Status: On Going

Will you love me

Shoulda, coulda, woulda

Taylor's P.O.V.

I stared at the egg frying with vegetables in it and some odd spices that made no sense to me. I'm not a great cook I'll admit to that. Which is the reason why it took the head chef two hours to teach me just how to cook a omelet.

My eyes looking distant . That's my look in general. Distant from this world. You know the feeling right?

Maybe not. My parents don't love me, my brother hates me. And they all carry me along like luggage until they forget me in some random country.

I always have a fear that they will leave me some where unknown. But I always have a hope that they do as well.

Of course I'm old enough and smart enough to make it on my own but if you read the new laws parents are now responsible for you till you turn 21 or 23 I don't remember anyway, For reason's unknown I think it has to do with college stuff.

And since I went to college that form is fresh .

Flipping the omelet it was a nice golden color. You are probably wondering why the chef went through all that trouble to teach a kid like me how to do this just for this guy.

Well all I got out of him is 'I know the kid well.' thing. I let my mind drag back to when Jason my brother locked me outside on the roof. My feet twitched under me making me almost lose balance.Jump If my feet had a mind of their own they would of made the decision to jump for me instead of waiting for my brain to decide.

"You know I don't know if it's good to say your eyes look even more beautiful when they are in pain or not. They just seem to glitter more." This guy is obsessed with my ugly eyes.

Muttering something not audible under my breath but I guess someone has ears of a fox.

"I'm not weird. Your just beautiful." He whispered now behind me his hands rested on my hips distracting me only slightly. I squished the omelet down making sure no raw egg would come out before sliding it out of the pan and on to the plate.

"What's wrong?" I bit back a bitter remark that he should keep his nose out of my business seeing how were just in it for the short run . Also holding in a sigh I turned off the heat of the stove and turned his hands still on my hips.

I smiled a bit sheepishly.

"Nothing. Here's your omelet." Having the plate between us pushing slightly. The rim of the plate pushed against his chest.

Finally his hands leave my hips to take the plate. He smiled at me how it sent me into a puddle of mud.

Is that so cliche or what? It's not like I'm a girl or anything I just have girl like emotions. And a figure of a girl to. But it doesn't mean I am one...biologically.

"Thanks smells great, looks great, the smell tastes great , so I think it will be out standing. " Blushing slightly he was a bit over top?

He leaned down kissing the tip of my nose as a lover would do.

"Thanks babe."


That got to my nerves. They froze stiff , my head dropped down. I tried to hide the deep crimson blush.

"Y-Your welcome." I almost smacked my forehead for stuttering. I just hit my head on the table a bit. Hearing his soft laugh, it coursed through my veins.

"Don't hurt yourself. And I mean it. No jumping off roofs, slitting your wrist, drugs, or anything like that while I'm hauling my ass all over this hotel today." Glancing up at him wondering why he would care in the first place. Oh yeah the It would be on my conscious thing. So he'd feel guilty for letting me die and nothing else?

I felt a prick at my heart. Like a stab with a needle

"Your quite the chary kid." He uttered out with a mouth full of egg and some other things that were thrown in with the egg. I rubbed my elbow, the soft sweater moved with the motion of my hand.

"Sorry..." He pointed his fork at me flinging some egg. I jumped slightly to the yellow egg yolk that landed on my cheek.

"What did I say about saying sorry?"

"A-ah that it was annoying."

"That's right. " He stood up taking the plate to the sink. That was fast. I rubbed my shoulder a bit more anxiously wondering if it was good. He might have just forced himself to eat it.

Why would he want to force himself to eat it though? Because I made it? Why would he care if I made it or not if he disliked it? My train of thoughts were broken by a soft kiss being placed on my hair covered temple.

"Thanks it was delicious." Looking up at him. He smiled cheekily at me. It made my toes curl. And the edge's of my lips curl upwards.

"T-thanks....glad you enjoyed it." He did that laugh that warmed me up to my toes once again. Shivering slightly as the tingle went up and down my spine.

"Well I'm off. Order room service if your hungry. The maid will be in here at noon so don't be alarmed if a woman comes in here cursing her brains out to how messy this place is. Kay? " Nodding slightly to his mouthful of words, he kissed the tip of my nose once more before leaving.

I smiled looking at the door. I wouldn't mind if every morning was like that.
Slapping myself.

No this is a short run. I sighed heavily leaning my head against the table. I wanted it to be a long run. But he wants it to be a short run. And I'm leaving in like a week. So the decision was made there.
That's the only reason why he's letting me be here.
A frown was now spread across the bottom half of my face. As there was another sting to my chest, a painful one.

Tears welled up in the corners of my eyes before they slid down my paled cheeks.

"I should of jumped..." Croaked out softly, I leaned my head into my hands, sobbing softly.

I should have jumped...
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W O R D S : 1 1 0 4

Sorry it took a long time to update. ^.^' forgive me?