Sequel: Age Is But A Number

I Am the Mess You Chose

chapter 35

"What's wrong baby?"I finally asked. She looked down and stared out the window.

"I'll tell you when we get home Haner."She mumbled. I felt my mouth turn downwards.

We pulled into our driveway and I got Haleigh out while Lexie got Drew. I still couldn't figure out what was wrong. Lexie came over and snatched Haleigh from me.

I was about to loose my temper. I don't loose it a lot but she was pissing me off.

"What the fuck Lexie?!"I yelled. The twins woke up automatically and Lexie sat them down.

"Don't do this here Brian."She whispered. I was getting sick of her treating me like I was an abusive boyfriend or something.

"Fine lets handle this inside."I grumbled. We walked inside and some of my neighbors were staring at us.

I told Andrew and Haleigh to go upstairs. Now Lexie and I were alone in the livingroom. I glared at her and nodded for her to explain.

"I went to get a pregnancy test then I ran into Anjillene."She sobbed. Anjillene was a girl from school who wanted me so bad.

"Wait what about the pregnancy test?"I asked.

"I think I might be pregnant,but Anjillene said that she was pregnant with your baby and that ya'll had three other kids together."She was sobbing harder now. I walked over and hugged her to my chest. I would never touch Anjillene. Last time I saw the crazy bitch was graduation.

"I swear to you I never touched her Lexie."I whispered. She shook her head.

"You had to of, that boy has big brown eyes and the oldest daughter has the exact same hair as you."She screamed through her cries.

I shook my head. Tears threatening to escape my own eyes. I fell to my knees and hugged her waist.

"I swear to God Lexie I wouldn't cheat on you or be with her, you're my soon to be wife, I love you more than anybody on this Earth!"I cried. She put her hands on my head and ran her fingers through my hair.

I slowly stood up and wiped the tears from my eyes. I wiped away her's as well. She smiled weakly at me.

"H-how bout we take that pregnancy test?"I asked in a shakey voice. She nodded.

I grabbed the bag from her hands and walked her up the stairs to the bathroom. I handed the bag over to her and went to check on the kids.

"No Andrew Barbie is married to Ken not Mickey Mouse!"Haleigh scolded her twin. I chuckled it was a funny sight. Drew just sat there glaring at her.

"Yeah well in my fucking world they are."Drew shot back. I chuckled harder and Lexie must have heard.

"Andrew Theodore Haner!"She yelled."Never use that language again young man."

I continued laughing. Ten minutes later and Lexie motioned for me to come here. I walked to the bathroom and looked at all three of the tests.

Each had little pink plus signs. I grinned we'd be having another baby. And this time I'd be here for the baby. There is no way in hell I'm letting her slip away from me agian.
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so yeah I gave it away so it's probably not that big of a shocker that she's pregnant. Oh and I couldn't remember if I'd already gave the twins middle names so if I did and it's not Theodore than too bad it is now lol and Haleigh's is Haleigh Dawn