Status: starter

Tree Top Children

Armon's Story

Amelia was having a horrible sleep when she woke up. There was a storm outside with a loud thunder, bold lightnings, heavy rain and dark clouds. She was shivering , she probably had a nightmare ; because her face was wet (tears?) and her head was throbbing. She stumbled out of her bed and pulled her blanket with her. She pushed open the window. The heavy rain was so wet, cold, fresh, and hard that It felt good on her skin. She finally closed the window and sat down on the floor, with her blanket around her shoulders. It was much more helpful to sleep : watching the rain.
Amelia woke up shivering. She was lying on the floor with her blanket all around her. It was still raining, but not that heavy. Amelia stood up and leaned towards the window. The sun was rising, sending gold ray of lights through the dark clouds. Amelia shivered again and glanced at the clock on the wall : 5:00 a.m.
She slowly walked towards her closet and pulled her pijamas off. She slipped into her Nike tracksuit and put on a sweatshirt. Finally with her black Converse shoes on she left her room. Still, no one was awake.Amelia grabbed a cup and filled It with chocolate powder and hot milk. As she started drinking, she stared out of the kitchen window to the empty, rainy street. Suddenly Amelia saw a familiar siluet, walking down the street. It was a tall boy, even If he was far away , Amelia recognized Armon’s sparkling green eyes and jet-black , wet hair. Amelia threw her cup of hot chocolate on the kitchen desk and grabbed her coat. She was sure that her parents wouldn’t be awake until 8 o’clock in the morning. She opened the door and silently closed the door behind her. Amelia slowly walked towards Armon and asked when she was right behind him ; ‘ I thought you were “grounded”?’. Armon jumped with her voice and answered her ;
- I didn’t see you … Amelia. Well, I kinda escaped.
- Right, me too. But.. Armon, Isn’t It a bit early?
- Well, I woke up after a bad dream and decided to take a walk. What about you? It’s early for you too!
- Me too… bad dreams. I walked straight out of the house when I saw you!
Armon bit his lip and they both walked silently for a while. Then Armon broke the silence :
- So.. about that organizing the Tree Tops thing, we must talk about It.
- Yes, I agree. What about tomorrow? We’ll tell the others to bring stuff you know. I hope the rain gives life to the forest!
- I hope…
Armon’s voice sounded weird… like crying. Amelia looked up at him and saw tears, trying to catch up with the rain. His green eyes were like glass . ‘ Armon, Is something wrong? ‘. Armon didn’t talk for a while and then finally talked ;
- I am… a little bit too emotional , Amelia. Rainy weather makes me sad. And that fire… It really pushed me.
- What do you mean?
- For one second, all in the middle of that smoke and flames, I thought I would die; I thought I was really going to reunite with my father.
Amelia knew what that meaned, Armon’s father had died in a tragic way. They had arrived at the muddy hill that went down to the town. But they kept walking. Armon wiped away his tears and kept talking ;
- I was more connected to my father, rather than my mother. He was my role model, my hero, my teacher and best friend. He used to tell me stories, play with me, talk to me and I usually used to join his voyages. I wanted to be a sailor, just like him. Maybe It was a mistake to love him so much… One day , when I was in the middle of first grade he told me that he wasn’t allowed to take me on this one voyage. I was a little angry at him but I still counting down to the day he was going to come home.
Armon’s voice was getting tense. Amelia was just going to tell him that he doesn’t have to tell the rest, but Armon didn’t stop ;
- One very rainy day… my mother didn’t came to school to pick me and Veronica. Finally a friend’s mother took us home. We were really worried, when we had arrived at home our mother was sitting on the floor, in the middle of the living room, crying hysterically. We were both very scared and shocked. Our mother didn’t ell us about our father s death exactly. You know, ‘ Your father’s trip got longer, kids.’. Thats what she kept telling us.
Amelia could clearly see now, that Armon was crying, then she realized she was crying too. Armon tried to hide his sobs and continued to talk ;
- Finally when I came to third grade, I was getting really worried and curious. Whenever we asked my mother when my father was going to come home; she said ; ‘ Anytime, soon…’ . But finally one day, Veronica asked about my father again, and continued asking until she got a proper answer. My mother got very angry and sad , then finally yelled at us that our father wasn’t coming back, that he was with angels now. I had a breakdown . Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months. I was still very sad and sick. Finally my mother gave up and she took us to Ireland for a fresh start.
There was a short silence. Amelia was sobbing now too. Armon was trying to hide his tears. They sat on a rock near the road. Amelia stared at the horizon. The sun was rising slowly, spreading It’s golden ray of lights through the dark clouds. Armon pushed his hoodie back. The rain was heavier now and the dark clouds were still on top of them. Armon sighed and whispered ;
- When the fire started In the forest, for a moment I was so sure that we were going to die! For a moment, I was sure that my father was closer than ever. Veronica was always the stronger one. But I just can’t do It! You can’t imagine, how hard It Is to live without a father If you are a boy.
Amelia… Don’t tell It to anyone but, I committed suicide…just to see him again. It was the only way to be with him again.
Amelia turned to look at him. Armon turned away his face, still crying. ‘ Don’t ever Armon… Don’t you ever think about leaving this world behind you! We are all going to die, when the right time comes!’ said Amelia and hugged Armon. ‘ There are people who loves you, your friends and family! You can’t turn your back to them! Anyway, your father Isn’t far , Armon! He is always here with you, wherever you go, he will be always with you and he won’t let you go. People who we love, are always with you. Armon closed his eyes and hugged her closer. ‘ Don’t forget to smile and love life! That is what really matters!’. Armon, smiled at her and nodded. Amelia smiled back.
Afther that day Armon and Amelia became best friends.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope this chapter made you feel sad :)) Or maybe you cried? I dont knw, but please comment! Thankss