Sequel: Age Is But A Number

I Am the Mess You Chose

chapter 43

Lexie's POV

"What happened?"I asked Mom.

"Well him and Haleigh were playing and then he set the toys down and curled up on the couch, I asked him what was wrong and he said his head so I felt his head and it was really warm, I took his temperature and it was around 102°F. His hands and feet were swelling up and I got worried so I brought him here and they just told us the news."Dad explained since Mom wouldn't answer.

"Wh-what is Kawasaki?"Brian asked.

"Kawasaki disease is a rare condition in children that involves inflammation of the blood vessels."A doctor said. I looked at him.

"Hi I'm Dr. Allen, I'm treating Drew."He said. I shook his hand.

"Lexie Haner."I mumbled.

"And you must be Brian Haner Jr."Dr. Allen said to Bri. He nodded.

"How'd you know my name?"He asked.

"You're dad was talking to me earlier and told me all about you two."Dr. Allen said with a soft smile.

"How is Drew?"I asked. I could feel the tears again.

"He's not doing too well, we gave him the treatment and all but it takes a while for it to work, but there is a 60% change he will not pull through."He told us sympathically.

A loud sob slipped through my lips. I gripped onto Brian. My first born could die. I could lose my baby boy. My mama's boy.

"Baby please don't stress out so much, you don't want to lose the baby too."Brian sobbed. I didn't listen though I just cried harder.

"Please Mrs. Haner you don't want to put stress on the little one."Dr. Allen whispered patting my back. I stepped away from him and wiped my face. Black smudges came off onto my arm.

"You make sure my little boy stays alive fucker!"I yelled before walking to the women's room to cry some more.

"Lexie please wait up."Brian called. He caught up to me and we walked in silence.

Brian wrapped his arm around my shoulders and buried his face into his arm.

"What are we going to do Sexy Lexie?"He whispered. I smiled weakly then went to the bathroom. I felt that sickening feeling again. I quickly stumbled into a stall and threw up.

"Ew."I whispered. I walked out to the sinks and stared at my face. I had black make up running down my face, my eyes blood shot, and my skin pale. I turned the water on and splashed my face several times before getting a paper towel and wiping the disaster on my face off and redoing it.

I rested my hand on the small baby bump and closed my eyes.

"I gotta stay strong for you little one."I said before walking out to Brian.
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I can't even update without crying a little now! Damn I'm so myself
Next chapter will be in Haleigh's POV O.O now you'll get to see the inside of the sweet little 2 year old's mind