but Pete, you're coming with me" As he unchained the chains from the wall, my heart sank. If Will and Kai married, then there would never be a chance for us. Ever.

Kai's POV

The last thing I remember was Ryan slamming me into the wall. When I woke up, someone was wiping my face with a cool cloth. "Come on, baby, wake up." I groaned from the throbbing in my head. "Pete?" The hand stopped and pulled away. "No, it's Brendon." I jumped up and fell off of the bed I was laying in. Brendon moved to help me, but I pushed away. "Don't touch me!" "Kai, I..." The door opened and Ryan came in. "Oh, Kai you're awake!" He smiled but I glared at him and his face fell. "Don't either of you spineless ass holes even dare come near me. I can't believe that I ever cared for either of you! You just did nothing!" My emotions got the best of me and I callapsed on the bed sobbing. God, I've just been an emotional wreck since these dumb ass vampires came into my life. Both boys came and sat on either side of me, Brendon leaning my head on his shoulder and Ryan wrapping his arm around my waist. They shushed and soothed me until I had calmed down. "Kai, we never wanted to hurt you purposely. But trust me when I say that everything will happen for a reason." I nodded and sat up, pushing my hair behind my back. "Holy hell! What is that?" Brendon exclaimed. "What? What is what?" I was so confused. Ryan leaned over and saw my neck. "Whoa! Wait, isn't that...?" Brendon nodded. "Holy...!" "I know!" "Do you think...?" "I don't know!" "Shouldn't we...?" "Yeah!" The two boys bolted out of the room and down the hall. I was so confused. More importantly, where were Andy, Joe and Pat? And Pete? I hope he's okay.....wait, I do? Okay, so I do. I care about Pete. There, I said it. To add to my already foul mood, there was a knock on the door. Will entered the room and I quickly moved my hair to cover my neck. I had no idea what was there, but from everyone's reactions, it probably was something Will was interested in, which meant I had to keep it from him.
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I'm sorry about the LOOOOOOOOOOONG wait, last half of my freshman year of BIOTCH! But hey, it's summer and this story is alive again! Chapter 13 coming up right after this =)

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