Sequel: Age Is But A Number

I Am the Mess You Chose

Chapter 46

I woke up to a beeping noise. I looked up and Drew was staring back at me.

"Mommy doctor talk to Daddy."He coughed. I stood quickly and rubbed his leg.

"It's okay baby don't talk."I said. Haleigh walked through the door with Zacky behind her.

"Mommy Zacky my boyfriend."She said. I smiled at her. It was adorable but I was worried about her brother. I knew she probably felt like we weren't giving her any attention.

"That's sweet baby girl."I told her. She smiled at Zack then got him to put her on the bed. She frowned as she looked at her brother.

"What's the matter with Drew?"She asked. I shook my head I couldn't tell her I wouldn't do that.

"He's just a little sick."I lied. She nodded then sat on Zacky's lap.

"Lexie oh God Lexie."Brian cried. My heart stopped. What could be wrong now? Anything else and I may cry.

"They mistaked it,it's just a mistake he's fine perfectly fine, he just has a high fever some virus going around."Brian laughed. Tears clouded my vision. My little man was fine.

"He's fine?!"I screamed. Tears of joy fell down my face one right after another.

"Mr. and Mrs. Haner you can take Drew home, we sent his perscribtion to the nearest CVS."Dr. Allen told us. I smiled and nodded.

"Come on Drew."I said. The nurse had unhooked him while the doctor talked to us. Finally we were getting out of the hospital.

We told everybody the news and the room was filled with cries of joy and cheers. Papa Gates decided that they'd throw a party tomorrow to celebrate, if Drew was better.

I couldn't wait till next month. We were gonna see the baby for the first time.

"I want another girl."Brian said.

"I want another boy one girl is enough."I told him. He shook his head.

"No we need a little girl who will look just like you."He chuckled. I shook my head. Just the thought of having two girls gave me the chills.
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Holy cheese nipples this story almost has 100 comments
If I get over 100 I'll update more and add a couple more chapters(and they won't be short like these past few have been) so instead of 50 it might have 52 or 54 it'll be an even number cause I don't like odd numbers. I'm just weird like that