Sequel: Age Is But A Number

I Am the Mess You Chose

chapter 42


I'm taking Lexie on a tour of Paris today. She woke up and went to the bathroom. I waited an hour,after her shower, before telling her todays plans.

"Oh Bri that sounds won-"She was cut off by her phone.

"Hello?"There was a pause. I could hear several people on the other side of the line yelling.

"We're coming home now."Lexie said.

"What's going on?"I asked. I didn't want to leave the place I'd rented out for two weeks.

"Andrew."She whispered. I closed my eyes. I knew something really bad had happened.

"What happened to Drew?"I suddenly asked.

"H-he's in the hospital."She sobbed. I pulled her to me and packed our things. I called the airport demanding the next ticket home.

Lexie ran behind me carrying her purse and backpack slung over her shoulder. We got in a cab and got to the airport.

>>>>>ON THE PLANE<<<<<<
3rd person POV

Lexie tapped her foot impatiently. Brian kept glancing at his wife. He knew she was upset,he was too but he knew how to hide it.

Brian glanced at Lexie one last time before getting up and going to the bathroom. He pissed in the small toilet and pulled his phone out. He text Zacky to see if he knew anything.

He got nothing. He text Jimmy next along with Matt,Brian Sr.,Mrs.Sanders,and Nicole. He went back to his seat when nobody replied.

"Brian,I'm so scared."Lexie quietly sobbed. Brian had never seen her so weak and vulnerable in the years he's known her.

"I'm scared too Lexie."He whimpered.

"....We will be landing in just a few minutes."The flight attendant said.

Brian and Lexie grabbed their belongings and ran to a taxi. They got in and drove to the hospital,neither caring that they had luggage and probably looked like they just had random sex.

They got to the hospital Lexie's mom had said they'd be at. Lexie went in while Brian got out the bags. She ran down the hall ways of the hospital.Lexie's mom was standing in a door way crying.

"What's wrong with him Mommy?"Lexie asked.

"He,he's been diagnosed with Kawasaki disease."Her mother cried. Lexie knew that wasn't a good thing and felt her world crash around her.

Brian walked up and asked what happened neither of the women spoke. It was heart breaking to see his wife and mother-in-law crying so hard.

But what hurt worse is knowing he could possibly lose his little boy.
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O.O I was searching for a disease for him for twenty minutes before finding one...and I almost cried cause when little kids are like that...well I get over emotional even if its just a story