Status: On Going

Will you love me

Even if it hurts

Taylor's P.O.V.

I cant believe I attacked his lips like that, and just kept doing it for god knows how long on that roof. I felt so stupid, making all those sounds. That I didn't notice till we had gotten back in the room. The atmosphere was slightly awkward. He seemed to be in thought about something, what I don't know.
But he just seemed to be off then the normal personality I've seen so far. Like to quite type of thing. He just going off into distance. I didn't want to bother him in his little trance. So I just sat there on the sofa, watching him as he sat at a table with food cooling in front of him. If it wasn't already cold.

Standing up his head snapped to me, freezing in a half getting up position. I shouldn't have moved. He shook his head a bit and looked back at his food and started eating it. Guess it wasn't that cold.

"I'll leave." His gaze flew back up to me, as I fiddled with some of my hair that dangled longer then the rest of my hair. Feeling a bit fidgety with his gaze on me. Okay maybe I was a bit to needy on the roof. And maybe that's what he's thinking about.

"If you want. I'll understand..." Seeing his eyes roll widely.

"Who the hell said that? I ain't going to just leave you sitting in front of a room, without any food or any place to sleep. Forget that." His English could use some touching up, he still didn't know I could speak Japanese. Quite fluidly actually, I taught my mother. That's the only thing she ever wanted from me, was to learn Japanese. I don't know she has a Japanese fetish.

"Sorry..." He gave me the annoyed look that I saw a few times before when I said that, almost hitting myself for saying it again. It just slips out naturally. Kind of like breathing.

"Sorry , I didn't mean to say it. So- Forgive me." He stood and walked over with a small smile on his face, his hand raised. Closing my eyes waiting for some pain or just something related to hitting me. But it never come, a warm hand placed on top of my head made my eyes slid open. Caleb stood there with one hand in his pocket the other on my head ruffling my hair.

"Idiot, you need to live a little. Your parents have you apologizing so much that you breathe apologies. Come on, I know the exact place for us to loosen up. My day has been hectic to. Some woman thought she owned this place and thought she could boss me around. And I need to let off some steam." He pulled me into his bedroom and threw me into some rather small clothes that he had in a box that rested in his closet.

"Girls...clothes." Whispered out, Caleb smiled at me nodding a bit as he pulled up his pants that hugged his hips but flared out every where else. The army jeans.

"Yep, passed flings left their stuff here and I just threw them in a box. Good thing I kept them or you would have looked funny in my clothes. Not only that you would have had to keep pulling them up, 'cause your so petite." He chuckled out rubbing the top of my head again. A slight pout formed on my lips, his chuckled turned into a small laughing fit.

"God don't pout like that, it's not bad to be small. It's actually rather cute. You pull it off." Looking back in the box still rather upset at that. Noticing it was all girls clothing, looking back at him as he was debating between a ripped shirt. Literally ripped, up the sides and shoulders to the neck. And a white muscle T with a blue abstract long sleeved shirt.

"These are all girls." He looked back at me not really interested in what I said, but still took note of it I guess.

"Yeah, your the first guy. And I'm glad about that, but strangely I haven't ever really been attracted to guys. Well just proves how multi-talented you are. Neh?" Yet you get a boner from hell when your sucking my brains out of my mouth. Suddenly blushing, as his words sunk in he went back to looking at the shirts.

"Mh..." He gazed back at me that small smile that warmed me to my toes, making them feel numb came back. Why is he looking at me like that? I don't look that good... I know I don't look that good. Quick thought looking at my clothes. Or his? It was tight, tight pants. Of course it was the biggest pair in there. Also stretchy. Loving the dark blue color, and the gray, and lime color of abstract crawling up the pants leg slowly fading. The shirt was, well snug. But happy to find a plain Jane one. That's just black and goes down my hips completely.

"Which one should I wear?"

"Ripped." Instantly replied almost hitting myself. Again. Cant I just act normal? Fuge-in-A I did actually hit myself.

"Ha ha ha it's all good. Thanks." Watching him slip it on, god it looked so good on him. His abs showing wonderfully, the shirt really complimented him. Watching Caleb walk to me and take my hand, one eye closed.

"Lets go." Out of the hotel, taking a taxi cab to some where unknown. But when we got there it was pretty obvious where he was taking me . With the pounding music, that already jolted my brain as if I was half asleep.

"Time to get our freak on." That is so eighties. Thought trying to hold back a smile. Taking notice of his cocking eyebrow to the struggle.

"Yeah laugh it up, but you'll see that lingo will be back." Letting the laughter slide out he took my hand placing a kiss on it after paying the driver.

"W-whoa." Whispered stumbling along with his long strides. He just went right to the door, skipping the line. It opened for him. And he called me one of many talents? Watching his back muscles that showed very well with the shirt he wore. It was very interesting.

The pounding of the music now vibrated my own heart. Always loved that feeling, it reminded me that it was still there. And alive. Caleb turned to me, sliding my hands up his chest. He looked serious. Good... be serious. Thought leaning up against him as his hands roamed my body. Going on my tipsy toes placing a kiss on his chin, his tongue was soon dancing with mine. That familiar fire returned. Knowing this is what people call a spark, knowing that it was a bad idea to further this short relationship. Knowing it would hurt more. But... I still want to be needed. Even for this short time.

"Ah." Moaned, his lips traveling down to my neck. Being pulled up more against his chest. Even if I'll get hurt in the end... Whimpering as he found that spot that made my heart flutter, and heat pool to my groin.

Lets dance our memories away.
♠ ♠ ♠
W O R D S : 1 2 3 8

Almost 1234 huh? Hah, sorry It didn't get really intense in this. I was building a platform for them that isn't just based on sex and kissing. Anyway, love my subs. I would love to hear from you more though.

Any advice I would love some. Like how I write would be great, if it's good or not. Or if it needs touch ups.

Like in using this thing ; , `, well things.

Most of all I hope your enjoying the story. Now that I'm done with the Be My Toy series I can focus on my other things now ha ha.