Status: On Going

Will you love me

Entrancing Eyes

Taylor's P.O.V.

I laid there still embarrassed. He really just called me a natural cock sucker. That was actually my first time doing that. But I don't know why I grabbed him like that. It was on impulse.

I really didn't want him to leave. But he has a job to do and I cant keep him from it . Also were just strangers to each other just in it for a short run. Normally I'm against something short but.

How can I say it. Even for a short while , with this guy I think I'll enjoy being wanted.

His face floated around in my head. His eyes are hazel, hair black and bed head looking it's about 3-4 inch's long. He was bigger then me around 6'2 feet I was 5'1 yes laugh if you must.

His frame wasn't that wider then mine but you can tell who works out and who doesn't.

I sighed rolling on my side. His skin is He is hot.

I lost myself in trains of thoughts and slowly fallen asleep.

A while latter.

I felt movement on the bed I woken up instantly my body moved sitting up.

"Damn your a light sleeper aren't you?" I did a tired groan rubbing the sleep out of the corner of my eyes.

"Mh hm." Nodding slightly it was a force of habit waking up to even the slightest noise . My brother is evil in sweet disguise.

Feeling his hands slip around my waist he pulled me into him. My muscle's relaxed to his warm skin. I heard his heart beat.

"Sleep." He whispered sealing the deal I was soon back asleep again.

Caleb's P.O.V.

He falls asleep quick to. Dang I wish I could do that. His body rested snugly against mine . He was rather comfortable to. Kid has skills all packed up in one. I'm even starting to get jealous.

I watched him sleep with soft little snores that were so adorable. Leaning down kissing his forehead. His body twitched he groaned slightly moving closer.

"Hm." Smiled I had an idea for tomorrow....

The next day came so fast I felt like I just fallen asleep.

But I woke up at noon in a empty bed. A dream? Getting up sluggishly walking out of the room looking around . Damn I thought it was real. Almost pouting I got in the bathroom sulking.

"He was hot to." Go figure only hot guys are in your dreams.


"Holy fucking god damn, Pee! " I cleaned up quickly and ran out I saw the guy of my dreams on the floor with a pan hanging off his head , two pots on the floor . I looked up he must of tried to get them off the top shelf.

"Wait I didn't imagine you!?" He looked at me confused.


"Oh good. What are you doing? " I felt a huge relief lift off me I smiled at him going over helping him up.

"Well the chief of this place taught me how to make an omelet and I was going to try an make one myself before you woke up." He whispered pulling the pan off of his head setting it down on the counter.

Chuckling he looked away with the tint of pink to his cheeks.

"That's adorable. Were you thinking about giving me breakfast in bed." He rubbed his arm slightly before turning around grabbing the pots off the ground.

"A-as a thank you." Laughing some more to his little stutter god he was like a 10 year old only smart and hot.

"You can still do it if you want I need to take a shower .Unless if you want to join me for the shower?" Asked breathing a hot breath on his neck his body tensed up. Snaking my hand under his chin pulling up having his head lean back seeing those lips.

Nipping at them softly before moving mine with his. His tongue peaked through my lips. Laughing softly pushing his tongue out with mine dominating over his mouth grabbing his hair pulling him more into it.

"Mh." Sweet music. Pulling away seeing his eyes flooding with emotion that pulled me in again leaving my eyes open to stare in his. So honest. Entranced not noticing he turned around and I was now holding him against the fridge attacking his neck again.

"Ah mh! C-Caleb! " Grinding into him he moaned again . Running my hands up the smooth stomach that was much like a girl's stomach. Growling lightly he whimpered holding on to me tightly.

My thumbs grazed over the tight perked nipples he sucked in a breath. Leaving his neck I pulled up his shirt more leaning down biting the pink bit.

Walking backwards taking him with me possessively he pulled my head up . Those damn eyes. Placing his lips back on mine he pulled back and untangled his fingers from my hair.

"I'll make the omelet." He whispered his hair dropped back in front of his eyes as his head dropped to the side.

"It's cruel to leave a person high and dry. " Muttered with a sad chuckle letting him slide on down. He was so petite!

"Sorry." He muttered having his hand up to his face I then noticed he was wearing my clothes! The long dark green sweater went to his knees and the sweat pants were baggy going past his feet.

"You look like a freaking chibi." He tilted his head looking up at me.


"Big eyes and all hmhm anyway just don't burn down the place." Ruffling his hair his hands went to the top of his head , he watched me walk to the bathroom.

For a second I lost control...scary.
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=) One comment? XD I'm not sure about this story. Just one saying it's fine, ok. Or one that says "COOKIE" XD ha ha