Status: on going

Guess Who Your Father Is Going To Be?!?

Guess Who Your Father Is Going To Be?!? 1

Every thought rushing around. Thoughts of things seen and places gone. Thoughts of life and death. But everything stays away from the sealed doors. Nobody or thing knows what's behind the doors. Smart people tend to stay away from things that they fail to understand... or that results in a change of chacater for someone. Then again this is just my ideal thinking when there's nothing better to do.

Let's see where to start this wounderous story of ours. I think we should start around the time of the wreck. But before the wreck there was a family. This family was your average family on the outside. You had the kids that every parent wanted and every kid wanted to be or hated. But on the inside was something of complete chaos. There was the father who was an abusive drunk and "respectable" man at work. The mother that all 5 of her children were very close too. You had the youngest who was only 2 yrs old. Then the one that was 3 1/2 yrs old. A 10 yrs old that was kind. Lastly, you had the twins. They were the oldest and the protectors of the younger ones. They were both 16 yrs old. Now an explanation on the wreck. There was the whole family, minus the twins. It wasn't the safest they have been for the parents were druck off their asses. Which resulted in them not seeing the light turning red or the car that was coming to fast. By the time anything clicked the parents and the 2 & 10 year old kids were dead. The 3 year old and twins were immediatly sent to the local orphange to await their parents will to be read. This is were we start off, at the time were the kids had only but each other and the few things they got from home. Now question of where is mommy and daddy? What happen to our brothers and sister? Why can't we live at home? The only answer that is given to the 3 year old is not very satisfying, for all it is, is a hug and kiss good night with a promise of when the time is right we will be home again.