Sequel: Age Is But A Number

I Am the Mess You Chose

chapter 27


Nic woke up and we moved into mine and brian's room. We had whip cream,chocolate syrup,strawberries,smoothies,vodka,cherry rum,and chips&dip.

I had also brought up sugar for the strawberries since I'm an addict like that. I fixed a glass of vodka mixed with cherry rum and sprite. It had been so long since I'd drank. Nic couldn't drink due to her condition so she was the DD but since we weren't gonna be driving she was gonna make sure I didn't do something stupid and fuck up my kids.

I did a straight shot of vodka. I grabbed the chocolate syrup and drank some of it and squirted whip cream into my mouth.

Drew and Haleigh came running in and I grabbed the alcohol and ran downstairs storing it in the cabinet. I walked back into the room casually. I drank some more syrup and started bouncing on the bed.

"Come on Haleigh bug bounce with me."I said in a gangsta voice. She giggled and grabbed her brother bouncing with me. The drank some syrup,which was not a good idea. I noticed Nic smiling and texting someone,more than likely my cousin.

I turned the radio on and we started dancing around the room. "Kids in Love" by Mayday Parade was on. I started singing the lyrics to Drew.

Haleigh was too busy bothering Nic to sing with me and my Andrewla,that's what we called him to annoy him.

"And we were just kids in love The summer was full of mistakes we wouldn't learn from the first kiss stole the breath from my lips why did the last one tear us apart?.."I sang and Drew danced around.

Nicole smiled at us. Haleigh was begging her to paint her nails Nic gave me a look asking if it was okay. I nodded. I didn't care as long as she didn't dye her beautiful hair or do something stupid I didn't mind.

I stopped dancing when I felt cramps. I ran to the bathroom and checked myself.

"Dammit how could I have missed this?"I asked myself pulling the underwear off and thanking God I had a clean pair in the bathroom in case I couldn't run out. I pulled out the box of tampons and put it in.

I walked out of the bathroom and went to the landry room. I pulled out bleach and began scrubbing I was thankful I needed to wash some clothes.

I went back to the room after starting the washing machine. Nicole gave me a confused look. I was really embarrassed so I text her.


she looked at her screen,she looked disappointed when she noticed who it was from but she nodded.

"Why so sad muffin?"I asked turning the music down.

"I thought it was gonna be Matt,he said he was going to bed but I thought maybe he'd wake up and read my text."She mumbled. I pulled her into a hug.

"He'll read it first thing when he wakes up."I told her. She looked down at the floor then at me.

"I need to tell you something and don't call me a liar or a whore cause it's the truth."She said. I cocked an eyebrow.

"Shoot."I told her.

"The baby isn't Kyal's."She said. I frowned.

"Then whose baby is it?"I asked. She was hesitating now. I was giving her time I didn't want to frustrate her.

"It's Matt's."She whispered. I was shocked. They'd never met how did they?

"But how?!"I almost yelled.

"We were drunk and I don't think he realized who I was and I didn't know what I was doing I just knew his hazel eyes were drawing me in and..."She was sobbing now. I wrapped my arms around her and rocked her. This is not how I wanted to spend my night but I didn't care at the moment.
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Didn't see that coming did ya?