Status: Short again soon

You Can't Blame Me For Hating It



"Hey, Pete?" He was sitting on the couch in the living room, looking livid. His eyes lifted towards me. "Hmm?" "Can we take a walk?" He just sat there for a minute, then nodded and got up and walked out of the door without saying a word. "Well that was awkward." I looked up and saw Andy Joe and Pat peeking out the door. I flicked Andy off and walked out, speed limping to catch up to Pete. My leg was healing but the constant fighting wasn't helping much. We walked down the street for about a minute before he suddenly stopped. "Are you okay, Pete." He walked over to a curb and sat down. I followed and sat beside him. "Pete, I understand now why you wanted to keep me away from Brendon. He was just....using me." I couldn't take it and just broke down. I am such a puss. Pete's arms wrapped around me. "Shhh, it's okay. I'm sure he wasn't..." "No, he admitted that he was, right before you got there. He said that he just wanted to get me there for Will." I was turned into his shoulder now. We sat there for about twenty minutes, me crying and Pete rocking me back and forth. When the tears finally stopped, I lifted my head. "Thanks Pete." He smiled a bit and nodded. "Wow, my life is so messed up. In one day I find out the guy I thought liked me was just using me, a crazed vampire lord wants to make my child, the man I was supposed to marry end up being under my nose the whole time...." "What!? You were going to be married? To who?" I sighed. I forgot the guys didn't know about Ryan, or much of my life before I met them. So, I got comfy and started to explain. And explain. And explain. Soon it was almost dawn and Pete and I had shared almost everything about each other. He was so easy to talk to. I hate to admit it, but I think I may actually like him. As a friend at least.

Over the next week, my wrist had healed completely (I heal faster because of my vampire blood) and I had been spending a lot of time with Pete. Half because he would barely let me out of his sight now that he had stolen me from William twice and half because I......actually wanted to. We had gotten to know each other much more in the last few days. He still doesn't know that I was awake when he confessed his "love" to me and I plan on keeping it that way for as long as I humanly....erm, hybridly can. I found out that he loves hoodies(big shock) and the band the Smiths. He found out all about my history with Ryan, which he took surprisingly well. He told me about his family and how he had to leave after he changed. We were sitting on the roof of a building overlooking the city one night talking. "I still go by my house sometimes. Check on my mom. Make sure William stays away from her. He'll do anything just to get to me, as you probably realized." "Why does he want to come after you so badly?" Pete sighed and leaned back on his hands. "Until I came along, William could pretty much get away with anything he wanted to. His band of vampires just continued to grow in power and he was hoping to be running the city and possibly the state by now. After he turned me, I discovered just how controlling the blood-lust could be. I fought off the urge to drink and soon Patrick was able to concoct a serum to keep my thirst down. But William's thirst is for more than blood. He wants control. Power. And he doesn't give a shit about the costs."

I didn't realize just how much William wanted control. It was almost as though his life...or lack thereof...fed off of how many people feared him, bowed to him, listened to his every whim. I laid down on my back next to him, not sure of what to say. "Hey Kai?" I looked up at him. "Why don't you like me?" I sat back up and looked straight at him. "Pete, when we first met, you almost crushed my throat. Then, you stalk me for a month straight, cutting into my fights and then disappearing before I can ask you why. You did save me from William, but when you lot made me come and stay with you, you acted like I was some burden to you. Why didn't you just let William keep me if I'm so horrible? Or is there a reason you like saving my "trouble luring ass"?" Pete sat silent for a minute, then got up and walked over to the other side of the roof. "Ugh, Peter!" I got up and walked over to where he was standing and turned him to face me. I was determined for him to tell me, even though I already knew full and well why. "Why do you even care about what happens to me, because I know that it's not just because of Will. Why even bother, knowing I can take care of myself just fine? What aren't you telling me, Pete?" His hands gripped my arms and jerked me into him. His eyes bored into mine for a moment. "I do it because I care. From the minute I saw you fight I knew there was something special about you. The way you've accepted us, turned us into your family, said so much. When you started seeing Brendon, I couldn't help but be jealous. I wanted so much to have someone care about me the way you did with him, especially considering what we are. But there's something deeper than that. I...." He didn't get the chance to finish.

"There you two are!" Pat came up the stairs of the roof, Pete pushing me away from him. "we've been looking for you two for an hour. I've found something out that I need you guys to see. Come on!" Patrick was extremely excited about whatever it was he found. I was still a bit stunned from Pete's explanation. It wasn't until he grabbed my arm and started guiding me behind Pat that I realized I was even moving. "Kai, are you okay?" I nodded, not even knowing who was talking to me. When we got back home, Pat practically dragged us into his room, where Joe and Andy were waiting. Andy hugged me and pulled me into his lap. "You okay?" I nodded again, looking up and Pete and then back at my hands. I was still trying to process what he said. "Kai, Pete, I've discovered something that is going to change EVERYTHING!" Great, like everything hadn't changed enough already.
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Pleeeeease don't throw rocks at me for my updating sooner. Today is my birthday (WOOT!) and the first time I've been able to breathe pretty much between work and midterms. I promise by the end of next week to have four more chapters up, or so help me I' tape a cd to my leg!.....yeah

comments = LOOOOVE =)