Status: On Going

Will you love me

To Much

Taylor's P.O.V.

At the store I was a pinch close to just running out of the freaking store and dragging Caleb along after throwing what he has picked up on the floor. Honestly the pile just keeps getting bigger and bigger. And he seems to be having fun, thus the reason why I haven't yanked him out of the store yet.

"You cant get me that much clothes Caleb." That chuckle came again, I was about to hit him over the head every time he did laugh since it was always in a way of teasing, your not getting your way, or your adorable. The only part I like is the last one. But mainly it's usually the first two. And this one was number two.
So not getting my way.

"You said that five minutes ago."

"And I still mean it, put that down. I only need one set. Or none; I can just go back into the hotel room and wash my other ones, Caleb." Whined pulling on his arm a bit. But he didn't budge he just kept looking through clothes.

"Shut it I'm going to get you some clothes." Stubborn why do you have to be so stubborn?

"You don't need to get this much." He looked at the clothes in his arms then the one that he started to pick up off the rack. Then to me.

"But they all would look so good on you." Throwing up my arms in defeat. Nothing I say gets through to him, sheesh. Why is he even bothering to buy me any clothes in the first place when I wear his? Shaking my head confused to hell and back. Looking up at him he seemed like a little kid who was just given everything he ever wanted.

"Mh." Pouting slightly he looked at me to the sudden noise, a soft chuckle coming from him. As I saw it coming, he does it a lot now lately. Caleb's lips pressed a kiss on the tip of my nose before pulling away.

"Don't worry about it cup cakes." A gurgling sound coming from me as he said it again. Nya, why does he have to keep saying that?! Turning walking away with his laughter echoing in the store. Sighing heavily walking up and down isle's picking up random things just to read them, then setting them back down. Continuing down isles till I got to the hair section. Looking in a mirror that dangled on a clip. I could barely see myself in the mirror or better yet where I actually walk. But as long as I don't bump into anyone, right?

Pushing up the blob of hair staring at my eyes. Hate, I hate them. But Caleb loves them. Opposites attract huh? Hair slid back in to place. Turning looking at the large variety of hair dyes. Grabbing a random one that looked nice staring at it. Red... mh.

"I should be the- OOF!!" A large, brick wall just whipped around the corner and flattened me to the floor.

"Oh I'm sorry are you alright?" It was a girls voice. Looking up at the hand that was offered taking it a bit hesitantly. She pulled me up without effort at all. I was at least eight inches shorter than her.

"It's alright, and yes." Mumbled out, she looked like she just had fallen in love. Hopefully not with me. I instantly took notice of her bright blue contacts. She was suddenly hugging me.

"Oh your so cute and adorable! So small, it just makes me want to wrap you up and take you home with me!"

"My lady please stop." Dying, dying! The man there pulled her off of me to let me live. Yay for me.

"Sorry but he's just so pint size! It's cute, and look at his clothes. They make him look even smaller! I love you will you marry me?" I backed away waving my hands back and forth. The red hair dye was flung across the floor in the fall.

"N-no sorry." A pout formed on her lips.

"Why not?!" Tears forming in those eyes making me back up more.

"Sorry. I'm sorry." Whispered out more apologies moving backwards.

"Taylor, there you are I am ready to check out!!" He sounds happy - What the?! He slowed down to a stop staring at me with a big cheesy grin on his face. No that wasn't the problem. The problem was the two foot stack of clothes in his arms when he came around the corner!

Just how did he pile that much clothes there anyway?!

"Caleb, why- how- put all of those clothes back I only need one pair!" Whined almost falling to my knees at the sight of some of those price tags. Seeing the ones that turned to me my brain already calculated over 200 dollars.

"No I cant help it you need these! Plus your mom and dad are fucked up and I bet they don't buy you anything. So get over it, I'm buying you these!" He leaned closer to me teasing my lips only a bit with a peck.

"Did you even calculate how much this is costing you? From here I see 253 dollars, Caleb please put all of that stuff back." He looked at the clothes then back to me.

"My dad owns a famous hotel. You don't think he doesn't pay me well?" My hand met my forehead pushing the forming head ache further.

"Caleb put them back I have plenty of clothes."

"So says you, I bet your parents buy stuff for your brother instead of you." I shrugged and waved my hands around a bit.

"Who cares?"

"I care dammit not stop your whining and lets go. Oh hey this would do you some good ha ha ha." He picked up a hair band. I just stared at the clothes that seemed to be balanced on one arm instead of two. How is he doing that? Knocked away as he pushed the head band thingy in my hair pushing it back behind my ears. Rubbing my temples slightly, bowing my head down.

"Caleb this is a girl thing."

"So? Huh, oh who are you guys?" He stared at the two that err or one that bumped into me.

"Your stupid looking." The girl said plain as day. Making me gape a bit.

"What the hell did you say you little brat? If my hands weren't full I would show that I can beat your ass with one hand. You spoiled - Gak what was that for?" Caleb asked looking at me as I yanked on his ear.

"Caleb." Whined desperately not wanting to cause another rucks today. Caleb seemed to falter under it, grabbing my hand that hung on his ear. Rubbing his cheek against it slightly.

"Alright." The anger in his tone seemed to disappear instantly as if he wasn't called a fag. I smiled slightly to the new tone that came instantly because of me. I like this...
The fluttering in my chest came back and started to explode outwards. Looking at the two that stood there they just seemed to be intently looking at my eyes.

"I'm sorry about this rucks." I noticed I could see them just fine. Oh the hair thingy! Pulling it out quickly tossing it on the rack with other hair stuff.

"Aw why did you do that?" Caleb complained following me as I turned to walk away.

"People keep staring..." Whispered sadly he chuckled softly this time. Not teasing? He walked closer to me.

"They're just jealous. I am to." His arm wrapped around me. I like you a lot Caleb...



"Adorable cup cakes!"

To much...
♠ ♠ ♠
W O R D S : 1 2 9 3

Yeah I know, I know.

Whats up with these chapters?
Why haven't they had sex again, yet?

This is a filler chapter. Almost like the last, but still. These two chapters are very important to the plot that I have in mind.