If I stay

If i stay, will you make sure we'll be alright?

After my sister had been wheeled out the front door of the place she had only just began to live, I kissed her forehead and smiled at her, telling her that I would call her every day and that we would never lose touch. I promised her that I would always love her. That I would see her soon.
But as most things go, I could only really tell her what she wanted to hear, knowing that I had no control over if it really happened.
The door closed with a soft click as I handed Ashlynn to Kenz. “Take her for a little bit, will you?” I asked, walking away before she had the chance to reply. Darcy ran over to me, her small pigtails bouncing with each step she took.
“Lilah? Is Livies ever coming back?” Darcy looked up at me with her big green eyes, tilting her head to the side.
“No, baby. She’s not coming home.” I picked her up as she cried into my shoulder, gently rocking her back and forth. As I saw Jordan climbing the stairs, I called after him, desperately needing his help.
“Hey Fia! Jordan told me he wanted to watch a movie with you! It’ll only be you two in his room. He’s going to make you popcorn too!” I made up the lie quickly, doing anything so I could get away for just a few minutes. I quickly handed a now excited Darcy to Jordan, who simply nodded at me, before rushing upstairs.
Once I got into our room, I locked the door and threw myself onto the bed. I hadn’t sobbed like this since the day my parents were killed. I hadn’t let everything go. I couldn’t. My little sisters, Darcy now included, needed me. I couldn’t break down. I couldn’t scream or sob or kick and punch the wall as I had been desperately wanting to for the past few days. I had to stay strong.
But now Khyrsty was gone. Khrysty had a new family. She was happy. She could get an electric chair. She could get new clothes more then once a year. She could grow and learn and become anybody she wanted to be. Khrysty was moving on. And, I think, that’s what hurt me the most.
As I cried into my pillow, I thought of everything that had happened. My parents had died. My sister had been in a come for three days. We had been moved into the orphanage. We had grown close to Darcy. Khrysty had been adopted. Things had changed. We had changed. And for once, change was not a good thing.
My parents were dead. They were gone. And although they may not have been the best of role models, they were flesh and blood. They loved us, even if they didn’t show it often enough. Parents are parents. They can’t be replaced by overweight women in flowy dresses. They can’t be replaced by anyone. And I hoped to hell that James and Maria would remember that. I hoped that my mother and father, looking up or down from where ever they were, would realize that. And I hoped that they would be sorry. Because more then the sadness or the pain or the overwhelming sense of responsibility, I was angry.
I was angry that they left. Angry that they didn’t care. Angry that they barley said goodbye before leaving forever. I was angry that the people who were supposed to love us more then their own lives were hardly around to witness ours. I was angry that the people who were supposed to be there for us through everything, didn’t make it to their youngest child’s second birthday. I was angry that Ash would have to grow up without parents. Angry that I had to grow up so fast. Angry about everything that had happened over the course of the past two weeks. But really, angry didn’t even begin to cover what I was feeling.
After two hours, a small knock echoed in the hollow room. “Lilah? Lilah it’s time for dinner!” Darcy’s small voice greeted me as I quickly wiped off my face and opened the door.
“Hi, baby. Did you have fun with Jordan?” I smiled as she began animatedly retelling Sleeping Beauty and Snow White. I listened in rapture, as if I had never heard of the stories before as she babbled. Right before we reached the dining room, Kenz pulled me aside, Darcy on my hip, and into her office.
“Now, Addisyn. You know how I’ve been buried in paperwork for the past week?” she nodded to herself and continued speaking, not leaving time for me to respond. “Well, I’ve found your father.”
Wait… what?
♠ ♠ ♠
WOAH that is short.
anyhowwww i have 21 subscribers. and i love you.
and i lied.
and im sorry.
but i SWEAR on JIMMYs soul that a7x will be in the next chapter.
how do i know this?
because im writing it right this moment.
i love you all so very much
thank you for reading/subscribing/commenting!
hope you enjoyed this!