Status: Finished!

Love On The Ice And Off

Chapter 29

Wasn't Proof Read

LeAnn was right when she said Jordan was an announcer while having sex. Jordan was a loud talker when in everyday situations. But while having sex his voice triples volume wise. Sadly, there’s no mute button on him.

For some reason LeAnn and Jordan came back to my apartment to have sex. Jordan had his own place, and LeAnn was just staying with me until she got things straightened out. You don’t fully understand what it means to over stay your welcome until somebody brings their boyfriend back to your apartment and has sex in the guest bedroom.

They went at it for forever.

I didn’t get to sleep until three in the morning. And it wasn’t like I was purposely listening to them. Heck, I even put earplugs in for a while. They just kept getting louder and louder. Though I feel asleep around three in the morning, I was woken up at five. They were starting another round, which had to be about the tenth round. They were like rabbits going at it.

Due to my lack of sleep through out the night I slept in a little, more than I would have liked to. When I finally woke up to my alarm I had ten minutes before I had to be in my class. That left me with just enough time to brush my teeth and hair, get some coffee, and walk to class.

I had just finished doing my bathroom routine when there was a knock on the door. Now was not the time for visitors. I let out a groan and got my messenger bag with my books and laptop before answering the door.

“You look like crap.” Kathryn commented as she followed me to the elevator. I rolled my eyes at her and walked into the elevator after the doors opened. “I mean no offense, but those baggy, black sweatpants and tight hoodie aren’t all that flattering.” She had a smile on her face as she critiqued my outfit, which meant she was just messing with me.

“Yeah well, if you went through what I just did you would look like a fuckin’ bum too.” Kathryn let out a laugh and continued to follow me. I didn’t even know why she was here talking to me. She doesn’t even go to the same school as me. Last I checked she lived across town. “Why are you here?” I handed my credit card to the lady working at Starbucks and waited to get it back. “Don’t you have your own classes to go to?” While I waited impatiently for my coffee, Kathryn explained how she transferred schools and was looking at apartments in downtown Pittsburgh.

Once I got to my class Kathryn and I parted ways. She went to her class and I went to mine. I was about a minute later, and when Professor Blake saw me come in he was not happy. “Nice of you to join us, Miss Greene.” He didn’t even turn to acknowledge me, just kept writing on the board.

The class drug on forever. All Professor Blake did was tell us about the final project we would be starting next time in class. The project wasn’t that hard, which apparently he made it easy on purpose. We were supposed to write an autobiography about ourselves and make it into a movie. And when it was done we had to present it to the class.

Yeah, my movie was going to be go something like this; I’m a twenty-one year old girl that has nothing going for her because she was bitch to her boyfriend and fucked up anything good she had going for herself.

It’s going to be a real tear jerker, I can just feel it.

Kathryn had met me in the main courtyard on campus. We stopped for another cup of coffee, but not for the caffeine this time. It was freezing cold outside and neither of us had more than a sweatshirt on.

I was trying to grab my ringing phone from my messenger bag. It had fallen to the very bottom, making it so I had to balance my scorching hot coffee while I pulled books out of the bag. I wasn’t paying attention to where I was walking and walked right into somebody, spilling my coffee all over them. The second I felt the cup leave my hands I started freaking out. Kathryn rolled her eyes at me and handed me my books that had fallen on the ground. I looked up to apologize to the person I just burnt with the coffee.

“Oh you have got to be fuckin’ kidding me.” I groaned when I saw whole the coffee spilled on.

Kathryn patted my shoulder and gave me a sympathetic smile. “I’ll go wait for you over there.”

“I’m really sorry, Sidney. I swear I’ll pay to get the stain out.” Sidney’s once clean, white underarmour shirt was now a gross dirty brown color.

He shook his head and forced a smile. “Its fine, Haley. I never even really liked the shirt.” That was a total lie. He loved that shirt; it was one of his favorites. “Can we maybe talk?”

“Umm…” I looked over at Kathryn, not sure what to say. She shrugged her shoulders and went back to texting. I had promised Kathryn this morning I would go look at a few apartments with her. “I uh, I already told Kathryn I would go look at apartments with her.” His face fell instantly and a huge frown took over his smile. He looked tired and worn out, just like I did. “But, I have the rest of the day free after that. So if you wanna meet up someplace later then we can talk.”

“The team has some autographing thing all afternoon, and then I need to go work out at the gym…” He trailed off, silently saying he had no time to talk to me. It hurt to know that he wouldn’t skip working out to fix things between us.

“Oh ok,” I pulled my bag farther up on my shoulder and ran my hand through my thick hair. “Then I guess I’ll talk to you later.” You could easily hear the hurt in my voice and see it on my face. I was like an open book.

I forced the tears that wanted to fall away and jogged over to where Kathryn was waiting, leaving Sidney standing there shocked.


“Marc-Andre and I haven’t had sex.” Kathryn said randomly as we sat on the couch in my living room watching season five of Lost. “He says he wants to wait. And I don’t get why. You think if I send him a sexy text message he’ll have sex with me tonight? I think I’ll do that. What should say? Oh, I know what to tell him!” She just kept rambling on and on. I was listening, and every time I tried to answer a question she asked she started going off about something else.

“I’ll pole dance 4 you. U bring the pole?” I read the text she sent him out loud and started cracking up. “Oh my God, how old are you? That is so junior high.” I just kept going on about how funny the text was.

Kathryn yanked her phone away from me and glared at me. “You’re a bitch.” She mumbled as she read Marc’s reply. “And now it’s time for me to go pole dance.” A smirk spread across her face as she stood up and gathered her things. “Sidney said he was working out tonight didn’t he?” She paused in the doorway of the apartment and looked at me intently.

“Yeah.” I said slowly, not sure what was going on. “Why?”

She rolled her eyes at me and read another text message on her phone. “Just go to the gym and force him to talk to you. It’s not like he can’t lift weights and talk at the same time.”


For the first time in my life I listened to Kathryn. I wanted to fix things between Sidney and me, even if that meant we were going to break up. The whole not knowing what’s going on between us was really getting old.

So I put on some jeans and a black sweater than made my way to the gym in Sidney’s apartment building. It was only a two minute walk. But it felt like two hours. I was nervous and starting to lose the confidence I had, and it was extremely cold and snowing outside. That was probably the worst part about the walk.

I said hi to the old janitor that was in the lobby and made my way towards the gym. Whenever Sidney wanted to get some extra workout time he had to do it in the apartment building workout room. And he only went in there after it had closed. The apartment building manager knew about it and had no problem with him being in there after hours.

“Crosby, we need to talk.” I said loudly as I stepped into the room. Sidney looked at me like I was crazy and sat up on the bench he was lying on while lifting weights. His shirt was off and his chest was all sweaty. It was making it a little hard to concentrate. “I’m going to do the talking. Seeing as you won’t grow a pair and do it yourself.” I paused for a second to make sure he wasn’t going to interrupt me. “I’m tired of questioning if we’re still together or not. So if you love Kim and not me, then just say it.” After being stressed for so long I was ready to just break down. There was more that I had planned to say, but I couldn’t get it all out at the time. Heck, I couldn’t do anything besides be embarrassed and stand in the middle of the room awkwardly looking at my feet.

I wrapped my arms around my torso and tried to hide the tears threatening to fall and the blush that had taken over my face.

I was going to kill Kathryn tomorrow. This was a horrible idea.

I watched the floor as Sidney’s feet moved towards me. He has big feet. That’s something I’ve never noticed before. He stopped about six inches from me and let out a sigh. I looked up at him with tearful eyes and tried to smile, but it didn’t come out as a smile. He laughed at my attempt and pulled me into a tight hug. I wrapped my arms around his waist and buried my face into his chest.

“Haley, I don’t love Kim. I’m one hundred percent sure of that. I love you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Once again, another bad chapter.
I don't know why everything I'm writing lately is sucking.
It's taken me three tries to write this chapter, and all three times it's sucked.

Right now I'm ready to end the story. There's other ideas I have for it, but I feel like I'm dragging the story out and nothing's really happening. So what do you guys think of a sequel? I was thinking in this story end maybe 3 or so chapters. Take a short break to get my thoughts together. And then start fresh with a sequel. Let me know what you guys think. If I have enough people that would read the sequel I'll do it. Leave a comment giving me your opnion :)

Thanks to everybody that's been commenting xD