Hate Me If You Want. Love Me If You Can

Chapter 47

Four hours and thirty two minutes later we arrived home. I carried Mikey into the house since he was asleep yet again. Mom rushed out the door and she ... smiled. "You boys are home!" she said weakly. Apparently she was crying. Mikey woke up and I helped him stand up straight until he could do it without falling since he was still half asleep.

"Mom, I..er..we got to tell you something," I said, glancing at Mikey and then back at her. She nodded and I sighed. "I ran into a close friend out on the road and she told us to tell you that what happened between us was nothing more than a brotherly thing. It didn't mean anything and we don't want you to think otherwise. We just wanted to let you know so you won't hate one of us or both of.."

"It was your grandmother wasn't it?" she asked, cutting me off. I nodded. "She popped in a few minutes ago to tell me to relax. She also told me to just let you explain. I agreed and before she left she told me to walk outside and I did and here you are. My two beautiful boys." Mikey smiled and I gave a quick glance up at mom.

I charged inside and down to my room. "Where is it?" I mumbled, digging for the old photo album. Finding it under a pile of clean jeans, I picked it up and darted back upstairs into the living room. I sat on the couch and picked up a random empty frame and started looking through the album coming across the photo of grandma that I adored so much. I carefully took it out of the album, undid the back of the picture frame and put it in. Closing the back of the frame, I stood up and walked to the mantle and placed it right in the middle.

"You really miss her, don't you?" I heard mom say, coming up behind me and wrapping her arms around my neck, settling her chin on my head.

"Not as much as I did. Knowing she's still here makes me feel a lot better," I said, looking at Mikey and smiling. I glanced at the photo of grandma and she winked. I laughed as well as the others.

"She taught you a lot of things, Gerard," Mom said, sighing. I nodded.

"Singing, drawing... so much more. It hurt way too much to see her go," I said, tears forming.

"Mikey, I got news for you," Mom said, looking at him. Mikey looked at her quizzically. "I been trying and trying to file a court date to sue your father for the incident and finally got one. This weekend. All you have to is show up, tell them what had happened and he's in jail. And it wouldn't hurt if Gerard would show up as well." I nodded and Mikey gulped. He thought about it for a minute then nodded. "Well, school starts in about two hours. If you want to go, I suggest you get ready. You've already missed a month." Mikey and I glanced at each other and darted upstairs.

"I call dibs on the shower first!" Mikey called. I stopped and smiled at him. He turned to look at me. "Dude! Come on, you're supposed to be fighting me for it!"

"Not today bro. I'll let you take it. I need to .. call .. someone before I take my shower," I said. Mikey nodded and jogged up the stairs to the bathroom. I sat right where I stood and silently called my grandmother .. hoping to talk to her for a little while before heading off to school.