Status: Short again soon

You Can't Blame Me For Hating It



I stood in front of the mirror in my room, sighing. The sight in front of me turned my stomach. I was in the most.....beautiful fucking gown I have ever seen! It was an old victorian style wedding dress with jewels all around it and a skirt down to the floor. Top it off with curled hair and perfect diamond jewelry and I looked princess perfect. Ugh! I can NOT believe my life. Here I stand, 20 years old, with a psycho future husband, a regretful ex-fiance, a guilty ex-crush, and a stubborn but beautiful love who probably still hates me. A rap on the door revealed that the time had come to go. Once I step out that door, I will become the wife of the most evil and sadistic bastard on the face of this planet. And I couldn't do a thing to stop it. Reaching up, I pulled the veil over my head, readjusted the necklace around my neck and turned the knob. Spencer came into view. "Hello there, Kai. Are you ready?" He asked as he offered me his arm. I simply nodded and took it, beginning the long descent down the hall and to the stairs. It was amazing how vampires can prepare an extravagant event in so little time. Flowers and candles lined the stair case, the banister adorned with sheer ribbons of fabric. I looked at the bottom to see Brendon and Ryan at the end of the stairs, right in front of a blood red aisle of carpet. The chairs held the rest of the members of the Dandies, with Mike standing next to William at the end of the aisle. In the front row, my eyes landed on something that made my heart leap with excitement. Pat, Andy, and Joe were sitting there, beaten, bruised, but alive. I couldn't, however, see if Pete was there or not. Spencer pushed a bouqout of red roses into my hand. "Here you go. And don't be nervous. Everything is going to be just fine." I gave him a thin lipped smile and sighed. Organ music began to play and everyone stood. Spencer patted my arm and we slowly began to walk down the stairs.

My eyes scanned the entire room hoping to see Pete. I finally found him, he was next to Andy in the front. The reason I hadn't seen him before is because William had him sitting on the floor. Such a hospitable host. Our eyes met as I reached the bottom. I prayed he read the message of sorrow in my eyes as Spencer passed me from his arm to Brendon and Ryan's. I weakly smiled at Ryan and he winked back at me. Odd. Brendon squeezed my hand and we began to walk again. More and more we neared the front of the aisle, where William stood, looking as dapour as ever. Absolutely gorgeous, and absolutely revolting. Right before we reached, Brendon leaned into my ear. "As soon as it happens, run to Pete. He'll get you out." What the hell? We walked to the first aisle and just as William came to take me, I heard Pete growl. William turned to him and smirked before bring my hand to his vile lips and placing a kiss. I was led to the minister, something I didn't even know that Vampires had, as Ryan and Brendon took place next to Mike and so the ceremony began. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to join Master William in marriage with Mistress Malakai." I completely zoned out, my mind wondering back to everything that has happened in the last five or so months. The people I've met, or in Ryan's case re-met. The friendship I had found in Andy, Joe, Patrick, Brendon. And the....

....BOOM! A huge explosion errupted from behind where Willaim was standing, knocking everyone off balance. I fell into Ryan and he pushed me into somebody's arms and next thing I knew, I was moving. Extremely fast. Cold air bit at my skin and soon, I recognized the scent of my savior. Pete! I clung to him as he ran, my eyes squeezing tight. Soon he stopped and I was placed on my feet. Looking up, my eyes were met by intense hazel ones. "Kai....I..." Tires squeeled to a stop next to us as Joe stopped the Hunter's car. Pete all but ripped the door open and pushed me in before climbing in himself. Immediately Andy pulled me into a bear hug. I gratefully hugged him back. "You have no idea how happy I am to see you guys again. Are we going back to The Den?" Patrick shook his head furiously. "Oh no, we definitely cannot go back there. We have another place that we can go, hopefully one that they won't be able to find." I nodded and pulled the veil off of my head. "Well there was a nice thing that came out of all of this." Joe piped. "And what's that Joe?" I inquired. "You look crazy hot in the dress." Pete smacked him in the back of the head as Andy and I chuckled. The moment was shattered by an ear-piercing roar that came from behind us. I turned to see fire and smoke pouring from the front of the Dandies mansion and a figure standing in the door. Joe gunned the gas and sharply turned onto a dirt road, removing the vision from my sight.
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Sorry, I know I said I'd be updating sooner, but then I got sick =/

Here ya go though =)
Story's gonna end at Chapter 20, just a head's up.