

xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: wtf was my boyfriend doing with you lastnight?
SlLENCl0: playing me in chess
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: and what else?
SlLENCl0: he hung out with me and played chess and talked
SlLENCl0: we listened to music
SlLENCl0: are we done, officer?
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: um no
SlLENCl0: yes, yes we are
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: how come when I called him
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: he sounded fucked up
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: what were you guys doing?
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: oh I can't
SlLENCl0: then i'm afraid i'm out of information
SlLENCl0: so arrest me or shut the fuck up
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: um excuse me?
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: who are you to fucking talk to me like that
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: i want to know wtf my boyfriend was on lastnight?
SlLENCl0: SlLENCl0: then i'm afraid i'm out of information
SlLENCl0: so arrest me or shut the fuck up
SlLENCl0: dont make me repeat myself
SlLENCl0: it becomes harrassment, and that's bad
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: oh my god like you're a treate to me?
SlLENCl0: who the fuck are YOU to interrogate me
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: threat*
SlLENCl0: i'm not even threatening you
SlLENCl0: i'm just telling you
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: who the fuck are you to get my boyfriend fucked up on god knows what?
SlLENCl0: either arrest me, or shut up
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: just tell
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: me
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: what my boyfriend
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: was fucking on
SlLENCl0: i dont control johnathons actions
SlLENCl0: and am not liable because of them
SlLENCl0: so arrest me or shut the fuck up
SlLENCl0: i dont control him
SlLENCl0: SlLENCl0: then i'm afraid i'm out of information
SlLENCl0: so arrest me or shut the fuck up
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: well what the fucke did you give him
SlLENCl0: i didnt know you kept so tight a chain
SlLENCl0: i thought he could choose as he wished
SlLENCl0: i didn't know you had ruled that out
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: sorry i don't want him becoming a addict
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: liek you
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: like*
SlLENCl0: he can't afford to be an addict
SlLENCl0: but if he could, he would
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: no i think he has a little more self respect
SlLENCl0: lmfao
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: no tell me what did you get him fucked up on?
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: what did you give him
SlLENCl0: i beat him in chess a couple of times
SlLENCl0: then he was with kristin lawson
SlLENCl0: and then he came back
SlLENCl0: he looked intoxicated a little bit
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: on what?
SlLENCl0: and he left again
SlLENCl0: after you called him
SlLENCl0: i dont know what he was on
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: Brandon, I doubt you've ever had a "Serious" Girlfriend
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: so here it is
SlLENCl0: then you dont know shit about me
SlLENCl0: you've never had a serious boyfriend
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: if my boyfriend gets hurt
SlLENCl0: because if he was serious
SlLENCl0: he wouldn't let you interrogate his friends
SlLENCl0: and if it was serious
SlLENCl0: you wouldn't do it anyway
SlLENCl0: is he okay?
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: idk
SlLENCl0: that's all that matter
SlLENCl0: s
SlLENCl0: SlLENCl0: then i'm afraid i'm out of information
SlLENCl0: so arrest me or shut the fuck up
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: i haven't talked to HIM
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: i'm worried as fucking hell
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: okay?
SlLENCl0: well, how fucked up was he?
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: well judging by how he sounded when i called
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: very
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: i haven't seen him since Monday morning at 6am
SlLENCl0: when you called, i was talking to tim and johnathon was playing some game on his laptop
SlLENCl0: he said i'm at brandons
SlLENCl0: thne he left
SlLENCl0: then he came back
SlLENCl0: to get his laptop
SlLENCl0: and left again
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: well I'm very fucking upset
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: and you better not be lying to me
SlLENCl0: why the fuck would i lie to you
SlLENCl0: because i dont like you?
SlLENCl0: pfft
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: well considering you lied to john when we first started dating
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: say that I said I'd leave him for you?!?
SlLENCl0: about what?
SlLENCl0: oh yeah
SlLENCl0: that was hilarious
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: oh was it?
SlLENCl0: and he knew i was joking
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: no he didn't
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: cos he bitched me out
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: and I had to make him believe me
SlLENCl0: i told him we talked a couple of times
SlLENCl0: actually
SlLENCl0: i didnt say anything other than that
SlLENCl0: that we talked once or twice
SlLENCl0: i dont remember tell him you'd leave him for me
SlLENCl0: really
SlLENCl0: i dont
SlLENCl0: if i did i was lying or fucking with him
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: yeah go figure
SlLENCl0: what are you going to do, beat be up?
SlLENCl0: lulz
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: ?
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: when was the last time you talked to him online?
SlLENCl0: before he came over with his laptop
SlLENCl0: he came back and tim got it for him
SlLENCl0: and then tim left
SlLENCl0: i stayed up for the rest of the night at my home
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: great..
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: i can't find him now
SlLENCl0: i am not responsible for anyone but me, do you understand this?
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: well from what i heard you gave him herion
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: is this correct?
SlLENCl0: i wish i had enough heroin to share it
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: not recently\
SlLENCl0: i haven't done heroin for almost a year
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: oh see this was apparently before me and him started dating
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: so have you?
SlLENCl0: i have never given anybody heroin
SlLENCl0: i would have sold that shit
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: okay..
SlLENCl0: you think a god damn junkie WOULD GIVE AWAY HIS HEROIN?
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: idunno considering I'M NOT CLOSE TO ANY JUNKIES
SlLENCl0: that's a shame
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: Not really
SlLENCl0: because your life has a pickett fence around it that you never tried to escape through drugs because doctors couldnt find out what was causing you so much pain
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: umm no actually
SlLENCl0: you dont fucking know me
SlLENCl0: oh yeah
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: and i don't care
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: i don't care to know you
SlLENCl0: then just leave me alone
SlLENCl0: it's simple
SlLENCl0: there's an X up there
SlLENCl0: close the shit
SlLENCl0: do i have to piss you off to shut you the fuck up?
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: okay fine, I just want to know my boyfriend wasn't hurt
SlLENCl0: your boyfriend was not hurt
SlLENCl0: he might have smoked some pot
SlLENCl0: but he didn't do any heroin
SlLENCl0: didn't do any pills
SlLENCl0: at my house, anyway
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: it wasn't pot brandon that he was on
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: and he's not suppose to be doing ANY pills
SlLENCl0: so he's NEVER been on pills without being at my house?
SlLENCl0: he left twice
SlLENCl0: and came back
SlLENCl0: all we did was play chess
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: no I'm saying he's not suppose to be doing any
SlLENCl0: and listen to eminem
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: ew
SlLENCl0: eww
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: but okay
SlLENCl0: yeah
SlLENCl0: eww
SlLENCl0: i fucking love it
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: sorry, i don't like rap
SlLENCl0: i dont divide music into categories
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: okay
SlLENCl0: isn't it limiting?
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: depends
SlLENCl0: i'm sure there have been rap songs you've liked
SlLENCl0: dont even fucking say you havent
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: not really cos I don't really listen to rap
SlLENCl0: welp
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: it irratates me
SlLENCl0: at least it's not country
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: eww gross
SlLENCl0: and whiny bitches kind of annoy me
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: whiny bitches?
SlLENCl0: but those whiny bitches are your heros, arent they?
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: otep?
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: msi?
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: lamb of god?
SlLENCl0: otep
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: tool?
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: whiny?
SlLENCl0: tool and lamb of god are good
SlLENCl0: i admit
SlLENCl0: but otep is just an spokeswoman for angsty women everywhere
SlLENCl0: the music fucking sucks
SlLENCl0: it's been done a thousand times
SlLENCl0: lamb of god is alright, i liked a few of their songs
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: and eminem fucking sucks
SlLENCl0: they were great live
SlLENCl0: yes, you see, that opinion is as valid as mine:
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: very true
SlLENCl0: i am not a bad person
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: yeah..
SlLENCl0: i would fucking do ANYTHING for johnathon
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: ok
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: you better not have
SlLENCl0: i said i WOULD DO anything FOR HIM
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: oh sorry
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: i notcied after i sent it
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: that i had read it wrong
SlLENCl0: and to think a junkie would give away heroin, that's silly
SlLENCl0: :-P
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: well like i said....I don't know junkies
SlLENCl0: every one is a junkie
SlLENCl0: the only differs = physical and mental effects
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: depends on what sense
SlLENCl0: oxygen is great, isn't it?
SlLENCl0: try to kick the habit
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: very true
SlLENCl0: i'm not a vindictive asshole
SlLENCl0: i was always nice to you
SlLENCl0: why all this fussing at me, kourtney?
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: nice to me
SlLENCl0: all these insults?
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: ?
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: um you told John that I'd leave him for you
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: how is that being nice to someone
SlLENCl0: um no i didnt and i'll tell him to his face
SlLENCl0: in front of you
SlLENCl0: and kyle
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: so are you calling him a liar
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: ?
SlLENCl0: if he told you i told him you said you'd leave him for me, if HE told you that I said that, then yes, he is lying
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: i don't think so
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: cos he showed me the messages that you sent
SlLENCl0: what the fuck would i gain by lying?
SlLENCl0: think, why?
SlLENCl0: why would i tell him that?
SlLENCl0: what good would it have done me?
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: idk why?
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: idunno
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: i really don't
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: but I don't think John would lie to me
SlLENCl0: you think i did it to amuse myself?
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: who knows
SlLENCl0: do you know what subtlety is?
xxxdeadlyxsynxxx: nope
SlLENCl0: have you ever seen the puppetmaster?