Sequel: 10 Things
Status: complete, but i may add a few more chapters

My Safe Haven

About What?

Chapter 11

We all sat around the table saying nothing. Aunt Gracie or Aunt Jenna must have come and gotten Hannah and Jessie because they were no where to be found. All that could be heard, was the scraping sound of our forks across our plates. I sighed angrily, and slammed my fork down on the table.

“Are we really not going to talk about this?” I said, directing my question al my mom and dad, but Landon looked up instead.

“About what?” he asked with a mouth full of food. I laughed, and looked at my mom and dad once again.

“You didn’t tell him yet?” I asked them, and they shook their heads.

“Didn’t tell me what?” he asked, setting his fork down, and looked back and forth between my mom and dad and me.

“Does one of you guys want to tell him, or should I?” I asked and they stayed quiet.

“I guess I will then.” I said and looked at Wyatt. He squeezed my hand under the table, and nodded his head towards Landon. I nodded and look in a deep breath.

“You promise not to freak out when I tell you?” I asked and he nodded.

“I promised.” he said with a little smile.

“Ok, here goes nothing. Landon, I’m-”

“A lesbian!” my dad shouted, and my mom slapped him upside his head.

“Shut up, and stop interrupting.” I said, and narrowed my eyes at him, and how immature he was being.

“So you’re not a lezbo?” Landon asked, and I shook my head ‘no.’

“No, I’m not into that sort of thing. But I am however pregnant.” I said and watched his eyes bulge out of his eye sockets.

“FUCK!” he yelled, and stood up.

“I’m going to kill that douche!” he yelled, and started walking towards the door.

“Landon, stop. Killing him while he is in jail isn’t going to do you any good. He’s in there for twenty-five to life.” I said, and shuttered as I remembered the day at court last week. They made me explain what happened, play, by, play. Then they sentenced him after he was proven guilty by evidence.

“I know, I know, but my baby sister, is going to have a baby herself.” he said, and sat back down.

“Landon, I’m not a baby. I’m seventeen. Sure that’s young, but I’m not going to punish this child, because he or she didn’t do anything.” I said, and reached across the table for his hand.

“I just need all of you guys there for me during this.” I said, and he nodded. I looked at my parents, and they nodded too.

“I cant believe how mature you are being about this.” my mom whispered and my dad nodded in agreement.

“She gets that from you.” my dad said, directing that at my mom.

“I have to mama, there’s a bun in my oven, and I can’t do anything to take it back.” I said and they all laughed at my phasing.

“We’re really proud of you.” they said and I smiled.

“Do you now know why abortion isn’t an option.” I asked them, and they nodded.

“I’m sorry Brair, I didn’t mean to say that. It was just the first thing that popped into my head.” my mom said and I nodded.

“Um, I thought that I would let you guys know that I am going to accept it, the baby as my own, because I love your daughter more than any thing, and I will help care for this child too. I don’t care if we’re only sophomores. We are seventeen and we are going to do our best.” Wyatt said and I felt tears threatening to overflow. I turned to him and hugged him tightly.

“I love you too.” I said and all I could do was cry. Not because I was sad, because I was happy, the most fucked up part of my life and I was happy, and I was ok with that.
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i was dissappointed, only one commet for the last chapter? let's see if we can fix that this chapter.......