Status: starter

Tree Top Children

Moonlight Night at the Grand Oak

Amelia was walking home with Timothy. She asked him ; " Timothy , what do you do at the 'Moonlight Night at the Grand Oak'?". Timothy laughed and said ; "There is a grand oak in the forest. But not far from the wall. Its like.. huge! There is a big hole and we get inside the oak and sit in it !" . Amelia gasped ; "Sit in it?!". " Yeah , told you , Its big big big!". Amelia smiled with curiosity.
When she arrived home for dinner she asked her parents' permission for the night ;
- Mom, dad can I go out tonight? I'm gonna meet with my friends!
Mr. Liam looked at his wife thoughtfully. Mrs. Liam bit her lip before answering ; " You need to go to school tomorrow Amelia!". But Mr. Liam had a different idea ;
- I dont think it is such a big deal if Amelia comes back home at 11 p.m !
Mrs. Laura frowned at her husband then murmured ; " If it is O.K for your father .. you can go Amelia..". Amelia hugged her parents with happiness and then checked the time ; 8 o'clock. She went up to her room to get ready. When she got dressed up and took her phone the door bell rang , downstairs. Amelia listened to the voices coming from downstairs. Then she heard her mother yelling up stairs ; " Amelia! Why dont you come down?!" . Amelia ran downstairs, curious.
It was Timothy; " I stopped by to pick you up." he said. Amelia smiled at him and put on her sneakers . Then she told her parents that she was leaving.
While they were walking , Timothy said ; " We must pick up Veronica, Armon and Ginni , Mervin. Ginni isnt a problem , i hope?". Amelia pressed her lips together and said ; "No problem . " . Timothy smiled and walked towarsds a blue coloured house ; "Well, this is the house of Veronica and Armon!" he said. Amelia walked after him. Timothy knocked on the door. A young woman opened the door. She had long black hair and big green eyes. " Come on in kids, Armon and Veronica just finnished their dinner. " . She smiled . Timothy pulled her in the house. The house was designed beautifully and there were photos everywhere. Amelia looked at the photos. There was a picture of baby Veronica and another photo where a young man was holding a baby boy in his arms. The man was charming and the baby was very cute. "The man must be their father.." thought Amelia. When Armon and Veronica's mother disappeared to call her kids; Amelia asked Timothy ;
- Timothy . . . What happened to their father ? I mean . . how did he die?
Timothy sighed and bit his lip. Then answered silently ;
-They were living in Scotland before they came here. Almost everyone there were fishermans, sailors or marines. Armon and Veronica's dad was one too ; he was a marine. One day he went to on a cruise. But a huge storm broke and no one was lucky enough to survive.

Amelia listened to the tragic story until Timothy finished. As soon as Timothy fell silent, Armon and Veronica showed up. The four of them said goodbye to Armons and Veronicas mother and left. They also picked up Ginni and Mervin and finally arrived at 'the wall'. All of their other friends were waiting there for them. They all got on the other side of 'the wall' and started walking. There was a weird silence. Amelia felt uncomfortable and started talking ;
- So.. Tell me now , what does this 'Grand Oak' look like exactly?
Everyone giggled. Ella opened out her arms in the air and said , " It is huge! And the stock of it is extremely wide! You'll see Amelia!".
" The rest is a suprise for you !" shouted Pixie with excitement. Amelia smiled ," Now I really am curious! " she said. It was dark already, the stars were popping out. " We are almost there!" said Armon. Everyone has slowed down after a short while. Armon , who was leading the group took a few steps deeper into the forest and pointed everyone to follow him. Amelia took a few steps from the behind of the group. Then . . she saw the Grand Oak. The moonlight was hitting the oak like a spotlight. It was a beautiful view. The oak was really big and wide , its branches were reaching for the velvet sky.
There was a huge hole on the stock of the oak and there was a small tunnel. Everyone entered the oak in an order. Amelia was the last one who entered the oak and she was stunned. It was like a room inside there! There were holes on the oak's stock and moonlight was entering the tree. Amelia sat down between Timothy and Andrea. She still couldnt believe that they were actually 'inside' a tree. It was like. . . magic! Then suddenly she realised something that took her breath away : purple flowers had covered the inside of the oak, all around them ." Oh my God.." she whispered. Everyone had sat down as a circle. "We know.. The flowers!" Amelia heard Rosalie saying. "But.. this is impossible! How-how can this happen?" asked Amelia still in shock. She had never seen anything like this before in her life. Andrea started explaining ;
- We dont know either! All we know that this oak is really special!
Amelia looked outside from the holes. The stars were all sparkling . "This is .. beautiful!" whispered Amelia. Everyone agreeed silently. " Look that one is the Great Bear Star Team and that one on the right is the Dragon Star Team, see?" said Armon , pointing at the stars , " According to an ancient legend ; there was a princess trapped in that Star Team. The princess was always waiting for a shooting star to snatch her, to set her free.." . Ginni Beth sighed and talked in a sincere voice ; " That is a nice legend.." . Amelia agreed. Suddenly Amelia said ; " I wish I had a star of mine : Amelia Star! ". She stared at a tiny star far away ; " Yes.. that one on the left of the North Star is mine!". Everyone smiled. " Then , that one is mine, the Pixie Star!" said Pixie giggling and pointing outside the oak. Then everyone started talking about their own imaginary stars or star teams they created on their own. The night was fun and beautiful. Amelia saw three shooting stars and didnt forget to grant a wish. When it was almost 11 pm, they were telling stories to eachother. Amelia checked the time from her phone and said ; "Guys, it is almost 11 pm, I need to go home.." . All the others decided to go home too. "We better go home too, school day tomorrow, remember?" said Veronica. So they all left the oak, but they didnt forget to say goodbye to the stars ; until another night at the grand oak. . .
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