Status: Active.

Sarcasm Is the Lowest Form of Wit; Not.


Jake yawned loudly, stretching out his arm, twirling his wrist in the air, wincing as he heard the clicking of his bones. He wanted to stretch out his other arm, but he couldn’t, as it was strapped together in the sling and cast. His eyebrows raised as he awoke into full consciousness and realized who was with him, and what they were doing. Masimo had his arms wrapped around Jake’s waist, holding him tightly with his face on his shoulder. They were spooning.
Jake pushed him away quickly, sitting up and dusting himself down. He rubbed his eyes, his balled fists gnawing into his sockets, reddening the tender skin.
Masimo stirred and yawned, pulling the sheets over him and smiling as his eyes slowly opened.
“Good morning.” he smiled at Jake.
“Morning.” he yawned, never being much of a morning person. “You shouldn’t have been doing that.”
“Doing what?”
“You know, cuddling up to me. We’re two heterosexual guys, it’s not normal.”
“I’m gay, you know that.”
Jake scratched the back of his neck, remembering Masimo’s sexuality.
“Oh, yes, you are. I forgot, sorry.”
“No harm done.” smiled Masimo, shrugging his shoulders lightly, because it really didn’t matter to him.
“Are you… are you attracted to me? Is that why you were doing that? Because it’s not cold in here.”
“I like showing affection to people and I especially love hugs. You’re my friend and I was hugging you, people don’t have to hug because it’s cold. But you could say that I’m attracted to you, yes.” he grinned, edging towards Jake, putting his head in his lap and re-closing his eyes. Masimo grabbed Jake’s hand and placed it on his forehead. Jake frowned again but played along, leaving his hand on the other man’s head, rubbing his thumb in small circles, silly, oblivious man. It’s like it is impossible for him to hear compliments from others, or anything that involves a relationship.
“Have you got work today?” asked Masimo.
“No, not today. I’m allowed to do whatever I want. Have you got any… clients today?”
“Not as far as I know. I may get a call and then I’ll have to go, but I don’t think so.”
“Okay.” he smiled, holding Jake’s hand in is. He’d never felt so comfortable, or if he had, it had been such a long time that he would have forgotten about it. Jake was being almost motherly towards him, without realizing it. He couldn’t see how much Masimo both craved and needed this; the suicidal thoughts always drifted away when he was in the innocent and charming presence of Jake.
“Thank you.” he said, quietly. “Thank you for taking me in like this. Even if it’s for only tonight, thank you.”
“That’s quite alright.” grinned Jake, giving Masimo’s hand a squeeze, using his other to rub the man’s head soothingly. He couldn’t fathom the pain Jake must have been through. He’d always thought that no one could have possibly in a worse position than him, but Masimo was; he was. But somehow, if you put two suffering men together, you can create happiness.
“What is your real name?” asked Jake. “I only know you by your preferred Italian name.”
“Masimo is much more, what’s the word, flamboyant? No, that’s not it. I’d rather be called Masimo, anyway.”
“I can still refer to you as that, but I’d appreciate it if you told me your real name. Considering you’re staying in my apartment.”
He sighed and rubbed his eyes with the hand that wasn’t being held.
“Promise not to laugh?”
“If I happen to laugh, then I happen to laugh. I can promise that I’ll try not to.”
He smiled and opened his eyes, looking up at the friendly, disheveled man. “I’m called Doogle.”
Jake let out a few small laughs, which resembled giggles, so he stopped himself. The other man laughed with him, because he was happy. He liked seeing his friend happy, too, so it made him feel the same thing.
“Doogle.” he pondered, tilting his head slightly. “In an odd way, it suits you, you know.”
“Do you know how much I was picked on at school?”
“We didn’t go to the same schools, so I wouldn’t know, would I?”
“Well, there is that. But I was bullied a lot. Mainly because I was a gay, spotty, virgin. Who had the name Doogle.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. But you know, there’s no spots on your face, and you’re not a virgin. Not that there’s anything wrong with that if you were, Doog.
“Do not shorten my awful name.” he scowled, then broke into a smile. “Are you a virgin?”
“Why do you ask that?” said Jake, quietly and timidly.
“Because you said ‘not that there’s anything wrong with that’.”
“Oh.” he smiled, looking up at the ceiling. “No, I’m not.”
“With a girl?”
“Yes, with a girl.”
“Did you love her? Have you ever been in love?”
Jake frowned, then looked down. He was asking a lot of questions, which alarmed him slightly as he wasn’t used to people taking an interest in his life.
“I did not love her. I may have been in love, but I’m not sure whether I was or not. She was lonely and beautiful. So it escalated and we had sex, several times. But then we graduated and she became successful, leaving me behind. I ran away to Canada and didn’t realize what would be needed to support myself. Only now am I just about steady.”
“Did you run away because of her?” pondered Doogle.
“I ran away because my brother used to beat me for not understanding. He was constantly sarcastic, you see, and also had an anger problem. Mix it with an autistic and you create a horrible mess.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault.” he nodded, then Doogle suddenly jumped up from his comfortable position, tucking his legs underneath his body and wriggling about a bit. He closed his eyes, breathed out, then slowly re-opened them, revealing his blue orbs.
“Do you think you could ever be gay?”
“I’ve thought about it.” he nodded, replying honestly. “Because the very little physical contact I’ve had with girls didn’t really trigger anything. Then I thought I might be one of the choice few that can’t really get aroused. I could be gay but you’re meant to know, aren’t you? And I don’t know.”
“Oh, well, that’s fair enough.” mumbled Doogle, biting his bottom lip.
“Can you tell? Fellow gays are meant to detect if others are near.”
He chuckled. “We don’t really have a gay-dar, Jake. You seem like you could be bi-sexual, but quite picky.”
Jake smiled, because he felt that this was probably true. He was pretty un-educated when it came to relationships, and he suspected Doogle was probably as un-educated. Although, sexually, he outweighed Jake in every sense of the word.
Doogle sighed again, then slowly leaned forwards, pressing his hurt and chapped lips to the stubbled cheek of the other man. He let it linger for a few seconds, then broke away, his lips departing the skin. Jake continued smiling, then replied with a quick peck back. Doogle frowned, confused, so pecked back. And Jake pecked. And Doogle pecked. And Jake pecked. Then Doogle left the games behind him, pushing Jake into a harsh, forceful kiss, lusty and hot.
♠ ♠ ♠
Two comments would be nice please? I'd love to know what you guys think (:

Have a nice day, Freya <3