Status: Short again soon

You Can't Blame Me For Hating It



My neck was burning as I woke up that night. William wasn't in the bed with me, thank god. The door opened, Spencer and Ryan walking in. "Good evening, Kai. Are you ready for the big event?" Spencer greeted me rather happily. I groaned and sat up. Ryan snorted and Spencer smirked. "What?" Ryan came over and pulled me onto my feet. "Go in the bathroom and fix your hair. Your...uh." He stopped and scratched the back of his head. "Your dress is behind the door. We'll be back for you in a bit." Spencer and Ryan both left the room then. Dragging my feet I went into the bathroom. "Holy!" Now I could see why they were laughing. My hair looked like I had been attacked by a giant fan. Great start to a craptastic night. I took a brush and began to tame the mangled bush I had sitting on my head when there was a knock on the door. I got up to go answer it and regretted the decision almost instantly as Brendon walked in. "What do you want, Urie?" I have no idea why every male vampire I've come across has to be a complete jerk. "I just wanted to let you know that we'll be ready for you shortly." I continued to fix my hair and make-up. Brendon turned for the door, stopped and turned back. "I know this might not make much sense, but when you feel the time is right, run." I stopped, a confused look displaying itself in the mirror. I looked up at his reflection to see he was looking at me over his shoulder. "Brennie, what are....?" I didn't get a chance to finish. "Just..just do it. You'll know when the time is right. I'm going to fix it, make sure you're alright." And with that he was gone.

What in the fuck was that about? I am soooo confused right now. My mind was going ten million miles a minute as I got up and retrieved the dress from the back of my door. What in the world is going on with me? I'm about to marry the man I dispise most in life, my ex-fiance and ex-crush betrayed me, I'm in love with Pete for reasons I can't even explain.....being a girl seriously sucks! Shaking the thoughts from my head, I slid the dress over my head, smoothing it down as I pulled it. Reaching behind my neck to clip the clasp in place, I gasped as my neck came into view. Etched into my skin was.....a BartSkull? Where have I seen this before.....? My hand went up as I ran my finger tips over the marking. This marking was supposed to tell me whom I was destined for. Nothing could change destiny. So why am I still mar.... Oh no! Does William know? Does he think that forcing me to marry him will somehow alter things? As if on que, William enter the room. "My, my don't we look....delicious?" I turned to face him. "Isn't it bad luck to see the bride before the ceremony?" That cocky smile spread across his lips. "Oh, so you're hoping for good luck in our union, I see?" I smirked and crossed my arms. "No, I just don't want to see you as much as possible." The smile faded and William's eyes glinted with anger. In an instant, I was being held with both arms behind me. "Look, Malakai. Whether you like it or not, you are becoming my bride tonight. You are going to walk down that aisle, say I do and we are going to consumate the marriage. You are going to bear my child and we are going to be the most powerful vampire couple to roam this earth. That is of course, unless you want your precious Peter to die." His eyes bore into mine, intense with desire, but not for me. No, this was a greed, a burning for power. I was nothing but a pawn to reach the top for him. But Pete......I couldn't let him suffer just because of my existance. "F.f...ffine, Will. I won't cause any more trouble." The smile returned as William pulled me into a disgustingly cold kiss. I didn't kiss back by any intention of my own. "Good girl. Now, grab your bouquet. It's almost time." I was released as William exited the bathroom. Looking in the mirror, I knew there was no way out of this, no matter what Brendon and Ryan have planned. Or so I thought.....

The Basement - Brendon's POV

As I walked down the basement stairs, I couldn't help but get nervous. I was about to help the one person who hated me most in this world get away with the girl of my dreams. I let out a sigh, causing Ryan to stop me. "Bren, you know that this is going to work. William has no idea because we've been thinking it out in code. Kai is going to be able to get out. Isn't that what you want?" I turned to him. "Ry, I want that more than anything. But what I don't want is for it to be Pete. Why couldn't it have been me? Or you even? Why him?" Ryan just shrugged his shoulders. "I really couldn't say. I don't like it much either, I mean I do still love her, man. But it's their destiny to be together, whether we like it or not." Ugh, why did he have to be right!? As we stepped down, Pat, Joe, and Andy looked up. Pete didn't move an inch. He just continued to dangle there by his chains, his head bent to the ground. Ryan was the first to speak. "Well, boys. It's almost time for the ceremony and Kai wants you there, so lets get going." He and I walked to Patrick and, using a small key, unlocked the chain from the wall. We repeated the process with Andy and Joe and then moved over to Pete. Reaching down, I went to grab the first chain when a foot connected with the side of my face. "Ugh, dammit Peter, stop being difficult." "Stop being a lying asswipe and maybe I will." I roared and grabbed his throat. "Look you little piece of shit. I'm trying to help you escape, help Kai escape, so that you can be with her. It is your destiny after all. So don't you EVEN think about calling me any sort of name or I will keep you here." He looked completely confused. "Awh, shit. Brendon!" Patrick said, surprising me since I've never heard him speak any way other than nerd. "What, Pete doesn't know?" I released his neck and undid his chains. We both looked at each other for what seemed like ages. "What do you mean it's my destiny?" Ryan, who had been standing by the stairs spoke before I could. "No time to explain, we have to go now or Will's gonna get suspicious. I nodded and grabbed Pete's arm, ushering up the stairs to where the ceremony was going to take place. Well damn, this was going to be an interesting night!
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Here's the update. Comments are appreciated. I have a new story that is going to be up soon, so check it out and let me know what you think =)

And thank you to my 16 awesome subscribers for keeping up with the story!! You are loved <3