Status: On Going

Will you love me

Wanting You

Taylor's P.O.V.

I was in awe. The party we were showing up to was a huge one! It was like one of those celebrity things. Very popular people here. I could instantly tell who some were because their face was every where in some papers or magazines back in the states or some other country. The limo came to a smooth stop. Akira looked at me as I was sitting next to him. Without choice I may add. And gave me a look. Practically saying if I screwed up I was in hell. Strange since I'm doing this for free right? Going off and giving me looks like that.

Ungreatful... The door opened reviling photographers, and rapidly flashing camera's leaving any person blind if they looked into them. Akira slid out of the limo first. Taking a huge breath, staring out at the red carpet.

You can do it...I want Caleb... Clinging to the image of Caleb it made my nerves calm slightly as I to slid out of the limo. Walking up besides Akira keeping the face he instructed me to keep on. Hard, and cold. Which was surprisingly easy. Though it wasn't comfortable to glare at people all the time. Or looked at them coldly.

The others came out of the car and slowly walked up along side us on the red carpet.

"Akira, Akira is that your son?"

"Akira who is your first born?"

"Akira, Akira." They all continued and yelled for him having recorders up and microphones shooting out towards us, trying not to mind the ropes at all. Swallowing nervously. My jaw clenching as we entered the building. Having to paste my tongue to the roof of my mouth before a jumble of gibberish flew out in just defeated awe. Which would of been a priceless look. But didn't have a choice in to gape like a cartoon character right now.

The whole place was with well known celebrities!! Even ones from America! Oh my god is that Will Smith?! It has to be the first time I ever felt this struck. Excitement coursing strongly through my veins as my eyes dashed around the room to look for more familiar faces. My jaw did unhinge this time, dropping open slightly when I was the heir to the throne sitting in his own booth with the future empress next to him.

"Close your mouth." Akira hissed quietly, as if I was a robot. I did it immediately. But was all together speechless. Keep your excitement down, calm down, calm down. Whispered in my head closing my eyes for a few moments before opening them again. We walked to a table that had a couple of others at it. Apparently this was some award thing. Oh my it's Jessica Alba, and- and singers Nina, and Guang Liang. Having my breath being held, and my heart racing even faster. I wiped the palms of my hands on my pants to get the sweat off. I went to sit, but was pushed forward by Akira.

"We keep going. We give the opening speech."

"What?" Whispered He said nothing about giving an opening speech. Moving forward we climbed up the stage. Swallowing audibly this time. His hand left my back as we were getting closer to the podium.

"Just let me do the talking. All you have to do is bow and say welcome. Which is Okaeri. " He said, I want to make a side note. Why do they all think I cant speak Japanese? I mean all of them struggling with getting things right in English and stuff.

"What is this celebration anyway?" Whispered as the almost frightening yet welcoming microphone gotten closer.

"It's a world wide awards called Shinmin." Nodding a bit but glanced back at him.

"Are we hosts or something?" Whispered quieter as we inched closer. It seemed to be getting closer faster.

"Yes. So look ahead." we got in front of the tall clear stand that held but a microphone.

"Bow." I took a breath and bowed a bit.

"Okaeri manza agaru za Shinmin ataeru. I'm Taylor Bryce, ken waga chichiue Akira Bryce ken I aru za shukyaku konban. Arigato. For those who don't know Japanese welcome to the Shinmin award. I am Taylor Bryce and my father Akira Bryce and I be the host and guest tonight. Thank you." Bowing once more claps went around. I turned to see a slightly impressed look on Akira's face. Well so far so good right?

A hour later people were around us. Like flies I tell ya, they wouldn't let up.

"Taylor do you have a girlfriend?"

"Taylor are you going to be taking over your fathers company when your older?"

"Taylor what's your birth date?" See flies. Non stop buzzing around your head. A bump came on my shoulder, turning hoping it was Ichiro. At this point I'd rather deal with his glares and snappy talk. But it wasn't. It was a waiter. An oddly familiar looking waiter.

The waiter turned my choked on nothing as hazel eyes shot at mine. Caleb! Turning to the flies and moving back.

"Sorry everyone, but please excuse me ." Rushing off with their camera's following me. Going in the back where guards stood and blocked the reporters. I saw Caleb turn a corner. Jogging down the hall now turning it arms grabbed me and pulled me up close. The warmth, the smell, and the arms were all welcoming.

"Caleb." He pulled away and smiled at me. Something looks something bothering him? Has he been missing me as much as I've been missing him? Leaning up not resisting the urge to brush our lips together hungrily. Want flooding my thoughts. Caleb. He pulled away quickly though.

"Remember where you are. And who you are at the moment. You've got reporters on you." His lectures tone hurt a bit. But his eyes softer than ever. Something is wrong.

"What's wrong?" Confusion wiped across his face before slowly leaving having a smile replace it.

"I missed you."

"So you tell me to be careful but you come here and expect what?" Whined for the first time in my life probably. The camera flashing was getting to me. A larger smile planted on his face as he leaned forward rubbing the tip of his nose against mine gently.

"To stare from afar. I've been meaning to say this since I saw you, you look very good in a suit and with your hair pushed back like that." Looking away feeling that familiar heat crawl up my neck. They had gelled my hair back out of my face. And I say it looks weird. Being like a grease boy.

Seeing the frown plant on his lips, he sighed and took his arms away slowly.

"There is something I need to tell you though. I punch your father-"

"You what?" Cut him off quickly a fear growing inside of me. My step-father is huge! A body builder practically and he goes and punches him?! Wait how is he not hurt?! Is he hurt?! My hands back on Caleb pressing in random places.

"Are you alright, are you hurt? Did he do anything to you? How are you feeling? Does anything ache?" A fit of laughter came from him. His large warm hands cupping my face, bringing it up to look directly at him.

"He didn't do anything. Or couldn't do anything."

"Why did you hit him?"

"He called you a thing. And I didn't like it." Trying to frown but it failed miserably. A small smiling couldn't help but curl on my lips. The heat fluttering in my chest exploded.

"Hey don't be happy about it. He called you a thing."

"Ha ha ha." He sighed giving up. I really love you. Moving forward wrapping my arms around him not caring if anyone caught us.

"Your supposed to be upset. And then your mom was screaming and crying. Don't you care?" Looking up at him .

"No. You care...that's all I care about." Whispered softly, his eyes were trying to speak to me. It's like they told me not to say stuff like that. Not to love him. And they were probably right.

"There's something she told me that you need to know." The seriousness in his eyes made panic rise and not in my stomach.


"Your father really i-"

"Who are you?" Both turning it was a different co-host. And Akira.

Oh no...
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W O R D S : 1 4 1 4

The big 20 chapter!! Yay =)

I couldn't keep Caleb from Taylor for very long ha ha ha XD my, my I wonder what's going to happen next. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Being caught in the arms of Caleb that's bad for a 'star' image when your a guy...I guess.

Thanks for your comments Comments in this case ha ha ha
Tigers and Sharks. Really I thought I made it obvious that akira is the father ha ha
TheBrokenMarionette Sorry for the delay the past two days were busy. Or three days? See I cant keep track of days it's been so busy.