Status: On Going

Will you love me

The first Meeting

I laid on the roof of a hotel. Now early in the morning a cool breeze slid through the little holes in my clothes. I laid on the edge watching the people in Tokyo do their morning-to night thing that was a never ending cycle.

Someone was always far I saw three purse snatches,two car jacking, and one rape. Why didn't I help? Why did I just stay on the roof of a 40 story hotel and just watch?

What was I even doing up here in the first place? Well lets say I'm a tourist and my brother -younger- locked me up here. He wanted to show me something so I followed him up here. Well I just had about enough of seeing Tokyo form up here.

"Hey get off the roof this is a employee's only section." I sat up and turned my heard to stare at a boy my age 18-19 me 18 wearing a janitor uniform.

"Are you deaf?" No I wasn't but I have a thing about strangers. Never trust them you don't know where they might swift your feet off to.

"Damn tourist." he uttered in Japanese like I didn't know it. I stood up fully ,shoving my hands in my pockets I stared at him.

"Sorry I was locked up here." whispered softly the air made it almost impossible to hear. He crossed his arms giving me a stern look.

"You shouldn't be up here in the first place." He was scolded me? Sounds like my mother... just without the yelling tone.

"I know my brother threw me out here yesterday and locked the door."

no words spoken I guess he couldn't find any?? Well thought so till his eyes caught how close to the edge I was.

"Hey step over here you'll fall off the edge." I looked behind me staring at the ants below the people walking without a care in the world , as the cars went with destination's in mind.

"Who cares." the soft whisper was caressed by the air as if it mourned for me.

He looked a bit taken back by my words.

"Well your family." he pointed out a obvious answer to any other family maybe.

"They couldn't careless." once more staring off the edge so tempted just to jump and end this thing called life of mine.

"Well someone must...."

"Nope , I don't even care."

Silent beautiful silence it was my friend. A breeze came pushing along my back as it was urging me to jump.

"Oi get back!" I was leaning forward more my toes passed the edge. A harsh tug brought me back slamming on a hard yet soft surface hearing a painful grunt came.

"What are you stupid?!" lifting my head up staring at his glaring eyes.

"No I had all straight A's through school...and I graduated college in two years at the top of my class."

'That's not what I meant stupid, you could of died!" He said as if he cared Ha.

"Again who cares?"

"I do! the last thing I need is to be a witness to someone killing themselves." A small smiled curled on my lips followed by a so, so soft laugh.

"Sorry , for causing you trouble." He sighed slightly

"Damn your cold!" his hand hand went to my arm to push me off but froze as he felt how cold I was. His hand tingled my skin.

Anyway It was in the middle of winter and I was out here all night.

"your going to get hypothermia!" He was exaggerating but it was a nice change of pace.

I shook off his hand lightly and leaned down kissing his lips softly a slight electric like buzz zapped between our lips or maybe it was just because he was warm and I was a ice cube.

Pulling back I smiled down at him .

"Thank you." the soft whisper was caressed once more his face was priceless.
"Hm??" I stood up and walked to the door that lead off the roof.

Latter on that day I found myself locked out of the room my parents and brother are having family time.

"Oh its you." looking up to a familiar voice it was the janitor from before. I leaned my head back against the door staring at him .

"Hello again." He had a bucket with a mop in it he put a hand on his hip.

"hat are you doing here?"

"My parents locked me out . They want family time with my brother." He just stood there for a few moments then knocked on the door loudly. I was up holding his balled fist that knocked on the door.

"Taylor be quite!!" heard my mother yell I groaned slightly cringing to her yell.

"Sorry! Please don't do that. You'll make them upset." whispered the last two line's he was in utter shock.

"But this is your room to!"

"Shh." I let go of his hand waving my hands down trying to get him to lower his voice.

"That is some bullshit." he grumbled I covered his mouth with a hand leaning closer so the whisper wouldn't be heard.

"Please they can hear you." He stared at me with a look that was unreadable. My stomach cut the silence dropping my hand from his mouth to my stomach.

"Idiot there is a kitchen down stairs." He grabbed my arm pulling me along with the bucket in the other hand thankfully on wheels.

"I cant. It will go on my parents bill and if they see something they didn't order I'll be in trouble." He looked at me and grumbled something I couldn't make out under his breath.

"Your really a hassle do you know that?"

"Sorry.." he looked away from me I smiled only slightly

"Come on." He muttered and continued on dragging me along

Doing a slight jog to keep up with his fast walking pace he got to a room and flung open the door.It was a normal hotel room. Just more homey looking.

"You can stay here I got to get back to work. Eat, sleep, bathe whatever." He said waving to some place's pointing them out.

"Thank you?" he left without another word closing the door behind him. I looked around and my stomach let out another upset growl...well I know what I'm doing first.
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I had this idea in my head for a while. It's a more slowed down one instead of my other one "Be my Toy" where it's just all action all the time something always going on , or something always going wrong. So yeah.