Status: On Going

Will you love me


Caleb's P.O.V.

I was just fine without Taylor there. It's only been like four days now since I met him. I mean there wasn't that big of a imprint of him here. I mean just his clothes, his intoxicating scent, and the dishes he used the day before. I mean it's nothing huge, it's like he was never here!!

Ha ha ha ha ha yeah fucking right! I'm going god dang nuts! Absolutely bonkers!Through the hours he's been away I couldn't keep my mind off of him. His voice, face everything just seemed to be rushing back and it made things unbearable. The feelings I kept from ever surfacing and telling me what they are were coming up. My insides were shouting in anger from that girl and letting him go alone, and a strong grip of fear had come over me when it sunk in that he was gone.

Even if I knew it was for the day or so it was still a day that I'd never get back. A day less to be with him. To hold him, to cradle him in my arms while enjoying his content sighs. His lips rubbing lazy kisses on my hands showing small warm affection. And that sweet gut wrenching smile of his that he seems to only show to me

Fuck what will this horrible feeling feel like when he's actually gone for good? Questioned now flopping onto my bed it was around four p.m. now. I had worked since Taylor left. Which was early morning. My eyes landed on a article of his clothing. It was the one that ripped in half. A small smile pulled on my lips as the memory played in my head.

"Ugh!!" Rolling over yanking on my hair to try and pull the memory out and forget it completely. Dammit. Cursed repeatedly having my head deep in the pillow to block out everything that reminded me of him. But his sweet light musky smell was engraved in the fluffy pillow. Taking a deep breath having it held for a few moments before daring to let any out. The breath came out sounding like a whimper.Go get him. A whisper taunted in my head. Turning over having the pillow wedged between my arm and head. Rolling on the other pillow so both sides of my head were blocked.

I cant...he's not mine.Even if I want him to be ...

Caleb thank you. His voice echoed in my head. Pulling my eye lids tightly closed. The image's of him kissing me softly with so much passion. I just wanted to die there. It was like he was speaking to me without words. Only actions. Like he was begging me to stay with him.I couldn't move from the spot at the time even if I wanted to. All the image's of every moment I spent with him came into mind.

Thank you...for making me happy.

Groaning loudly rolling over only to fall onto the hard, cold, wood flooring that was cluttered with some clothes. The pillow came into actual use. I didn't move as I stared and tried to focus on nothing but the color of the wall which is a soft cream color.

Taylor...what will I do when your gone? Had never experienced these feelings before for with a male. Or for a tourist for that fact. I never even had that gut pulling feeling of something horrible coming to happen, not even when my best friend died. I didn't even feel this heart turning feeling for my parents, or any kind of love for them much. But if you asked me if I loved them four days ago, I would of said yes without a second thought.Go get him. The voice whispered again making a pain start to flare in my head forming into a light throbbing headache.

I don't even know where he is. What occasion it is, how to get in where ever it is. There's no plan. Told it really thinking I fell off the deep end to be talking to some voice in my head. Is this how people get schizophrenic? They feel like they are losing something and a voice comes to talk to them when they need someone the most.And then? There is no plan for love. It just happens.

Staring at the cream walls, closing my eyes once more.

...That's right I love him. And that wasn't planned either.

"Guh." Sliding my eyes open feeling stinging pain in them. No I will not cry over it. Standing up my body had seem to be moving on it's own when I shot out the door not bothering to see if it snapped back closed from hitting the wall so hard. Paying no heed to the people I almost crashed into, or the yells they threw at me. The burning sensation that made it's way into my hips and lungs. Choosing to take the stairs as my mind went almost completely blank with only one thought on mind.


I was almost out of the building when I did crash into someone. A big someone, flying backwards practically. The guy was a huge wall. Looking up with anger filling my veins. He looked at me the same way. A woman stood there she was the same one from the bathroom, as well as a teenager. They all looked like they just got back from shopping.

"Watch where your going boy."

"It's the janitor I told you about." The woman said with distaste while staring at me as I pulled myself up off of the floor. Oh I loathed this person. And I'm guessing her family aren't that great either.

"I don't have time to deal with this." Hissed moving around them only to be grabbed by my arm. The man held in with a very intimidating gaze that thickened the air around me. As soon as Taylor's face slid into mind the woman spoke.

"Honey not in front of the hotel." Her whisper was unusually soft. It sparked something. Looking at her, it was like Taylor's image slid next to her face to compare.

"No, how dare he disrespect elders like that. Boy you better apologies."

Sorry, sorry, I'm sorry. The voice echoing once more, narrowing my gaze and thinning my lips.

"Your Taylor's parents." I quickly saw the disgust in their eyes. Pulling my arm out of the mans grip suddenly feeling my anger wanting to burst out of control. A strong urge to choke them.

"That thing wont ever be my son." Gritting my teeth not feeling the low growl that came out. Or hearing it.

"What did you just say?" I didn't even recognize my voice that it was so dark and dangerous. The woman seemed to waver under my gaze. Her son not to younger than me even scooted closer to her. The man however didn't even blink at it. He just looked like he did before. Disgusted.

"That 'thing' that has to stay with us till were not responsible for it will never be my son. " Something just well...I don't know. Cracked? No snapped. More like snapped and everything went almost completely black. I didn't remember anything other than hitting the floor hard with the man under me. Then the yelling of many others. I don't know who pulled me of or what. But when I finally gained my wits. The man was laying on the ground with blood all over his face and me shouting.

"He's not a god damn thing you fucking bastard!" Is what I heard. What the hell? Pushing it away and the five people that held my arms. It seems my body wasn't done yet. Or my mouth. Going over to the woman watching my hand shoot forward and grab her. Her son was on the floor unconscious. I didn't even wanna know if I did it.

"Where is he?!"

"I-I don't know! He hasn't been around since we've gotten here!" The ones I shook off came back. Ignoring them for the most part not letting my iron grip go on her.

"Not Taylor I know where he is." Sort of. " I mean your ex-husband. If your not going to love him like you should he should have someone who would at least try! Hating him for his eyes and resembling his father. You make me sick. "

"I d-don't know we split up over 18 years ago! He doesn't even know Taylor exists."

"You must have some idea where he is. Or what he does for a living. You were married to him." Calmer said but the fire was still there. I couldn't believe what I was doing. And I couldn't even control it. It's like something possessed me.

"H-he runs a very popular university. Dhakiya, dhakiya. Just please don't hurt us anymore." Shock zipped through me and lingered there bolting up and down my body when the realization hit me.

"Fine what's his name?"

"Akira Bryce." Letting her go and marching out after shaking off a couple of guys who had tried to pry me away from her.

Akira...the guy from Taylor's real father?
♠ ♠ ♠
W O R D S : 1 5 3 9

And the next part. I am guessing you have guessed it from the start that Akira is Taylor's father. Well I wasn't really trying to keep it much of a secret. Well tada! Hope you liked the whole possessed thing though.

Anyway thank you for your lovely comments!!

pasca It's a popular name I hope ha ha
Tigers and Sharks. Very jealous XD hehehe <-to the rest of your comment
TheBrokenMarionette Thank you! And I will !!