Sequel: Age Is But A Number

I Am the Mess You Chose

chapter 49

Brian's POV

Haleigh was at Zacky's for the night and I was at home with Lexie. Drew went to Matt's so we could be alone for the night.

Lexie was laying on the bed in her maternity gown. She still looked sexy. I laid down beside her and we started watching The Box.

Lexie fell asleep and I wrapped my arm around her,turned the T.V. off, and laid beside her. Sleep soon washed over me.

I cuddled closer and felt something wet. I pulled away and looked down at Lexie.

"Did you just piss the bed?"I asked in my sleepy haze.

"I think my water broke."She whispered. It took a few moments to register what she just said. Once I understood I jumped up and dressed in the clothes I wore the day before.

"Fuck we havent even had the baby shower yet."I mumbled.

"I know."She yawned pulling a long shirt on and a pair of sweat pants. I packed a bag and I'd have Dad or somebody get baby stuff.

We rushed out to the car and I locked the door. I got in and rushed to the hospital. I called the guys and girls and our parents on the way there hell I even posted a blog on Myspace that my beautiful wife was in labor.

I parked the car and carried Lexie into the hospital. A nurse noticed us and thought Lexie was hurt.

"She's gone into labor."I spoke between breaths. The nurse got a wheelchair and took us to a room. Lexie changed into a hospital gown while we waited for others to show up. Her mom walked in with Suzy and I walked out.

"Dude she's having a not one,three."I said to Jimmy. I was freaking out.

"Well what are you doing out here Syn?"He asked. I smacked myself she could be dialated and I wouldn't know it. I quickly hugged Jimmy and ran into the room.

Suzy left and it was just me,Lexie,and her mom. Her mom got out a camera and put it on record.

"This will go along with Drew and Haleigh's video."She smiled. A doctor walked in and frowned.

"We're gonna need to perform a C section since there are mulitple babies."He said. I frowned. That mean they'll have to cut her open.

The nurse walked in along with another one. I noticed they didn't give Lexie any medicine.

"Aren't you gonna give her something for the pain?"I asked.

"After she gives birth Mr.Gates."The other nurse told me while winking. What the hell?! My wife is in labor and she's gonna flirt with me??

I shook my head and focused on Lexie. They cut her open and started the procedure. I watched as the doctor carefully took a baby out. He snipped the cord and handed her to a nurse.

He repeated this with the next two babies. He was about to sew Lexie up when he said something.

"Oh wow."He mumbled. I looked at him.

"What is it?"I asked. He told a nurse to come back and he got the scissor like utensils out. I watched as he pulled another baby out and I almost passed out.

"It's a boy!"He exclaimed. He handed my second son to the nurse and sewed Lexie up. They gave her medicine then brought the babies back.

"What should we name them baby?"I asked.

Lexie's Mom was holding the first baby girl, Lexie had the second and third girl, and I was holding out son.

"Well the baby Mom is holding can be Briana Ellajean."Lexie said. I nodded I liked it.

"And this little girl,"She motioned to the second born girl,"Can be Gabriella Ebony." I liked that as well.

"And then our third baby girl is gonna be Victoria Hope?"I asked. Lexie nodded.

"And this little boy is gonna be Fred-Evan Charles."I said looking at the little boy with piercing blue eyes.

Soon everybody piled into the room and held our children. The nurse came back and gave us the formulas and diapers since we weren't prepared.

"Dad could you drive by my house and pick up some baby things and possibly buy an outfit for Fred-Evan?"I asked.

He nodded and left. I sat on the bed with Lexie and Haleigh and Drew got on as well we were holding the babies.

"I can't wait to take them home and you dress them in cute little outfits."I said softly to Lexie she glared.

"Haner we are not having anymore kids I will get my tubes tied if I have to."She scolded playfully. I just chuckled and brushed Gabi's dark hair back.
♠ ♠ ♠
last update for a couple of days ....this story ALMOST has 100 comments and if you can't make it in a couple of days then I'll just make 50 the last one...not trying to be a bitch just setting some goals :P
anybody else listen to Nightmare(avenged's new song)? If you havent I recommend you do cuz I thinks its pretty kick ass. Oh and Fred-Evan is my dad's ex's little boy's name he died from Leukemia when he was 5 =/ he was very sweet and it breaks my heart to know that the world will never get to see how great he was RIP little man :(.