Status: On Going

Will you love me

Sleeping Molester

Caleb's P.O.V.

Now in the car driving back to the hotel, he was passed out cold. I mean he went down like a two ton truck on ice. It was just BAM! But on the bright side we bathed before leaving the club in the small private shower so we didn't smell to much of booze, sex, drugs, and well even more sex. Because what kind of youth's like us just do it once?.
The image's wouldn't leave my mind, which was trouble since my dick keeps twitching to them. Him withering beneath me the second time, and screaming in pleasure having his fingers curling on my back trying to pull me closer to him, and into him. Shut up, shut up! You to Mr.Dick aww man.
Sighing heavily giving up on trying to get rid of the slowly erupting hard on. There was no way that kid had another go in him, and he's passed out cold. Like I already told you. So out of it.
Looking over at him, his head resting on his arms that were laying across the center console, he looked some what in peace while sleeping. And in pain. But there always seemed to be some sort of pain washed across his face, more in his eyes though that is always hidden by the mass of hair on his head. Why are you so sad? Thought stopping at a light that shined a brilliant red. Having a hand drop from the wheel going over to his soft locks.

And why do I want you even more now? My brain was rattled as every sense of mine just wanted to keep him close, and then chain him up when he tries to leave. Him laying there looking weak, pained, but content had my heart wrenching and driving me crazy. Fuck. Groaned slightly, shaking my head. A small whimper from the sudden growling like groan went through the car making me stop. Even in thoughts. Gazing down at the still figure just watching. Watching intently.

Those eyes fluttered open, hair moved to the side showing them off. Taylor stared up at me looking like he was going to fall asleep again, and he should. Leaning down on impulse brushing a kiss against his forehead that was still wet from the shower. He smelled of flowers, it always made my head feel fluffy. I mean the soaps from those places. So fluffy.

"Nh.." He leaned further forward sliding off of the center console and more into my lap.

"Sleep." A horn startled me, looking in the review mirror the driver looked furious. Shooting my eyes forward as the light now shined a bright green. Dammit. Continuing to drive, now on full effort to keep a boner away. Which was even more difficult as he kept nuzzling into me getting closer and closer to the twitching pride.
I let out a manly cry.
Stop oh god stop.... Drug out as I almost let my head drop on the wheel. But it jerked upward more and he shifted more and more.

"Ah." God he's molesting me in his sleep! How is that even possible? It should totally be against the law! Holy mother of mary! Holding my hips firmly down into the seat dead focused on the hotel that was approaching rapidly while thinking of the most disgusting thing I ever saw in the men's bathroom, which had that bio hazardous team come by and clean up. Lets just say someone puked out their insides that left me sick for a month.

The boner slowly went down as I drove into my parking spot outside of the hotel. When the car went quite, a huge breath slid out of my mouth. Banging my head on the back of the seat. It wasn't that great of sex, I mean yeah sure it felt good. And yeah those fingers were a new feeling. And maybe it was a little fun doing it with a guy. But it wasn't great!

"Mh..." Popping my eye lids open looking back down. I should have buckled the guy in. As he now looked like a kitty rolled up in my lap. God he was so small. Watching intently as his nose rubbed against the pressured pride of mine.

"Ah." His face rubbed into it as it was a pillow for him now. Fine, I take it back. It was amazing. Just stop torturing me in your sleep! Get my telepathic wave signals man! Your killin' me! No your killing my dick! I swear it's going to fall off because of so much blood going to it. AH no !! Having his shoulders pulling him up my chest as he was nuzzling into my waist more.

"Hah..." He groaned a bit, seeing his eyes through his hair slowly open very dazed. What to say, what to say? No words came out as I tried to find words on his new position. But instead just pulled him close and took those slightly drooled on lips. His body tensed but then relaxed. Oh nice dip shit. Real smooth, heh well this is some what smooth isn't it? Smirking about that before pulling away.

"Were here." Feeling his body tremble slightly, I barely caught the tremble. Why did he tremble?

"Why did you tremble? Cold?" Taylor shook his head, seeing pink crawling up his neck. My worry settled man I was sighing allot lately, another came out.

"Lets go." Pushing the door open. He got out, unbuckling myself following him. Before he could take another step forward I grabbed his wrist pulling up, my other hand hit the back of his knees. Now holding him bridal style kicking the car door shut.


"Your...strange." He whispered, looking down at him smirking.

"Says the guy who's a selfish person in bed but not anywhere else?" Bam that pink went to red instantly.

"Ha ha ha ha." A scowl imprinted his face, but was soon in a small smile. Jesus.

"Your killing me." Told him, his mouth opened in a confused way.

"Slowly." Whispered in seriousness with a smile pulling hard at my lips as I headed up to the bedroom. My heart seamed to flutter before pinching painfully at my words.

No...your killing me quickly. So quick...
♠ ♠ ♠
W O R D S : 1 0 5 1

Yeah delayed this one again didn't I? Sorry!

So what do you think?
Dun dun dun 'the sleep molester' Beware. Ha ha ha