Status: On Going

Will you love me

Help Me

Taylor's P.O.V.

The party continued but was rather tense between Akira and I for certain reasons that are making my head feel like it was a jumbled mess. A disbelieving mess. All of Caleb's words were sinking in now as I sat at the table silently drinking some tea. Caleb strangely was still acting like a waiter. And looked like he was having fun going back in the kitchen area.

My real father? Sneaking a peak towards Akira who caught my gaze. Both of our eyes shot down to the tea that was fit snugly in our hands. Ichiro was looking between us confused, his brows furrowing to show it as well.

"So how is the happy family, are you all having fun?" A person man who was slightly famous for making music. The awards were done it's just an after party I guess with much more drinking.

"Yes." Dad- I mean Akira said calmly before standing up.

"It's time for us to leave though. Come on children." Obeying the command sending farewells to the man and to some others. Caleb came out and saw us leaving. Looking at him longingly. I didn't want to leave without him. But it'd look to suspicious. Frowning a bit more before looking straight ahead. Which was Ichiro's back. As soon as we were in the car and it was like a mile away from the party Akira sat next to me and stared at me with a very serious gaze that made me quiver slightly.

"Who's your mother?"

"Mary McKenzie..." The other three; Ichiro, Yuki, and Sakura looked confused at Akira's sudden seriousness about my mother's name. And how wide the mans eyes got. I mean they were like flying saucers. Just huge. Like how big chihuahuas ears are compared to their tiny body. Akira suddenly punched the window with the side of his fist and cursed loudly.

"That bitch!" We all stared at him and didn't say anything. Our traps were sealed shut as his faced was flushing a red color in anger. His eyes darted back to me, making me sink further into the corner. Meaning I was moving closer to Ichiro. Whom at the moment didn't mind. He was moving back further as well.

Please don't hurt me... The single thought came out loud, his face settled his eyes landed on me softer looking. I looked down at my lap waiting to get hit. I didn't know it came out, even if it was a soft whisper. I didn't know.

"Why would I hurt you?" Looking up at him then away to the side.

"I-I don't know..." Honestly said as memories of my parents taking out their anger on me was flooding my thoughts. How my half brother Jason also took his anger out on me in many ways. How many times I wanted to die but was to afraid to die. To afraid to pull that blade across my wrists and wait for whoever to take me away. No one would of cared, and now someone would. I want Caleb...

"Daddy may be scary but he'd never hit anyone without good reason!" Sakura said brightly still uneasy about Akira's out burst.

"Now that that's clear get off of me!" Jerking away from Ichiro to sit back in the seat I had occupied. The stare Akira gave me was uncomfortable. They got to the hotel I was staying at, I just looked confused.

"Um the suit. My clothes are at your house." Slowly said, Akira just blew it off and opened the door.

"One suit is nothing, and your clothes...well you can get them some other time. Thank you for your help tonight." Nodding slightly climbing out of the car feeling a small prick of pain on my head. Looking back he hasn't moved. But it felt like someone pulled some of my hair out. Going in the hotel and up to Caleb's room. He still wasn't back yet. I washed up and changed happy that my hair wasn't plastered to my head with thick gel. Looking around for something to do I walked out of the room and wondered the halls. Everything felt colder, and a bit more empty.

"You." Stopping, I looked up to see Jason standing there and glaring at me. Why is he mad? Questioned and about to ask what was wrong but he grabbed my arm and yanked me along down the hall, and stairs.

"W-where are we going?" He didn't answer me. We got to the room they were staying in and went in. Father sat on the sofa with an ice pack to his face, my mother sitting with him looking at him with worry.

"I found him." Both of their gazes went to me. Fear boiled up in me. But I didn't let myself tremble to their gazes that burned me down. That's right...Caleb fought them. Closing my eyes not wanting to see their gazes. But couldn't be avoided when I was shoved further in. Stumbling a bit before gaining balance. My mother stood up and walked in front of me. Her hand went up and came down like a strike of burning lightning. My cheek stung and burned at the same time. It hurt. Caleb. . . why did you hit him? Questioned as my father stood up, the ice pack dropped to the floor.

"That friend of yours punched me till I couldn't breathe out of my nose right." He hissed a very visible nose brace was there. Oh my god... His face was black and blue, seeing his fist come up. My eyes widened, bracing myself as instant pain shot through my jaw. Flying back on to the floor.

"Tell this to your friend." He whispered and came closer. All three. Caleb help me.

"AH!!" No one heard it, no one heard my scream. No one heard the beating that went on for a hour. Or the loud thuds of something being thrown across the room. No one came. All three left me there so they could go to bed. I sat up struggling to get to my feet. My arms failing more then once. Meeting the floor once again. It hurts... Tears streaming down the sides of my face as I pulled my battered body off of the floor and left the room. When I got to Caleb's room. He still wasn't in.

Taking another shower but quicker and changed into a sweater, boxers, and a pair of his sweat pants before just collapsing in his bed. The cool air wrapped around me. A creaked came, turning quickly and instantly regretting it as all the muscles to turn over ached and throbbed painfully.

"Whoo that party was awesome. Sorry I didn't come back sooner. But there were celebrities! And I so got the number of my favorite movie star. Will Smith." Smiling a bit to his voice. Resting in the bed as he kicked off his shoes and came down.

"I'll take a shower in the morning though. I'm beat!" Stupid guy... Thought before letting out a light laugh. He looked at me, his eyes glittering in happiness.

"Hey got you to laugh again. But don't sound so depressed. Man you must be really cold to be wearing all of that clothing to bed." Nodding a bit before sliding on to him carefully. His arm went around my waist and pulled me closer.

"Mmh...this is nice." He said with a sigh. I looked up at him as his eyes drooped closed. Kissing his lips lightly, they twitched upward.

Caleb...I don't blame you.

"Sweet dreams." He softly said and pulled me closer to nuzzle me.

"Night...Caleb." I love you...
♠ ♠ ♠
W O R D S : 1 2 8 3

Ha ha can you believe it's been like five days in their time ?! Ha ha yes only five days!
I'm being mean to Taylor. Sorry don't hurt me. But it's all part of this plot I have going on.

Anyway thank you for your amazing comments!!

Comments The face palm really confused me ha ha. XD
TheBrokenMarionette ha ha ha thank you so much for all of those comments! And puppy eyes never worked on me XD ask my mom, bro, grandma, cousin, babies...never worked ha ha.

BrendonUrieHasBigLps Thank you i praise your feet for those amazing comments! Sorry if this didn't bring you much joy though....