Status: Short again soon

You Can't Blame Me For Hating It



"Why do you think he just left her?" "Duh, he saw her fangs. He knew she was a vamp." "Yeah, but I know he must have smelt her blood. Plus she's gorgeous. He loves women you know that." "So, what? It doesn't mean..." "Will you two stop bickering like a married couple and shut up? She's still resting." My eyes started to flicker open and I saw the hunters from the other night. Joe, the one with the glasses, and the one with the hair. "Shh, she's awake. Hey there. How are you feeling?" The one with the glasses leaned over me and pick up my arm. "Ow!" I growled at him, making him jump and pull back. "Sorry! I just wanted to make sure the wrap was secured. I'm Patrick by the way. The one with the brillo head is Joe and the one that looks like a girl is Andy." I laughed lightly as they both threw things at him. Sitting up, I carefully lifted my arm so that Patrick could look at it. He was very gentle. My ankle was also wrapped, probably sprained from smashing into the ground. When he was done, he looked up at me and smiled. "So, Malakai is it?" I nodded. "You can call me Kai if you want." "Okay Kai. So what do you know about the vampires that attacked you?" I thought hard for a moment. "Nothing actually. I've only heard of the Thugs and the Punks." Andy whistled. "Man, you haven't heard of the Dandies? They're only the most powerful Vampire group in Chicago." I shrugged and was quickly briefed on the Dandies.

By the time they were done, my head was spinning from all the info. "Whoa, so they're like the big shit around here." The three nodded and Andy looked out the window. "Shit! Pat we have to get her into Pete's room now!" I looked at him confuzed and Patrick looked out the window as well, then his face dropped. "Joe you take her." Joe picked me up and started carrying me down a hall before I could protest. "Gah, Joe!" He smiled down at me and kept walking until he reached the last door. He raised his hand to knock, but the door flew open. I could see eyes in the darkness. Pete. His arms quickly reached out and grabbed me, pulling me into the dark room with him and slamming the door just before the sunlight hit it. He looked down at me, spread his lips into what looked like a smirk and dropped me on a mattress on the floor. "Ouch. Dammit. What the hell was that for!?" I heard Pete snicker. "For fun." I felt him lie down beside me on the mattress. Stupid bastard, I thought. "Heh, like that's the worst anyone's ever called me." I jerked around to look at him. "How did yo..." "I can read minds. Were you planning on telling the guys that you aren't allergic to sunlight?" My mouth dropped open. "Can you please stay out of my head? And tell me why the hell you've been following me around for the last month?" I could see him smirk. "Depends." "On what?" "Whether or not you stay here." This surprised me. "Why do you want me to stay?" He sighed and turned onto his side. I noticed for the first time that he was shirtless. Hot damn, this boy is so gorgeous! Wait, no. He's a jerk. No me gusta! His voice interrupted my thoughts. "Because it'll be easier to keep track of you and your trouble luring ass. Besides, who wouldn't want such a hot girl in their bed every night?" Ugh, ass hole. "I know. Deal with it." I got up and stormed, well limped, out of the room and into the sunlit living room area.

"Holy...whoa. You didn't die?" Andy jumped up when he saw me. "No shit sherlock. What gave you the hint? Me still standing or the breathing part?" He dropped back down on the couch, a bit hurt. I sighed. "Ugh sorry! It's just that Pete..." Andy stopped me. "Say no more, Pete is the only thing I needed to hear." I laughed and he layed back on the couch. "You can go and get something to eat in the kitchen if you'd like. Joe and Patrick are already asleep. I dunno where you'd crash besides Pete's room though." I cringed. "Do I have to?" Andy smiled. "Don't worry, if he pisses you off too much, just think of something really loud and obnoxous and yell it inside your head. He'll love that." I giggled and hugged Andy. We said our goodnights and I reluctantly went back to Pete's room. I cracked the door so I didn't let in much light in and slipped in, shutting the door behind me. I pulled off my shoes, knee high converses. After pulling off my hoodie, I started to unbutton my jeans, but stopped. Now, normally I sleep in a tank and my underwear, but I wasn't home anymore. Peeking over, Pete seemed to be asleep, so I slid my jeans down and quickly got under the covers. Pete shuffled a bit, but stilled himself. I snuggled into the pillow and quickly drifted into a sleepy state, but not before a tan, tattooed arm found its way around my waist, pulling me against a very warm chest. "JACKASS!!!!" I screamed inside my head and he yelped, falling off the mattress onto the floor. I laughed and drifted completely to sleep, one very angry Pete climbing back up beside me.

"Pssst. Pssssst!" I tossed away from the person trying to disturb my sleep. "Go die!" I heard a chuckle and then the covers were pulled off. I scrunched into a ball. My ears perked when I heard someone say "Damn" under their breath. It was then that I remembered I was only in my tank top and undies. I shot up in the bed to see a half naked Pete standing in front of me, covers in hand and eyes on me. My own eyes couldn't help but do a little admiring of their own as they went down his perfectly toned arms and chest and settling just above his pantline on his tattoo and wonderfully defined V. "Glad you like it." Pete said smirking at me, his fangs just adding to his already sexy demeanor. "You're not so bad yourself." Scowling, I got up and grabbed to covers from him, wrapping it around my waist. His face read his disappointment, but he continued to stare, his hazel eyes boring into mine. "What?" "Nothing, just thinking. I put a pair of my jeans and a hoodie out for you. Hopefully they'll fit." And with that he walked out of the room. I pulled the covers off and pulled on the jeans he had laying on the bed. Surprisingly, they did fit. Well, they managed to stay up with a belt. Picking up the hoodie, I pulled it on. it was warm and cozy. And it smelled amazing. Oh, not again! Shaking my head, I walked out into the hallway. Before I met the kitchen, Pete stepped out of the hallway, causing me to run into him and fall over. He chuckled and pulled me up onto my feet and flush into his body. "You have to be more careful, we can't have you breaking even more now can we?" Pete whispered in my ear. I couldn't surpress the shiver that ran through my body. He brushed his lips against mine, but I poked his lip with my fang and pushed him away. "Don't think that you can be an ass to me and then make up for it with a hug and a kiss." Pushing past him as he licked the blood from his lip (not that I wasn't tempted to do it myself), I went into the kitchen to find Patrick and Joe at the table, Andy making some food. I smiled at them weakly and sat next to Patrick. He eyed me curiously. Joe was looking as well. "What?" They just continued to stare. "WHAT!?" I yelled, making them both jump a bit, Joe falling from his chair. Andy supressed a chuckle as he got back up.

"What's going on with you and our dear Peter?" Patrick finally asked me. I looked at him like he was insane. "UM, absolutely nothing!.... Why?" "Well, we know he's been following you since that night we first met and there seems to be some hidden tension going on." He smirked and so did Joe. I looked up at Andy and he was smiling too. "Ugh, boys are difficult. I'm going for a walk." Before they could protest, I rushed outside and down the street. The cold night air nipped at me, a breeze blowing my hair in a black cloud behind me. I wrapped my arms around my body tightly and continued to walk. Soon, I felt a presense and sensed that I wasn't alone. Figuring it was Pete, I turned around. "Go away Peter!" I was shocked to see instead Brendon, the vampire from last night. My fists tightened into balls at my side dispite the pain in my wrist. "Um, hey." he said, coming closer to me. "What do you want?" I stepped back and my hands raised slightly, letting him know to stay back. He stopped and put his hands up. "I don't want to fight or anything. I just wanted to....apologize." Brendon's hands dropped to his sides. A shiver racked my body and before I knew it, his jacket was around my shoulders, Brendon smiling from behind me. "That'll keep you somewhat warm." I smiled gratefully and pulled it tighter around me. "Can we go for a walk? I want to explain everything to you." I stood for a moment, studying Brendon's face. He seemed sincere enough. "Alright. But No funny business." He nodded and did an Army salute. "Yes, ma'am." I laughed and we started walking down the street.
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Sorry for the lack of updates. I'm putting up chapters 4 and 5 as well to make up for it =)