Status: On Going

Will you love me

Tears of Painful Sadness

Every thought on what he wanted to offer me flew out the back door. Was I punched to hard last night? Or did he just say he wants me to live with him? The punching part was probably true. But I was still wondering if the later part was as well. His firm gaze didn't waver to my silence. All he did was stand a few feet away from me and stood his ground.

Why would he want me ? He just met me, yes I am his son biologically. But why? The only one who shows they even care a ounce for me is Caleb. But it's a short lived one. Living with him is temporary. Everything is temporary with him. But this is permanent. Why? I cant understand.

"Why?" It finally came out. The much wanted to know question. He relaxed visibly and walked over to his desk, leaning against the edge he sighed.

"Why? Your my first born. Your supposed to be the heir to every company that I own. Take over the family businesses. You have the qualities. You speak more than one language, and in public you act accordingly. Unlike my stupid son Ichiro." He said with a shake of his head. A drop of disappointment fell to my toes taking everything with it. Feeling slightly light headed to the words.

I was just going to be used again. I feel like I'm in the jaws of a shark that is shaking me around like a rag doll till I break in half or eat me. Like a shark frenzy all around me who happens to have rag doll pasted on my forehead and 'use for your own pleasures' on the little tag on the back.

This time not helping it. I fell forward collapsing onto my knees which made him quickly be by my side. Feeling the cool short carpet under my hands. Everything swirled around. Am I the only one who feels this?

"Taylor are you alright?" His voice didn't come through as I just stared at the black carpet that has bits and pieces of a dark gray in it. The only one who feels like their being suffocated and eaten at the same time? Being trapped in a world and not even allowed to leave it. He grasped my shoulders and pulled me up. I had been bending over so much it was the perfect fetal position.

My mind jolted to the pain his firm grip brought. A sharp breath of air pulled in my lungs, I yanked away having my hand grip where he had been holding. My arms had gotten the worst treatment since I used them to cover my head. I wouldn't be surprised if ones fractured or something. His gaze went to my hands as I leaned back into the fetal position. Everyone is a user. Including myself. They use and use till they cant use no more. A painful symphony that never ends. I wish I could pull out of this symphony and fall into silence.

"Taylor what's wrong?"

"Am I a rag doll for you to? " Whispered with an unsure tone. Looking to the side he looked so confused. Then angered.

"No! What would make you think that?" His growl seemed numb for the moment as I gazed back down at the floor.

"Everyone else seems to believe so. I'm nothing. Ichiro has experience, he's been raised as the first born. He knows his responsibility and then you toss him aside to put me in that spot. Everyone is treated like a doll at some point in their life. But it ends for them. I just get passed around for joy."

"You sputter nonsense. Ichiro agreed to it." I sighed leaning my head onto the carpet just tired. Wanting more sleep. I closed my eyes. The familiar silence between us was now soaking in. It was like as if he was waiting for me to explain the words that tumble off of my split lips.

"Taylor what do you mean by what you said?" He whispered softly but still held demand that said, 'If you don't tell me I'll make you. ' Slowly pulling my head up to see him, which was straight up. My hair falling to the sides of my face; I watched as his eyes widened so wide but then fell half closed. Then I saw them. Tears. Why is he crying? Thought feeling guilty for ever blaming him for using me. A unconscious part of me told me to take in the moment that it was rare to ever see this man shed a tear.

"Who did this to you?" It was the same whisper as before but held more softness then I ever heard. A hand of his delicately going over a black and blue bruise that was outlined with disgusting color of yellow. Only drifting my eyes away from him not wanting to answer. What would it matter if I said it anyway?

"Taylor who did it?!" Wincing to the tone cowering towards the floor once again. The hand that was on my cheek grasped my wrist and yanked me forward to look back at him. Feeling my body start to trembled, I curled up as best as I could in a ball with him holding still holding my wrist.

"Don't hurt me...please." Pleaded with a sob. His eyes seemed to widen again. As if a puzzle was being solved.

"Did she do this to you?" He leaned over me . His wide dark blue eyes seemed to get deeper. Turning my head to him, a tear landed on my cheek.

"Please tell me Taylor." He let my wrist go which I instinctively pulled it close to my head. Struggling with words, my tongue dragged across my cracked and dry lips. Trying to find words I only found one.

"Yes." Flinching to the anger that grew in his eyes. Hell be damned if my dad ever entered there angry.

"Did her husband as well?" The same word came up in my mind.

"Yes." He leaned back on his knees, his fists that rested on the floor were balled into a fist so tight that his knuckles turned white.

"Did that scrawny brother of your do it to?"


"Come with me." It really wasn't an option since he picked me up in the princess style and started to carry me off some where. He kicked open a door which held a human named Ichiro. Well at least we all believe he's human.

"The hell?! Dad what's with the kicking open my freaking door? And why are you carrying him in?" Having my head down again, Akira sat me down in the window area that held a bed in the shape of a half circle. He knelt down and pushed some hair out of my face completely ignoring Ichiro. Akira's eyes examined the wounds again before his brows furrowed.

"Stay here. Ichiro watch after him." Ichiro ran after him a bit.

"Why the hell do I have to watch him?! Dad! Where you going? Man..." Ichiro looked over at me and took notice quickly of the bruises.

"The fuck happened to you?" I like Akira blew him off and stared at where Akira stormed out. What's he gonna do?
♠ ♠ ♠
W O R D S : 1 1 5 8

Okay now I have to be forgiven I technically did 2638 words for this series today. I couldn't not post it. I just finished it bah.

I'm so excited! I know exactly what I'm going to do for like the rest of the chapters. So they will be pouring in. =D I'm setting my main story focus on this story. I have to finish up my contests of course since they are do in early December. But I'm going to make things HELL!! MWHAHA that's why it's so exciting for me. *_* And why I got all this motivation. Next chapter - Probably today ha ha.

Anyway thanks for your comments lovelies!

JellyBeee Mwhaha to your comment. You gave me a great idea. >:]notice I cant contain my excitement?
I like Akira to =)

Fun Corner!!

1. TRUTH : Who would I turn gay for? You did it right. Well ha ha let me go get a convo I had with my best friend Alex about this subject ha ha. You'll love it.

Me: >:] I want to be you now. But I like being a girl ha ha (even though more then once I really wanna be a boy) Hahaha

I made a small saying (For a story of mine) And it goes like :

Sometimes I wish I was a boy just because it'd be easier to masturbate and the thought of guys fucking guys is hot. But then I think if I was turned on in public at least I'd have a serious pole problem to deal with! So being a girl rocks to!

Hahahaha it's a dirty story. XD
I'd so be the gayest person on earth if I was a guy. Ha ha ha ha. Dammit your lucky again!! >:S

ALEX: lmao!!!! That makes you the straightest girl! i think! bahahhahahahahaha. Omg you are sooo hilarious xD! AND YEAH, POLE PROBLEM, I HATE IT! Like it comes at the worst moments. And sometimes it comes because it just wants to! its retarded! lol.

And convo done. Does that sum it up? Ha hah a XD

2. No deleted scenes. I should take this out since I rarely ever delete anything.

3. No one asked them a question!!