Sequel: Age Is But A Number

I Am the Mess You Chose

chapter 4

"Morning Lex."Brian said as I walked downstairs.I waved to him.I looked around the room and noticed his bitch wasn't with him.

"Where's Courtney?"I asked.Brian shrugged and began eating the food Matt placed in front of him.I glanced at the kids' table and my children were eating Lucky Charms.

"Here you go cuz."Matt said placing a hot plate of eggs,bacon,and pancakes in front of me.I nodded to him and dug in.It felt like it's been forever since I'd had a decent meal.You don't get much homemade stuff when you have two kids and you work a lot to pay the bills.

"What do you do for a living Lexie?"Brian asked.

"I work for a designer company."I lied.Truth was I worked two jobs I worked at Hooter's on Wednesdays, Thursdays,and Saturdays,and cleaned houses on Mondays and Tuesdays.

Matt shot me a look but I ignored him.Brian seemed not impressed."Now stop bull shitting me and tell the truth."He spoke.I glared at my plate.I had forgotten Bri could tell whenever I lied.I told him the truth.

"Well Matt I need to get to work,could you watch them a little later than usual,please?"I begged.Matt nodded and 'shooed' me away.I walked to the car and went off to work.

It was Monday so I had to clean the Moore's,the Cagle's,and the Lacey's houses today.Oh boy today's gonna be so fuckin fun!I glared at the house in front of me.

It was a five story house with a beautiful yard.Why did I hate this house? Because the owner has seven children who tear up the house.I grabbed my cleaning supplies and entered the house.

"Hello Lexus nice to see you again."Mrs.Moore said.

"My name is Lexie."I corrected.She waved it off and walked out of her house.That's the way I liked it,the house to be empty so nobody would get in my way.

I started with the oldest child's room.He was the cleanest of them all.I finished his room and moved onto the next.

By the time I finished all the children's rooms,kitchen,living room,dining room,and basement I had ten minutes to get to my next house but I still had to clean the Mr. and Mrs. room.I quickly ran up to their room and started putting things away and fixing the bed.I was almost done when my phone beeped telling me I was going to be late.I finished the room,locked the front door and ran to my car.

Now I had five minutes to get to the Cagle's house.I sped to the giant white house that was suppose to be a twenty minute drive from where I was but I made it there in four.I got out of my car and ran onto the porch and knocked.

"Hello Lexie nice to see you."Mr.Cagle said he and his wife were just leaving for work.I waved to them as they left.I went inside and started on the computer room,the messiest room in their house.There was computer paper and pencils everywhere.

I started picking up the papers and putting the good ones in a neat pile by the printer and the crumpled up ones in the trash.

The Cagle's had one child who was nine and very clean.Everything in her room was alphabetized or in a certain order.I went to her room and nothing was out of place so I moved to the bathroom.

After finishing there house I had the Lacey's.Fun they threw parties a lot and so there was going to be a lot of trash for me to clean up.It's really a seventeen year old guy and his girlfriend's house.His parents bought him a house.

Suprisingly there was only a few beer cans.I was finished with the house in twenty minutes tops.It shocked me I was off earlier than I thought but it didn't mean I was done with work,no far from it.I had to go into Hooter's since somebody got sick and needed me to come in.

"Lexie bear you came."My boss,Aaron said.I nodded at her.

"Yeah sorry I had to run by my house to get my uniform."I explained.She nodded in understandment.I started serving people right when I clocked in.This is my life...busy as a bee as they say.
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It snowed like three inches today...shame it didn't snow more but I'm not complaining I still didn't have school.I've been working on this chapter all day,I kept getting distracted.

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