Sequel: Age Is But A Number

I Am the Mess You Chose

chapter 6

I'm so stressed.I can't afford to take care of my apartment and the housing job isn't working.Now I have to work full time at Hooter's.I don't even like that place.Yeah the girls are awesome but it's the assholes that come in I hate.They always hit on me when I'm serving somebody else or they stare down my shirt when I bend over.Damn perverts.

"Lexie no offense but you look like shit."Nicole,my best friend,told me.She and I had worked at the same places since we we're freshmen.

"You try raising two kids,paying bills,and putting up with your nagging mother."I growled."Sorry I haven't had a decent night of sleep since last week."I apologized.She nodded in understandment.

"It'll get better girl it can't be that bad,right?"She asked.

"If only you knew."I mumbled.I noticed a family of six walk in."I'll get it."I told Nicole and took off to the table.

I got their orders and quickly handed it to the back to be cooked.I then took their food to the table and went back to my spot."I'll be happier when they finally give me my break."I whispered to Greta.She nodded.

"I know,it's like they want us to suffer!"She cried.She is the drama queen out of all my friends.I giggled along with her before shoving her and making my way to the back.

"Can I get some hot wings?"I asked the cook.I sat down at a booth and sipped my coke.Nicole brought me my food and I began eating.She sat across from me and would occasionally steal something off my plate.

"Why aren't you eating anything?"I asked her.She glanced around the room before leaning across the table.

"I can't keep anything down,I think I'm pregnant."She whispered.My eyes widened.She'd be off for a long time if boss found out.We had to maintain our figure for a reason.

"Wow how far along are you?"I asked her.She pointed to the front and I noticed Shelia was here,if she found out Nicole would lose her job instantly.

"Yeah in three weeks."Nicole said.I nodded letting her know I understood.

"Hey bitches,what's in three weeks?"Shelia asked.I racked my brain for anything in three weeks.Nothing came to mind so I had to make up something.

"Our party we're having at Nicole''s a small get together since my cousin and his friends just got back,nobody else is invited but them and a few close friends."I lied.

"I'll be sure I get there."Shelia said then she walked away.I mentally slapped myself.Way to go Lexie.Now I have to throw a party.

"You know we could always say it got cancelled."Nicole suggested.I shook my head.Shelia knew us better than that,she knew if something came up that we would reschedule.

"Why does it feel like high school all over again?"I asked not expecting an answer.

"Because it's life."A husky voice said.I turned around and Matt was standing there."How's my favorite cousin?"He asked.I shrugged.

"If you're here then where the hell are my children?"I questioned.

"Brian wanted to take them to a park that just opened."I sighed.I clocked out and left with Matt.

"So did Val ever come back?"Matt stared hard at the road.

"Not yet Brian said she's been staying with Michelle."He mumbled.I nodded."Lex I know you aren't doing well,please take my offer and move in with me."I glanced at him.

"Maybe."I said.We arrived at my home and I noticed there was a note on the door.

Miss Sanders,
you are being evicted since you cannot pay your bills,you have two weeks to get moved out.
Bill Warner,manager.

"Matt that offer still open?"I yelled.
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