Status: Short again soon

You Can't Blame Me For Hating It



Pete's POV

Back at the warehouse, my nerves were on edge. Our run in with that hunter was still replaying in my mind. We had arrived just in time to watch her fight. Her skills were pretty good, I had to admit. Malakai...... "Dude, that chick was HOT!" Andy said, flopping onto the couch. Joe nodded as he walked into the kitchen. "Yeah she was. I still don't get what a hybrid is exactly though." Cue Patrick for that, coming from his room with two books in hand. "Hybrid. The offspring of two animals or plants of different breeds, varieties, species, or genera, especially as produced through human manipulation for specific genetic characteristics." He read from a dictionary, then switched to the book of supernatural creatures in his other hand. "It says here that hybrid vampires have never really been seen before. Only once or twice, but that was just a rumor. They're said to be the product of a vampire mating with a human, which is rare. Once the baby is born, the heartbeat is regular until said baby has matured to the proper age. This age could be five or fifty. However, when the age comes, the heartbeat doesn't stop, it just slows drastically. Almost to nothing. And, the true vampire side comes out when the hybrid reaches the maturity age. So she's technically still alive." That explains why I could smell her blood. It was still pumping through her body. "Sof, oo inck pat shqueez a fwet?" Joe said through a mouth full of sandwich, walking in from the kitchen. "What?" Andy and Patrick looked at him funny. He swallowed and repeated. "I said, do you think she's a threat." Patrick shook his head. "Not with the way she fought those Thugs. She knows that we're fighting the same cause. I doubt that she'll make us to be enemies." He turned and went towards the steps to his study. "I'm going to do more research." and with that he shut his door. Andy and Joe both looked at me. "What?" They both smiled. "So, exactly how hot is she up close?" I just grunted and got up, retreating to my room before dawn.

Kai's POV

It's been about a month since my run in with that group of Thugs. And with the other hunters. I had been thinking about them. I wanted to get to know more about them, who they were, why they did what they did. Except Pete. Pete, I actually have seen quite a bit since our first encounter. Every night to be exact. Wherever I was, he seemed to be lurking in the shadows. I knew he was watching me, and I didn't like it. He actually intruded on my fights once in a while, jumping in when he thought I needed help. But every time I tried to tell him to piss off, he'd disappear. I'll have to admit, he was a damn good fighter. There was a passion and almost caring behind it. Like he was trying to keep me safe. But I knew he had to have something better to do than to study me. But tonight was a good one so far. Not one Pete sighting, thank God.

Seeing Pete was the last thing that I wanted to do. He was so, so.....gorgeous? No, not gorgeous! Shut up, conscience! But you know I'm right! He's an ass. A big pompus ass! Hmm, but he's still hot. And speaking of ass, his is nice! Ugh, go away! Fine, but I'm still right! .....Yeah. I argue with myself alot. Just a bad habit. One day, I finally did catch him. "Pete, what do you want?" He twisted his arm and tried to loosen my grip, but I managed to flip back and catch him again. "Gah, let go woman!" I pulled harder. "Not until you tell me why you keep showing up here." Pete grunted and pushed me back, slamming me into the wall. I tried to hold his arms, but his hands clasped my wrists and pulled them above my head, holding them tight. "Look, I know you think you can take care of yourself, but there are some vampires in Chicago who are so powerful it's frightening. We wouldn't want that pretty face of yours torn to bits just because you go into a fight and get caught in a situation you can't handle alone." And in a flash, he was gone. What vampires were he talking about exactly? Who cares? He called you pretty. God, brain, shut it!

I also seemed to keep finding myself in dark alley ways and streets by myself a lot. I wasn't in the mood for hunting, but I did want some air, so I went for a walk. Next thing I know, three guys in old fashioned suits and bowler hats came up to me. Their hands were covered with white gloves. The first one, who was the tallest, seemed to be the leader. "What's a pretty young girl such as yourself doing out this late?" "Walking, what's it look like?" His hand stroked my cheek and I smacked it away. "Oooo, aren't we a fiesty one. Brendon, why don't you deal with her. You deserve a little treat." He stepped away and I reached behind me to grab my staff, but it was gone. One of the other vampires started moving towards me, his friend waving my staff in his hand. I stepped back, but as soon as I made the movement, the vampire called Brendon rushed me, pulling me into his grasp tightly. I'm guessing these were the vampires Pete was reffering to. Wonderful.

His cheek rubbed my hair. "Aren't we a gorgeous one?" I grabbed his arm and twisted it around my head, freeing me from his grasp and pulling him into mine within a fraction of a second. He roared in pain and his fangs bared. That was easier than I thought. His friend started towards me, but I growled at him. He stopped when he saw my fangs. "William, she's a vampire." The cocky one with the nochelant attitude looked up at me, then zoomed over in the blink of an eye. He was very tall and quite the looker. All of them were attractive now that I think of it. This William stared me down for another moment. Dropping Brendon, I tried to back away again, but he grabbed my arm. "Where are you going, lovely?" I grabbed his wrist and squeezed my hardest, but he pried my hand off, crushing my wrist and breaking it. I screamed and he pulled me up to his height by my arm. "We'll see each other again soon, love." Then he dropped me,ankle and my head slamming into the concrete. "William, leave her alone." The guy just grabbed my staff from the other vampire and threw it at me, then vanished. The one named Brendon looked at me sadly and then he and his friend vanished as well. Soon everything went black.
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Chapter 2, hope you like. William is what one would call a sophisticated ass hole, dontcha think? Chapter 3 coming soon =)