Sequel: Age Is But A Number

I Am the Mess You Chose

chapter 38

Today Mom was taking me to the spa,what is it with people and taking me to the spa?

It was time for some mother and daughter bonding. I was getting a mani and a pedi while Mom got a massage. I also got a face mask.

"So I heard Lucille saying her children were back in town, they heard about you and Brian and wanted to come, what do you think?"Mom said as I was getting my face mask put on.

"That's sounds good to me, is it Eden and Kayden?"I asked.

"Its all six of them."I almost jumped. That meant she would be there.
"Eden,Kayden,Hayden,Jayden,Brenden,and Jorden."Mom listed. It annoyed me how all their names ended in -den.

I hated Jorden with a passion. She tried so hard to get between Bri and I back when we were teenagers. Then their was that time she almost convinced Matt to sleep with her, when she was with my other cousin Terry.

"I don't want Jorden there."I told Mom before relaxing my body and letting them start on my nails.

"Honey could you give her a second chance, I'm sure she's grown up some since you last saw her."

My mother is a very persaudsive woman but nothing would ever make me allow that whore at my wedding near my family.

We left the spa and went back to her's and Dad's house. I had brought my bikini so we were going to go outside and get in the pool for a while.

"So Eden was saying she bought a house up in New York and she works for New York Times."I nodded.

"What do the others do?"I asked.

"Well Kayden married a rich man and they live in Utah where his family is, Jayden is dating some super model and they have a son together,Hayden is the CEO for some big company in Mississippi and he's married to a young girl from New Orleans,Brenden moved to Canada and got married to a local girl there he works at her family's shop, and then there's Jorden she's had several boyfriends lately and none seemed good enough so she jumps around and with the job she has she moves to different parts of the country."Mom explained.

"Jorden doesn't suprise me."I grumbled.

"Hey Mrs. Sanders."We both looked up and there stood the devil herself.

"Why hello there Jorden what are you doing here today?"Mom asked. Jorden had this smile on her face that made me sick to my stomach. I jumped out of the pool and ran inside. I felt the bile running up my throat. I burst open the downstairs bathroom and emptied my lunch into the white porcelain toilet.

Jorden must have followed me to the bathroom. She had this smirk on her face that made me want to rip her throat out.

"Tsk tsk you going anorexic on us? It doesn't seem to be working you still have some fat around here."She motioned towards my stomach. I growled.

"You dumb fucking slut I'm pregnant."I snarled.

"Oh and whose baby is it? Matthew's? that's the only man that could ever love you,just so you know incest is nasty."I was getting fed up with her immaturity.

"That's the best you can come up with? My two year olds can come up with better come backs than that. And FYI it's Brian's just like my other two children are."I said before standing up and washing my mouth out.

Jorden stomped out of the room and went somewhere to find my mom. I flushed the toilet and walked out. Mom was standing by the counter covering her mouth.

"What's wrong Mom?"I asked. She turned and glared at me.

"How could you say such mean things to that girl after she was just trying to make sure you were okay?"She scolded.

"So calling me anorexic and saying the only man I can get is my cousin is making sure I'm okay?"I shot back. I grabbed my bag that had all my stuff in it and grabbed my car keys off the counter then stormed off.

If she'd rather believe a lying bitch then I'd let her. I wasn't about to sit there and be called a liar.

I dialed Brian's number to tell him I'd be home soon. I looked in my rear view mirror and there stood Jorden and that goddamn smirk on her face.

I backed up then right before I hit her I slammed on my brakes just to scare the little bitch. She screamed then jumped out of the way, causing her to hit the fence.

I sped off home. I slowed down when I got to my neighborhood. Haleigh and Drew were playing frisbee with Brian and Matt.

I climbed out of the car and found my very pregnant friend Nicole sitting under the shade.I giggled and walked over to the guys.

"Well good afternoon ladies,gentlemen,and Brian."I said with a small smile on my face. Brian pouted.

"No pouting Brian only Drew can do that and get away with it."I told him. He frowned.

I walked over to him and gave him a kiss.

"You can be my big baby."I giggled.