Status: On Going

Will you love me

Kiss Me

Caleb's P.O.V.

The beat moved us in a synchronized way to a point where some people stared. But I didn't notice most of it, or any of it. All I could keep my eyes on were the wondrous night blue orbs that couldn't seem to focus on one thing. Looking lost in the dance, not worried about anything else.
I loved those eyes, there's no doubt in my mind that I don't.

I've been going crazy over them since the first time I saw them... Fear plucked me on what those eyes could make me do, make me want. Like not wanting him to leave. Just want to keep him to myself and not share with anyone else. His brilliant mind, body, cute reactions.

No I am not wrapped around him already. I wont allowed myself to be. This is a short relationship. Short...short. Whispered the ending in my mind, leaning down further catching his gaze, he stared at my lips before letting a small curl of his lips come. Soft and barely there.

He's not making me go insane. Damn him. Cursed in my mind as he leaned up more closing the small gap that parted our lips from touching. Warm, fuzzy feelings came back that pulled down my eye lids that were suddenly heavy.

I thought I told you silly kid...don't want me like this.

Taylor's P.O.V.

Completely lost in the heat of the dance, and now the kiss. Letting go of every feeling that worried my thoughts for the longest of times. He was right, dancing does let you vent some steam. But I'm not sure if it's the dancing, or the company.
Pulling away hearing a sharp hiss of air flow in his mouth. Staring at him a bit smug that I could make him do that with such a short kiss. Watching his eye lids open.

Deep, emotional eyes met mine. He looked like he was going through turmoil.

"Sorry..." It just flew out, but the sides of his lips twitched.

"Don't say that. Follow me." He pulled me off of the dance floor where as I noticed allot of people were staring at us. Heat crawled up my neck, my head dropping down. Did I just dance like that in front of all those people. No, no, no. Whined as I knew it was a sexy dance that included the pop it, lock it, drop it move. Knowing that he also pulled up my shirt a few times to slide his needy hands around my abnormally small guy torso.

What's wrong with him? Wondered sliding my gaze back to him. He seemed dead focused on something, but also out of it at the same time. Going in a some what empty hall where not many others stood. But some were going in random place's the hall is split up in. He waved to some guy who tossed something at him that shimmered in the lighting.


"Twelve." The man said as we passed with a brisk walk that was more of a jog for me. Worry filled me. What's wrong with him? Heart wrenching torn at my chest as we went into a dimly lit room. Not noticing he had my hand, but noticed him letting it go. Other then those thoughts...where did he take me? Walking further in the room it had a mini bar and a sofa, like a hotel suite. But not. A loud click came, turning he was at the door jiggling the handle before turning to me. Confused, and worried as he walked up to me just standing there for a while before throwing his arms around me.

"C-Caleb? Ah!" His teeth scraped along my neck biting down on a part of my neck that he seemed to have fun with yesterday, it made all my sense's jolt numbingly. A growling noise slid out from him as his hands pulled me hard against him, then upward. I held onto his shoulders letting my head hang back.

"Ah...C-Caleb." Slowly, agonizingly kind of slow he stopped and got in my view point.

"What- Uh?" Tears slid out from the corners of my eyes, his eyes widened to them as a frown was implanted on my face.

"W-whats wrong with you?" Sobbed softly, he let me slide down slowly, also kneeling down on his knees. Confusion clouded his eyes dimming the lust, and demanding need that had once shined brilliantly.

"What do you mean?" Having my hand slid off his shoulder to my cheek, wiping away some of the tears. The other hand soon joined to wipe the other cheek as more choking, sobbing sounds came.

"Some thing's not right with you. I'm not sure what it is, but you don't seem like the you I first met." It came out in a stutter low voice, his eyes softened but the emotion didn't.

"Are you...worried about me?" His whisper settled some of my crazy nerves that started to make my body trembled. Only able to nod, and push out an agreeing tone. His sigh barely echoed. Feeling those large hands take mine away from my face, pulling my eyes open again. Tears flew down, sniffling a bit. That serious look came back

"I just want you."

"That's all?" It popped out instantly, without a single thought to it. He scoffed slightly, or was it a air like laugh? Wasn't sure, couldn't tell. All I could process other then his words is his hands that traced lazy patterns on my back.

"Your under-rating yourself. Just you is more then I could express in words. Your driving me insane." His voice sent tremors of excitement through my body, making it go rigid against him.

"S-sorry." Pressing against him, he just watched as I grabbed the back of his neck pulling him closer just for the warmth that came off of him. Because even in this warm room, the way he spoke to me in that soft tune made me feel so cold. I couldn't stop the goose bumps from forming all over my body.

"Stop saying sorry."

"Mh..." The wandering hands that had been drawing lazy patterns on my back slid down and pushed up the snug shirt, having his hands slide with ease into my pants. Biting the inside of my cheek, the pants now unbearably tight and not just because of his hands that slid in.

"Taylor." Hot air curled around my ear followed by a nip making my head jerk up and a moan slide out. His eyes now sharp again as I leaned back trying to ease some pressure on my front but he stopped me by gripping me tighter and thrusting me against his body, flipping us both over.

"Oof!" Harsh rubbing came, friction between our two hard erections.


"Taylor." He called out again pulling me away from the pleasure that came from him rubbing against me. It never felt so hard to pull my eye lids open. Staring at his eyes again.

"Kiss me."
♠ ♠ ♠
W O R D S : 1 2 0 3

Okay so I written this at 1 a.m. and well sorry if it's a bit off. Another one coming that I typed out at five a.m. Was up then for over 20 hours at that point and was like Guh

That sex filled chapter is coming out in a few.