Status: On Going

Will you love me

I just want you

Taylor's P.O.V.

"Come on it will be fun! Besides it's a proposition you don't really have to." The woman said in a really mysterious way. Or not, it was the tone of begging. The man also seemed a bit desperate for something.

"What's in it for him?" Caleb asked for me as words were bottled up behind my lips and didn't seem to fly out.

"Whatever he asks for." The man said calmly watching me. Or I think he was watching me it's hard to tell with those glasses planted on his face to know for sure.

"Yeah! You can even get a free scholarship to the Dhakiya University." Wow even I knew of that school, and I'm not even from Japan! Whoa... but I already graduated from a college. But this school, free? Other than that a complete side note. Dhakiya name is Swahili ...were in Japan shouldn't it be a Japanese name?

"Hah that wont work, he's already graduated from college." She looked at me as the words tumbled off of Caleb's lips like word vomit. And I had seem to strike an interest in the bodyguard finally. The three stared at me even more now. Now I know what burning holes from staring feels like.

"Really how old are you?" She asked softly not sure if she should ask the question or at least that's what it sounds like. My question is why do they want me to pretend to be his son?

"Eighteen." The body guard turned more towards me as I fidgeted in my seat and started to play with a string that was attached to the bottom of the shirt. It was suddenly feeling a bit stuffy in this wide open room where others came and left minding their own business, but still curious about the two men dressed in black.

"Oh wow when did you graduate from college? Wait no better yet high school?"

"I had just turned 15...and graduated college when I was 17." Slowly said not sure why it was really important, but people are easily amazed these days. People should really study more then they would find it not that incredible.

"Wow your smart, polite, hot, and cute all in one package!" Blushing slightly to the compliments hearing a growl come up in Caleb's chest and feeling his grip tighten on my knee. Why is he being so protective? But to that thought it started to feel warm and fluffy. Well just for a moment.

"The only problem is the mop that hangs in front of your eyes." She leaned over the table showing a great amount of boobs almost making my stomach revolt. God not to be mean but the cushions of fat are just disgusting. Her fingers pushed my hair out of my face sliding it behind my ears quickly like a pro. Wincing slightly to the light that came with opening my personal drapes.

"Oh sorry did I hurt you?" She whispered I took a quick notice of Caleb's twitching fingers, staring at him once more he seemed like a lion ready to pounce as she slid back into her seat.

"No, it's just bright. If you don't mind me asking why do you want me to pretend to be your son?" Asked feeling naked now with my hair pushed back and for the first time it didn't spring back. Why?!
Shifting in the seat once more relaxing as Caleb's fingers slid up and down my knee.

"My first son doesn't hold the family heritage..."

"So what does that have to do with him?" The man sighed and pulled off his sun glasses. Feeling my eyes widen to his eyes that were the same as mine. Dark blue and starry looking.

"And I need someone to pretend to be my first son that does have the same eyes." I couldn't pull my eyes away from his. Him the same, they just stayed on mine. I came to the quick conclusion that he may be my father but he was like 6'2 and I'm like very short. He has a huge body like a body builder and I'm thinner than his daughter with the girl curves included. He looked mean and well I'm not, and my mom isn't nice either so don't know who would I get nice and quite from.

"For how long?" His eyes glittered in some what victory like I had already said yes.

"Just a day. Tomorrow at a celebration, my son was suppose to make an appearance, but everyone seems to be more excited to see if he's gotten the first born family trait." The words itched at the back of my throat harshly.

"Why don't you just tell them the truth?" Whispered unsure on how to go about the personal question. It fell as silent as it could in a skating arena.

"No one would believe me. 10 generations of my family all first child's were boys and all first child's had the eyes. So they wont believe me anyway." Itching again fidgeting in the chair that squeaked slightly.

"And your daughter?"

"They already know of her, and her eyes aren't quite the same." Sucking in part of my bottom lip, nipping at it.

"Hey you don't have to do it, besides your leaving in a few days right?" Caleb asked quietly leaning in my ear, the three seemed to ignore that we were together and silently flirting. Well he was with his cursed hand and soft hot words that whisped into my ear.

"I know...I'll do it." Smiled a bit not really sure if it was the smartest idea, but it might be interesting to go to a huge celebration for something unknown.

"Oh that's great! So what do you want?!" The woman cheered up from her seat now doing a little dance around the table stopping by me.

"Nothing." Whispered quietly pulling on the string some more trying to ignore their burning gazes even if it wasn't a hostile gaze.

"Nothing? Come on there must be something you want. And this is a big deal so no one just wants nothing from a rich powerful family. What you want money or something?" She seemed to be doing most of the talking when it came to what I wanted. And the other two didn't seem to mind at all. Less work for them right?

I want to stay with Caleb. My stomach felt like it was burning slowly and it was uncomfortable. Forever...

"No thank you. Your reputation is known quite well but I do not desire your money or anything you may offer. I already have what I want for the time being." Standing up slowly my hair flowed back to cover my eyes making me feel a bit more comfortable. They stood up as well the man got in his coat pocket and gave me a card.

"I'll come get you tomorrow at 10 a.m. where are you staying?"

"Hills and Tree's hotel. " Not noticing my fingers threading with Caleb's.

"Just page room 201 and ask for Caleb Roberts." Caleb spoke before turning dragging me along.

"Caleb that was rude..."

"Sorry but they look like their going to eat you. And besides with you rubbing up against me with all that fidgeting I got a boner from hell." The heat tingled the back of my neck before I realized he was jogging on ice skates stumbling allot just to get me out.

Looking up at him smiling a bit more now.

"Thank you." He flashed me that dazzling knee melting look that pierced right through me.


I just want you...
♠ ♠ ♠
W O R D S : 1 2 6 9

Off of vacation and here's the next update. Bonzai!

Anyway leave some love in the comments and thank you for your comments,


=) Loves ya all!