Status: Active.

Sarcasm Is the Lowest Form of Wit; Not.


Jake pushed Masimo away slowly, the un-broken hand gripping at his companion’s shoulder as he lay on top of him. His jaw hung a little lower than normal, not sure as of what to say or when to say it.
“You’re hurting my arm.” he said simply, hoping this simple statement would suffice and they could revert back to normality.
Masimo muttered something under his breath, which could have been an apology, but even he didn’t quite understand what he had said. He moved the hand from his shoulder, placed his feet on the ground and slipped off of the other man. He couldn’t reply, too many things were rushing through his brain, too many impulses rushing between the synapses for him to say anything that would resemble sense.
Masimo looked at the frightened man on the couch, then scowled at him and stormed out of the apartment entirely, slamming the door behind him, not caring that he was in only pajamas. His attire was the least of his worries.

He could have, potentially, just lost the roof over his head.

He could have, potentially, just lost his only way out of his living hell.

He could have, potentially, just lost the solution to his every growing list of problems.

It couldn’t be helped. he thought. It couldn’t be helped because, well, just because. Maybe because he simply hadn’t learned how to control himself, and had some dysfunction which meant when ever he saw someone attractive, he had to leap at them and kiss the with more passion than he’d ever imagined he could produce.

Although, he had to admit, that was highly unlikely. The dysfunction, that is. He really did struggle being able to control himself around people he found a lot more attractive than himself. He’d been told, as a younger boy, that if anyone better looking than you shows you interest, keep them. After all, they are meant to be your better half. It was more of the fact that he’d grown accustomed to Jake’s odd habits and inability to understand sarcasm. He’d developed feelings that could no longer stay underlying; they burst out through him, and found themselves attached to the luscious, sexy lips of Jake. They were practically begging for another pair of lips to glide across them.

It made him lick his own lips and let a small groan escape between them, floating out into the cool air.

It was only then did he realize that he was stood outside, on the sidewalk in bare feet. He wouldn’t be too bothered about this, but this wasn’t exactly the safest place in Canada. As he knew all too well; what kind of place has gay prostitutes flooding the streets? Surely Jake should have known that this was the prostitute capital of Canada, and probably of all of North America upon moving here? Anyone he knew, who was male and wore jeans that were that bit too tight, was bound to be one of them.
Because it was an unsafe place, the ground was covered in illegal, well, crap. There was a sheet of debris enveloping the streets, everything ranging from discarded needles to your standard litter. You were almost guaranteed to contract something if you were as stupid as to touch, let alone walk across the pavement.

Masimo sighed and walked back inside the apartment complex, flicking off the nearly broken light as the bulb continued to twitch. He forced himself back up the splintered steps, cursing as he felt the minuscule pieces of wood slip into his cracked heels. At least he’d had time to cool off and expel the hurt that was sure to be shown in his eyes.

Your eyes always deceive you.

Masimo sighed and blinked a few times as he stood hunched, in front of the apartment door. His eyelids covered his blue, iridescent orbs for a few seconds, and then let them shine through as he forced himself back into the apartment.
“Masimo, I-I’m sorry. If I had known that lip on lip contact would ensue, then I never would have –” he stuttered, stopping folding the couch away and coming to a complete halt as he saw the hate in his friend’s eyes.
How can you say that? It was so blatant that something else would come out of it! Kiss after fucking kiss means that yeah, we are going to kiss on the lips next! Are you fucking retarded?

Masimo’s eyes widened as he realized what he had just said. Jake must be so used to this, the shouting and the insults due to his autism. He thought that Jake was going to curl up into a ball and sob quietly, until his shirt was soaked through and when you wrung it out it could solve the lack of water problem in all poverty struck countries.

But he didn’t.

He remained strong; he’d learned how to deal with people like this before. It had happened on many occasions, so he knew exactly what he had to do.

Let it glide past.

“I’m sorry.” he repeated, standing up taller, like the prey would do to try and warn off the predator, as a last resort before they were attacked to death, the flesh torn right off the bone.
“I shouldn’t have said that Jake, I’d forgotten, was all. If I’d remembered your condition-”
“It is not a condition because I am not ill, nor do I need to be taken care of twenty four hours a day.” he interrupted, blurting out the rehearsed line.
“Fine, it’s not a condition, but sometimes it must annoy you, right? Not being able to understand when people are being literal or taking hints.”
“You don’t need to list what I can not do, Doogle. I know perfectly well, thank you. I’ve said my piece, now I would appreciate it if you would say something that would make this all better.” he murmured, curling into himself and sitting on the back of the couch.
Masimo half-smiled, shut the door with his aching foot and traipsed across the room to sit next to his, soon to be, friend again. He placed his hand on top of Jake’s, curved his fingers so they were almost holding hands.
“Hold it, go on.” smiled Masimo, now more collected about the situation and understanding that Jake needed to be told what to do, as hints were of no use.
Jake slipped his fingers into the spaces in between his companion’s and breathed out a confused sigh.
“Strap on backwards is no parts.” said Masimo, and Jake couldn’t help but let his lips curve into a smile and a laugh escape them.
“Everything is better, now.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments, please? (:

And I'm so sorry for not updating in almost a month. I hope to make them more frequent soon.

-Freya. :D