Sequel: Age Is But A Number

I Am the Mess You Chose

chapter 44

Haleigh's POV
Mommy and Daddy went into Drew's room. I frowned. How come my brother got more attention?

"Grandma Suzy what's wrong with Drew?"I asked. Grandma Suzy cried.

"Don't mind your Grandma Hales."Grandpa Gates said. I nodded.

"Otay."I mumbled. This sucks.

I'm stuck in a big white building called the hosbidal,or maybe its something else I'm not sure.

"Haleigh why don't you come with us, we're gonna go swim."Uncle Zacky suggested. I nodded. I liked going to Uncle Zacky's. Secretly I had a huge crush on him. But he's like 28 that's too old for me.

"Jimmy get her please."Uncle Zee asked. Uncle Jimmy picked me up and kissed my forehead.They sat me in the backseat and buckled me up. I couldn't wait to go play with Icca,that's what I call Uncle Zee's dog.

They stopped the car suddenly and I got pulled out of the carseat. Uncle Jimmy put me on the ground and I waddled to the door step. I sat down and slowly crawled up the stairs. Uncle Zee chuckled and picked me up carrying me to the bathroom.

Aunt Leana came in and dressed me in my Power Puff Girls bathingsuit. I giggled when she changed in front of me. I noticed the things on her chest. I heard cousin Matt call them boobs. I want some then Uncle Zacky would want me like he does all those girls with them. I haven't seen him with a girl but I've seen pictures and I know he likes them.

I told Aunt Leana to go on cause I had to pee. She smiled and walked out. I pulled out the toilet paper and stuffed it in my top. I made it as even as I could. People think us two year olds arent that smart but actually we pick up a lot. I flushed the potty to make Aunt Leana think I did pee. I walked out and nobody was around.

Perfect. I grinned like the Cheshire Cat. I walked out to the pool where Uncle Zee was all alone.

"Uncle Zacky will you help me get my floaties on?"I asked. He nodded not looking at me.

I grabbed my pink and purple floaties and carried them to him. He wiggled them in the water so they'd go on easier. And he looked at me for the first time since I walked outside. He stared at my chest then let out a chuckle. I frowned. He wasn't suppose to laugh. He wasn't laughing at those other girls' chests.

"Haleigh sweetie is there a reason you stuffed your top?"He asked. I nodded. He motioned for me to tell him my reason.

"Cause in your pictures with other girls you stared at their chests so I thought it would make you love me."I explained.

"Haleigh I already love you."I grinned.

"Really?"I asked. He nodded and helped me take the toilet paper out. I kissed his lips. His rings on them felt funny against my tiny lips. He kissed my cheek and helped me get in the water.

Zachery James Baker loves me Haleigh Dawn Haner. I smiled to myself. I hope my brother gets better.
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well I'm grounded for a month just cuz i was dropped off at the park to hang with my friend and her phone died and she had to be home before dark so we walked over 3 miles to her house and I just got grounded for a month from going ANYWHERE....If my kid did that the pain that I went through walking was enough hell to go through! but whatever I don't give a shit anymore and if my goddamn aunt calls me a fucking liar one more time I'ma have colorful words flying from my mouth.