Status: On Going

Will you love me

S.T.E.A.M.Y. K.I.S.S.

Caleb's P.O.V.

Damn I hope he didn't destroy anything. I shouldn't of let him in my place. But he just looked so damn pathetic. Here it goes.

Thought already wincing to what it may look like. Turning the door knob pushing it open my eyes were tightly screwed shut. No noise came , Peaking one eye open no damage in that eye's view.

Popping open the other one there was nothing out of place in my room. Sighing happily walking in I closed the door thanking the audo lock doors

I dragged myself to the fridge opening it smirking. Well he certainly helps himself the noodles doesn't he ha ha. Where is he anyway? thought now thinking that I didn't see him when I gotten in.

Looking where the sofa was it was empty. Shutting the fridge door peering around corners. To the shower it was used but mess was minimal or no mess at all except for the small specks of dribbled water on the floor.

Well he sees an opportunity and takes it I guess. I got in the last place which was the bedroom . There he laid on the plushy bed.

Yeah take the bed fine by me. rolling my eyes slightly walking over he was passed out cold he had kicked the blankets down he was just in boxers . I stared at them.

Are those..mine? Damn dude don't you have limits of knowing what you can and cannot use?

I went to wake him up till I saw his sleeping face without all that gunky eye liner and stuff on his face he actually looked quite decent.

Or girlie? Peaceful...

My hand dropped this the black bed head hair , fingers played through some of the soft clumps of hair that de-taingled as my fingers slid through them still slightly damp.

HM whatever. Thought pulling my hand away that went to my lips remember his first impression was something. First he was about to jump off the roof without fear, he couldn't be older then me and he already went to college and finished high school.

God he still looked like a teenager. I turn 20 in like two weeks. Maybe looks are deceiving?

"I can sleep on the floor if you want." he murmured out sleepily pulling his eye lids open barely . A stunning blue gaze burned into my hazel eyes.

I never noticed his eyes before they were always covered in hair and if not that then make up.

They were dark blue orbs that looks like a starry night. Cheesy? Yes. Truth? Yes.

"No your fine. I was just shocked how you really do help yourself to everything." Said reaching down snapping the edge of the boxers. He turned over on his back his skin creamy ivory going well with making his eyes pop more.

"Sorry." he said that allot. I sighed pulling off the janitor uniform.

"Whatever I don't really care. It's not like boxers are expensive or anything. Now women's under wear would be a different thing."

"Ha ha ha that is true." he had the most gentle sounding voice I ever heard. It was quite soothing.

I went to the shower that wasn't far from the room.

"So how old are you?"

"18." I almost slipped turning around staring at him he had turned on his side to watch I guess.

"The hell you are, you graduated college and high school ? You graduate high school when you turn 18." He smiled the small half pint smile.

"I graduated when I was 15 and then did a couple years of college. They called me a genius I guess."

"Yeah no kidding." Grumbled going to the shower staring it.

"Ch I failed it twice and a kid at 15 passes it what the hell. That's not human it's a mutant from X-men." Muttered to myself guessing he heard as a hearty laugh came that was still light.

"Most kids didn't do this thing called studying." mouthing off silently to that statement which was really true. I had to study at the last moment.

"So what's your name kid?"

"Taylor..Taylor Bryce." he said I could barely hear him with the shower going. I slipped in moaning out a pleasurable sigh. Oh how hot water relaxed the tensed up muscles.

"You?" A louder voice came guess he said it twice.

"Caleb Roberts."

"Doesn't sound like a Japanese name." he sounded closer guess he spoke louder.

"It's not I was born here but made in the states. My parents are American. But I was born here in Japan. Osaka to be more specific."

"Hm I was born in New York, new york."

"You said it twice."

"Yeah I was born in the state of New York in the city of New York."

"That's confusing, why the hell do you sound so close?"

Poke. Turning he sat on the floor leaning against the wall. He now held the shower curtain open staring at me with some what of an amused gaze.

"Your really in shape."He whispered staring at me with no shame at all.

"Hey close that I'm showering!" His hand let it go as soon as close left my mouth. Hearing the familiar sorry leave his lips. A awkward silence fell I washed out the soap in my hair.

A little to awkward. I sat down on the floor of the shower leaning against the bare tile wall .

"Sorry I didn't mean to yell...just shocked me. " I heard him fidgeting with something. Peaking open the curtain looking his feet were playing footsie or something with each other.

"It's OK."

"Your a bit to forgiving. And stop saying sorry you don't need to all the time. It's almost annoying meeting someone who only really says sorry." He gazed at me blinking.

"S-I don't know what else to say...then."

"For a kid who's smart you sure are dumb.This is what people say when they were trying to lighten the mood. Jeez."

He smiled at me his eyes entrancing.


"What?" He asked now confused.

"Nothing just never really seen eyes quite like yours." I dropped the drape standing back up to finish bathing. Hearing him shuffle and feet patter against the floor. Guess he's leaving now?

Was he embarrassed.

"Thank you."

Dry arms wrapped around me I stared down at my waist the pale arms slowly flushed with the hot water sliding down them looking over my shoulder.

"For what?" Muttered

"My mother and father always hated them."


"I'm only half related to my brother..we have different fathers. I just happen to get his eyes..he well was difficult. And she hates him so much I guess I just look allot like him. And they just dislike me because of it. So..thank you."

"You have a fucked up family." His hands moved up I felt my pulse go up as well.

"I agree with that but I still love them allot." He did in his softer tone water ran down his face and neck.

He slid his hands to my neck
Would he choke me?
He pulled back wet sleek lips pushed against mine.

The tingle I felt before came our lips moved together in a synced pattern that was to quickly formed for almost complete strangers.

Lifting a hand behind me grabbing a hand full of his soggy hair pulling his lips closer and harder.

"Mm." He moaned into my mouth my pulse was off the charts almost his fingers trailed down my chest that I worked hard on . His fingers did lazy patterns the butterflies followed where they went.

Pulling away only slightly water splattered on our tangled tongues pulling mine away sucking on his slightly he sighed into it quite content.

My head then rang the bells. He's a guy your kissing a guy! my body didn't listen to the command of the brain. His fingers then pulled down scratching .

Who cares.

"Mm NH!" his lips parted

"Ah...ah." our raspy breath and the patter of water on the floor was all that was heard.

"S-sorry. A-I'll just yeah let you . . . be." he stuttered moving out of the shower quickly I held a breath then let it out quickly.
