Status: On Going

Will you love me


Warning: Rated R for extreme sexual content

Caleb's P.O.V.

"Kiss me. " Demanded, Taylor's eyes seemed to falter, his wall shattering completely under the simple demand. He did so to, his feminine hands tightened around my neck and pushed his lips against mine. Slightly dampened from our last kiss. Pushing harder making it deeper, having my hands slide against the skin of his surprisingly soft ass.
God he's so much like a woman.
He whimpered, whimpering was his thing. and I didn't mind. It was a rather nice turn on. Pulling him off the ground having him hoisted on my hips. This time his ankles locked together to keep him from sliding off. Finding the large sofa lowering both of us on to it slowly.
Feeling his hard erection push against my stomach. It felt like my heart was exploding into happiness, even though I just met him not to long ago.

Maybe if I do this I wont want you so much. Forcing my eyes open, his were closed softly the tears had stopped. Pulling away he opened them then. Our tongues still together. But just barely, some saliva attached before it faded I sucked his tongue into my mouth sliding mine against his.

"Mh nmh." Grinding my hard pulsing cock on his pants. He jerked slightly a bit surprised.

"Just take it off already!" He whined after pulling away quickly. That sent my mind blanked aand into a lusting rage not being careful and started to rip away his clothing. With small eeps and cries. We were both naked in almost no time. Having the minty lubricant in hand he was raggedly breathing holding onto the sides of the sofa having his legs spread widely for me. Appreciating the sight before me by leaning down licking the proud standing erection from hell. A white pebble came from the tip from that simple lick. Slowly sliding my tongue up but just fast enough to catch the bead.

"Ah p-please." The whisper that sounded vulnerable to my ears that made my mind go almost completely blank again.

"Please what?" Asked in a almost normal voice before going back to licking the tip again, sliding my tongue through the small slit. His body trembling. Beautiful...

"Stop teasing me... "

"I believe in foreplay, but guess you don't." He groaned that was followed by a sound of frustration. Stuff like this brings out the selfish side in him. Letting a smile slide on to my lips as he looked at me with a bit of annoyed glare.

"Please...take me quicker." Eyes widened to the sentence.

"Well I cant deny your request when you ask like that." Whispered leaning down taking his pride fully engorging it. Pulling back a bit when his hips bucked to not gag. Sucking and bobbing, swallowing around him. His hands blindly found the back of my head, and tightened around it.

"Ah! ah hah Caleb." That was a sign of almost there. Pulling back, sliding forward to take his mouth before he could complain about it. He happily returned the favor of the heated kiss. The hand that held the lube slid up to my other hand that rested on his pelvic.
Forcefully pulling back from his hot mouth, staring at his flushed skin that sweat had started to develop on.

"Your beautiful." His eyes seemed to snap open and stare at me in disbelief on what I said as I squirted a generous amount of the mint lubricant onto my fingers spreading it a bit to warm it up.

"R-really?" Flickering my gaze back to him for a moment.


"Th-AH! nk. AH you Nh!" Jesus Christ. I could barely push one finger in without it feeling like he would break it. Virgin? Leaning back forward resting on him. He moaned loudly that seemed to shake my heart slightly. Why would he let me... The thought blown way when his fingers wrapped around my own, painful erection. Almost spilling in his hand at that moment because of the sudden surprise.

"Ah warn me next time." Groaned slightly, as his fingers slid up and down, squeezing . Pushing my finger harder and faster in him. Curling it slightly that was it. Taylor's head folded back more, his chest raising to mine.

"AH!!!" Those nerves , brushing them again and again.

"C-Caleb ah ."


"More." Smiling slightly Demanding little one... thought before slipping another in curling in that same place, his arms clinging onto me. Dipping my head down onto his chest licking a tightened nipple.

"Nh..." Spreading my fingers apart in him scissoring. His hips started to circle slowly. Pulling out my fingers pushing them back in, he relaxed quickly but tensed again when I curled against that spot.

"Just put it in..." He whimpered rubbing his erection against mine as much as he could. Quickly pulling my fingers out and sliding my cock at the puckering slightly pink hole. Slowly pushing it in, he sucked in a breath as I pushed it in further a pop came making me slide in with a slight more ease. Pulling out then back in. His legs that are wrapped around my hips pulled me forward with force.


"Shit!" Cursed at the hot heat that was sheathed around me tightly than anything I felt. Pulling out for a moment. His whines filled the room.


"Screw slow" Shocking me to hell he flipped me over both of us falling off of the sofa. Watching him raise his hips then drop them down fast.

"Damn, ah!" My head falling back as he picked his hips up again, repeating the process making a fast, very hard rhythm. Groaning loudly trying not to buck as his hand slid around my hip between my own cheeks. No way in -

"Taylor- Don-Ah!" He poked it in while slamming down again. Breath a loss.

"Fuck." Whispered out as his finger was joined by another, tilting his hips forward feeling myself go deeper in him. Wincing my eyes open sliding my hand to his cock grasping it, pumping it. He moaned sweetly, and loudly to me. He leaned a bit more back those fingers went deeper and started to do what I did. Now knowing what he felt when I hit those nerves.

"D-d- Ah mmh! " Pumping him, seeing the white pre-cum sliding down, pushing myself up having him land on his back. Those fingers leaving, pushing my hips forward, snapping.

"Ah!" I was close so close wanting to go deeper in him, his hot heat sucking me in.

"Hn hah." Gripping him tighter, his eyes rolling back with his eye lids screwing shut.

"AH!!" Burying myself deep in him, exploding harder then I ever hard. His loud moans had echoed , he joined. Muscles rippling around me. Milking my dying erection. His splattered on his stomach and mine.

Everything slowed down, resting against him. Breaths uneven and rapid. Sweat sliding down my neck and face. Looking back up at him, a deep crimson blush covered his cheeks, the sweat made him look that much better.

"God your beautiful." Whispered , his eyes locked with mine.

"Really beautiful."
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W O R D S : 1 2 0 3

As I promised a sex filled chapter and I absolutely hate it. I made my words white so when I typed it I wouldn't see it even more when I spelled c*ck

Eh did you like it? It's horrible gah I'm going to take it down if no one likes it. I feel stupid.

Rikki Vanilla I'd respond to your message's but I don't have permission to go on your profile.