Status: On Going

Will you love me

Tears of Happiness

Taylor's P.O.V.

I was awaken the next morning by the room telephone ringing. Looking up Caleb was still asleep. Quickly moving to the phone pulling it up, I turned my gaze to Caleb whom stirred a bit before settling. Putting the slender device to my ear keeping one eye on Caleb as I maneuvered off the bed.


"It's Akira...come down to the lobby." Shifting from foot to foot. Even the top of my feet were bruised. Holding a breath not wanting to leave. In fact I just wanted to soak in a bath for a few hours then take some massive pain killers. But being a push over, I wasn't going to say no.

"Yes Sir." Whispered softly to the other end of the phone before hanging up. I looked back at Caleb, tip toeing to his side of the bed. Lifting my hand up to his cheek, hesitating before rubbing it slightly. He nuzzled into it before sighing contently. I leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his lips. I'll be back. I promise.

Thought before just changing pants from the sweats to black skinny jeans that matched the white turtle neck sweater. It was a perfect match. Smiling a bit taking one more look at a sleeping Caleb. Now he was the adorable one. He is the ying to my yang. The good to my bad. And I'll burn my memories with him in my soul so I wont ever forget it. Leaving a note before heading down to the main lobby.

My whole body ached in pain. I also understood the quote, 'Sticking out like a sore thumb.' more than ever. I mean a purple thumb tends to stick out greatly when you have a skin color like mine. Or any color for that fact. Down the hall that lead to the lobby. I saw Jason. Life hates me. He spotted me and smirked coming over.

"How you feeling today you baby?" Feeling my jaw twitch to his words. He acted so arrogant. Or just very, very smug of what he help do last night. A pit of disgust rolled around in my stomach unpleasantly. It was hard not to vomit. There's only one way to fight a arrogant guy. Beat down his arrogance.

"Just fine. Thank you for asking." Smoothly said with a soft under tone. The look of arrogance left his face and was replaced with anger. Finding out last night that Caleb also took him down with a few punches as well.

"And how about yourself?" Asked casually. He grabbed the front of my sweater and pulled me up his chest making my hair pull back a bit with gravity. Hatred filled those chestnut eyes of his, pure hatred.

"Why cant you just go kill yourself already?" I'm to afraid. Calmly thought looking to the side to the memories of me standing on buildings just staring down at everyone walking by. Having already tried guessing how long it would take for me to fall and use one as a pillow cushion and if we would both die or just the person under me. But it all depended on how I threw myself off the building I guess.

"Don't ignore me!" His hiss made me wince to the sharp pain that shot in my ear.

"What's going on here?" We both stopped to the voice that could easily make kings get on their knees and bow. Turning my head taking note that we both looked up at the same time. Akira stood there in the not usual stalker like out fit. But instead of that normal long coat, sun glasses, and everything else that would cover up his face and hands it was just his suit. His hair was pushed back a bit but a few strands refused to stay put and brushed against his brows softly.

Looking down quickly knowing he would be able to see my bruises if all my hair moved out of my face. Jason let me go, looking at him he was only able to stare into Akira's dangerous glittering eyes.


"Just what are you doing to my son?" A jolt went through me to those words that slid off of Akira's lips. He said it with such confidence and pride that it had more pain stinging at my eyes. Choking on a breath I felt my body start to tremble.

My son. Those two works kept echoing in my head. And when the echo faded the firm tone still had my ears tingling.

"Tch I don't have to answer to you. " He replied and turned and walked away quickly like he had hot feet. Akira looked at me. I was knelt over with my hands on my knees taking in ragged breaths.

"Who was that?" I felt it. A huge cheesy grin being pulled on my lips and a laugh forming in my chest and coming out. The laughter filled the hall, Akira just stood there confused. I could tell since he narrowed his eyes at me and demanded what's so funny with his eyes. Finally able to stop my uncontrollable laughter and straightening up.

"My half brother Jason." Happy, even though I feel this intense pain. Those words... Feeling the tears sliding down my cheeks quickly and dripping to the floor. He growled a bit to the information before turning towards the main lobby.

"Come with me." Obeying we were soon in the back of another very expensive car. He was quite for a while making me shift a bit every now and then. Having my knees to my chest, arms crossed on top of them. Having my head rest on them. I wonder what he wants me for...

"Last night." He spoke making my head lift a bit. His finger was swirling on the leather seat besides him. Biting my lip a bit as he took another breath to speak.

"I took some of your hair." So someone did take my hair when I got out of the car. Why?

"And mine and got it tested. It would of taken a couple of days for them to get results out but you can work magic with money. You are...indeed my son." Gnawing on my bottom lip like it was a steak, his finger was going in small faster circles. Finding my mind after a few more moments of silence.

"And..." Dragged on he coughed a bit and stopped his finger swirling and shifted positions on his seat. Good thing we were sitting across from each other instead of next to each other or this would be even more awkward feeling.

" I want to get to know you better of course other than your into males and have self confidence issues." More silence came to the car all you could hear is the muffled sounds of other cars passing us.

"You don't mind that?"

"That" Nodding he sighed and had a hand go through his hair.

"No not really. Besides you have a really good taste. The man your currently seeing is very strong. I like that." It sounds like he was the gay one here. Right?

"Same..." Seeing a smile spread on his lips, he seemed to relax a bit making me relax a bit as well.

"Sometimes strong isn't so good. Like your mother. She's strong. But she comes with an annoying personality that's cute for about a week. I praise the man that's with her now. Or is she divorced?"


"What's he like?" He didn't seem to be very interested. Guess it was just to strike up a conversation. I shifted in my seat and unconsciously started to twirled some hair with a finger in the same twirling motion he was doing to his seat not to long ago.

"He's big. Tall wise. Body builder like. Very...well this is an uncomfortable subject."


"Family in general." Slowly said trying not to give away to much. He did a hm thing before falling silent. Soon we were at his housemansion going through doors upon doors. Spotting Yuki who spotted me she ran over and hugged me tightly making pain shoot all over strongly. Whimpering softly she let go and smiled at me.

"Brother good to see you! I'm so mad but so happy! I cant believe my brother can be so hot. It's very depressing. And also it's disturbing to know that I really want to eat you up. But I'll have to resist. Welcome to the family. I'm going to get Sakura and tell her that our hunky brother is here." She ran out leaving me just completely baffled having Akira yell after her not to. He sighed heavily and shut the doors to his office.

"I also wanted to talk about another offer." He turned to me and looked so serious it made my spine tingle.

"I want you to live with me."
♠ ♠ ♠
W O R D S : 1 4 9 0

Don't kill me for it being so late! Because if you do I can't write it ever again. So sorry. Again. But hey it's like 10 words off from being 1,500 and that's like only 500 words of from being 2000 so forgive me?

So I promise I'll have the next chapter out tomorrow. But leave some love!! I'll work faster ;) Promise.

Thank you for your comments

Fun Corner A little thing that's going to be in the ending of these things for now on. Just to pass time I guess. Or spur of the moment kind of thing.

1.Truth or Dare. <- You ask and I do. I will pick one per chapter
Example - Truth: Do you like mustard? Anwser: No.

2. Deleted scenes. Things I think I would use but decide not to.

3. Q and A for Caleb and Taylor ask them anything. Three will be picked each chapter

So yeah I hope you guys respond to that ha ha ha.