Status: Short again soon

You Can't Blame Me For Hating It



Kai's POV

Pete's abrupt awakening and sudden show of affection a few days ago was no doubt awkward. For some reason, he seemed afraid of something. In the weeks I'd been living here, all of the fellas seem to be hiding something from me. Each night before they'd go out to hunt, Pete would hug me, whether I protested or not, and then the rest of the guys would tell me to keep my guard up and stay here. Although it was odd how we had met, and even more odd that I was now living with them, in some way, I liked it. Pete was a bit of a pain, but still these guys were starting to become more and more like family. Family in the sense that I now cooked, cleaned, made sure to take care of their wounds, and smack them around when they would act too stupid. You could say I was the official Mama Bear. For some reason, Pete had become more tolerable. He wouldn't make any smart remarks, he'd help me if I needed it and if I so much as winced for any reason, he was by my side asking me what was wrong. The only downside was now I couldn't even think about the possibility of even remotely being able of even hopefully trying to maybe sneak away to almost get to see Brendon. Occasionally, I'd be let out and Brendon would somehow find me, but Pete would get in his face before he could even get close enough to say hi. Other times, we'd get away with an hour, but always we would be caught. Then I'd punch and hit and scream at Pete until he had to carry me home from wearing myself out. Fun, huh?

Andy and I had become a lot closer in the month or so I had been living with them. We'd hang out in the basement and I'd watch him train. He was a very dedicated hunter. We would sit and talk about all sorts of things. Occasionally I'd try to get him to tell me what it is that they knew that I didn't. But he wouldn't budge. "Andy Roo! Tell me!! Pwease?" Yeah I know I sound like a little kid, but I really wanted to know. Andy just laughed. "Kai, I swear you'll find out when it's time for you to find out." After two months of not being able to get a single word from anyone, I decided to take things into my own hands. One night while they were out hunting, I snuck into Pat's room, trying to find some information. There were a few books that lay open on his desk. Hmm, wonder what these could be? His journal was sitting right next to it. I sat in the chair and began to read from the journal. "The legends say that the chosen one will produce the most powerful creature of the night to ever roam the earth. If Kai really is what we think she is, then we've got a real mess on our hands. No doubt William knows about the legends and wants to get...." "KAI!" I jumped, the journal falling from my hands. It was Patrick. "Oh, Patrick...I um..." His face was bright red. "Out out OUT!!!!" I dashed out as fast as I could, Pat slamming the door behind me. Joe caught me as I crashed into him. "What were you doing in Pat's room. You know that's a big no no, right?" "I just wanted some damn answers because obviously you people don't know how to let a girl know anything about something that could effect her life in a very big way." Before he could reply, Pete spun me around and pulled me into our room. So weird to say that, ugh. "Kai, stop meddling in places you don't need to put your nose. You'll find out when the time is right." Then he hugged me to him, causing me to tense. Pete sensed the discomfort and dropped me on the bed. "Go to sleep, I have to take my serum." And with that he walked out. Why was Pat writing about me? What legend was he talking about? And what did they, and William, think I was? Besides a hybrid of course. I guess it was safe to say I wasn't going to find out anytime soon.

Another weird thing happened over the time I was there, my neck was really starting to hurt on the left side. There was no bruise according to Pat, but I knew something was there. Plus, after I had brought it up, the guys have been a lot more secretive. Why, I have no idea. Every time I checked in the mirror or felt the spot, it was clear. SO what was going on? I was in the living room, modifying one of the crossbows the guys use when the boy brigade piled back into the house. Andy and Joe were deeply in a debate, their normal bumps and bruises showing, Patrick was laughing and Pete was....bleeding? "Holy cap, Pete! Are you okay?" Wow, suddenly I cared? His leg was dripping blood, but he had a smile on his face. "I'm fine, Kai. Don't get all mommy on me. We just had a little run in with the Dandies." I rushed over anyways and started to take a look at his leg. There was a huge gash in his calf. "Was Brendon there?"I asked, not looking up. Pete tensed and Andy and Joe silenced. "No. He wasn't there, unfortunately." "Ugh, such a prick." Pulling out my first aid kit, I started taking out what I thought I'd need, not noticing the rest of the guys slowly retreating to their respective rooms, Andy going with Joe since we were currently occupying his couch. I pulled up his pants to see the gash better. Then I began to intently work at cleaning the wound. Pouring some peroxide on a piece of gauze, I kneeled next to Pete as he sat on the couch. "Brace yourself sunshine, it's gonna sting." He cocked that badass smirk of his. "Don't worry, I can take the pa....GAH!!!!" He roared out in pain as I pressed the gauze to his wound hard. His leg kicked out and almost knocked me back, but I grabbed him. "Oh, hold still you big baby." He squirmed some more and then stayed still. "Thank you." "Bitch, you did that on purpose." I smiled at him and stuck out my tongue causing him to laugh. Then I pressed the gauze back on the wound carefully, causing Pete to suck in a sharp breath. I felt bad. "Sorry, love. I promise I'll be as gentle as possible." He chuckled and I looked at him, eyebrow cocked. "What?" "You called me love." I rolled my eyes. "Please, Peter. I'd sleep with Joe before I even remotely considered you like that." Pete still smiled and a whoop from Joe's room sounded through the living room as I went about finishing his wrap.

Brendon's POV: The Dandies Lair

I shot up in my bed just as William and Ryan came back with Spence and Mike in tow. I walked out in just pj bottoms. "Why the hell didn't you wake me to go?" Will smiled. "Because, we just fought Pete and his band of mortals." My fists tightened. "Calm yourself, Brendon. I know for a fact that Malakai is okay, still under their surveillance of course, but okay. And I also know that the huge gash I put in Peter's leg will catch her attention and make her wonder if you're alright. You might want to take advantage and meet up with her. And then, we can use her to lure Pete here" I smirk. "William, you are a genius." He smiled and started to follow Spence and Mike down the hall to his quarters, Ryan retreating into the kitchen. "Yeah, I know. Just make sure you get Peter to me. And I promise, the lovely Malakai won't be your only reward." I smiled and went back into my room. Grabbing some paper, I scribbled a letter and slid out into the night. I put my letter under a rock beside the tree Kai and I last hung out at and went back home. Hopefully she'd get the letter. Hopefully it'd work. And hopefully, I get to see her again.

||.:Two Days Later:.|| Kai's POV

I decided to wake up a bit early and slip out to take a walk. By early, of course I mean like 6:30 pm, before it got dark. And by slip out, I mean go to me and Brendon's tree. Sometimes I went there just to clear my head. When I got there, I found a note, a little weather blown. He wanted to meet me and told me it was urgent. Back home, Joe and Andy had somehow fallen asleep together playing video games on the couch and Patrick, the poor sweetie, had fallen asleep on one of his inventions in the kitchen. From what I knew, Pete was still in his room. Well, our room, I guess. So, I assumed that I'd be safe. But of course, you must never assume, because you'll most likely be wrong, and most likely get in trouble....which is always what I seem to do.
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So, a sneaky relationship huh? And what exactly are the guys not telling Kai? Find out soon.....maybe =)