Sequel: Age Is But A Number

I Am the Mess You Chose

chapter 48

Papa Gates got the burgers and ribs finished just in time for lunch. Everybody got out of the pool and took their share of food. I fixed myself a burger,fries, and a flavored water to drink.

"Hey gorgeous."Brian whispered in my ear. I turned and pecked his lips. They were salty so I knew he'd been eating fries.

"How are my four lovely ladies doing?"He asked. I playfully glared at him.

"We're fine baby."I replied. I bit into my burger and sipped my strawberry kiwi flavored water. Then I felt kicks. I set my plate down and took Brian's free hand putting it on my belly. The babies kicked again. A smile spread across Bri's face.

"T-they kicked!"He exclaimed I nodded and started eating again. I watched Haliegh and Drew eating ribs. It was adorable. I had to pull at a camera. I couldn't so I told Matt to take a picture for me.

"Okay lazy ass."He grumbled. I got up and threw away my scraps then went to the bathroom. I found my bag and put my booty shorts and a really big shirt. I had my bikini under it but there was no way I'd take it off.

I walked back outside and sat on the stairs to the pool. Drew finished before Haleigh and he came running up to me.

"Mommy I wanna swim with you."He laughed. I smiled and carried him out. He had his swim suit on. It had a built in floaty.

I laid him on his back so he could see me. He poked my stomach as the babies kicked again. They sure were kicking a lot.

"Mommy you're belly poked my finger."I shook my head at his silliness. Brian finished and came into the water with Haleigh.

Zacky and Johnny got in later taking our children from us. I laughed as they placed the twins in floats and pushed them back and forth. I noticed the way Haleigh looked at Zacky.

"I think your daughter has a thing for ZV."I told Brian with a smirk on my face. He turned his head and watched Haleigh for a minute.

"I believe you're right."He replied. I rested my head on his shoulder and smiled at him.

Haleigh's POV

Uncle Zacky was pushing me and Drew back and forth between him and Uncle Johnny. I was giggling and admiring the green-eyed man.

The men grew tired and Uncle Zacky held me close to his chest while swaying in a way. I snuggled into his chest and listened to his heart beat. I knew I'm only two and he's twenty years older than me but I love him.

"Uncle Zacky?"I spoke.

"What is it sweetheart?"He asked.

"Can I spend the night with you?"I asked. He pulled me from his chest and kissed my forehead.

"Of course darling, just ask Mommy and Daddy first okay?"He told me. I nodded.

"Mommy can I spend the night with Uncle Zacky?"I asked once we were inside drying off. She pulled on the large shirt and stretchy pants.

"Of course, but ask your Daddy too."She said. She pulled my top off and put on a shirt with the Death Bat,it was the thing on one of Daddy's cds. He and my Uncles and Cousin Matt were in a band together.

She pulled my bottoms off and I grabbed my big girl panties from her pulling them up. They had fairies on them. Next she put low cut shorts on me and gave me my Winnie the Pooh shoes.

I walked out and I saw Daddy. I ran to him and he picked me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Daddy can I spend the night with Uncle Zacky Mommy said I could."I spoke quickly. He smiled then nodded.

"Go ahead squirt."He said then he placed me back on the ground. I ran around looking for Uncle Zacky. I found him outside talking to a girl. She was that Jorden girl Mommy and Daddy told me to stay away from.

"Uncle Zacky!"I yelled getting his attention. He turned away from Jorden and came to me.

"What did they say baby doll?"He asked. I jumped into his arms and kissed his cheek.

"They said yes."I squeeled.

"Yay."He whispered happily.

"Do you like spending time with me?"I asked. He brushed my brown hair back.

"Of course I do Haleigh,why wouldn't I?"He asked. I shrugged.

"How bout we go back to my house and watch movies?"He suggested. I nodded. Jorden glared at me. I had my head rested on Zacky's shoulder. I pulled when of my hands up and shot her the bird. She gasped.

"You little bitch you're just like you whore of a mother."She spat. I gasped.

"My Mommy is not a whore you slut!"I screamed. I had no idea what any of these words meant but I knew they were bad and I wasn't suppose to say it.

"Haleigh don't say those words again okay."Zacky told me he set me down then turned to Jorden.

"Call my best friend's wife that ever again around me or her kids and I will not be afraid to get my girl friends to kick your anorexic ass."Zacky yelled. We left and went back to his house.

Six hours and a lot of junk food later we were passed out on the couch. I looked down and noticed I'd wet myself in my sleep.

Zacky woke up and noticed it too. He shrugged like it was fine.

"We have done it at one point in our life."He said. He took me upstairs and put me in the tub. I didn't like being in the tub alone I was scared I'd fall down the drain.

"Uncle Zee I need you to get in too, I scared of being in here alone."I explained. He sighed a started stripping. I turned my head slightly. But he wasn't getting in naked.

He reached into the pile of clothes behind him and found his trunks. He took his boxers off and I saw a thingy,that wasn't my brother's,for the first time. Zacky was a lot bigger than Drew.

His was sorta shaped different too. I looked up at Zacky's face and he had been watching me. My eyes widened and I turned my head. I felt a blush creep its way up to my face.

Zacky leaned down to my level and kissed my cheek. He brushed my hair back and smiled at me.

"Don't tell Mommy and Daddy that you saw me naked okay?"He asked.

"I won't Uncle Zacky I love you too much I know they won't let me see you again if I tell."I promised. He smiled and got in the tub with me he had trunks on now and I was naked. I felt embarrassed. I covered my self feeling nervous.

"I'm gonna wash your hair baby girl."He said. I leaned my head back as he wet it. I watched as he grabbed the really good smelling shampoo and lathered it on my skull.

"Sorry you'll smell like a guy,it's all I have."He mumbled.

"It okay Zacky."I said. He rinsed the shampoo out of my hair and got out. He reached under the sink and handed me a rag.

"Can you bathe yourself?"He asked. I nodded. He sat on the toilet and waited for me to finish. I set the rag down when I'd cleaned my entire body.

We walked out of the bathroom and Zacky gave me one of his old tee shirts. He pulled on some clean boxers and slid under the covers. I climbed up on the bed and slid under with him. Icca came running in and laid on the other side of me.

"Night Haleigh I love you."Zacky said.

"Good night Zacky love you too."I yawned.
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yeah some pedo action from Zacky! lol I'm not trying to make him seem like that.