Sequel: 10 Things
Status: complete, but i may add a few more chapters

My Safe Haven


Chapter 13

<><><><> 3 Months Pregnant <><><><>

I stood in front of the mirror, and groaned. I was started to show, and I hated it.

“What now?” Wyatt asked as he yawned and sat up from his spot on my bed.

“I’m getting fat.” I said and pulled my shirt a different way to see my stomach from a different angle. I groaned again after realizing that I looked bigger from that angle. Wyatt stood up and walked over to me. He wrapped his arms around my stomach and kissed my neck. I giggled and turned my head to capture his lips with mine. I was successful and pushed him back towards my bed. He spun up around and I landed softly on my bed. This carried on until he pulled away.

“Whoa there, easy tiger.” he said and I growled slightly.

“What do you expect? I’m a hormonal pregnant teenager. You should be glad that we are the only ones home.” I said and he laughed. Mom, dad, Landon, Hannah, and Jessie went on our annual winter trip, but I stayed behind because I wasn’t feeling well, and I got carsick twice as easy now that I was pregnant.

“Yeah, but that is the hormones talking. You’d kill me if I took advantage of you right now.” he said and I laughed.

“It’s not assault if you yell surprise.” I said and he laughed.

“Yeah well no surprises tonight, and not for a while babe.” he said and I glared.

“You’re such a mood killer.” I accused and pushed him off of me. He nodded and mumbled,

“I know.” he stroked my hair and I instantly calmed down. I turned my back to him and he instantly wrapped his arm around my waist. It was like we were two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, that fit perfectly together. I traced patterns on the palm of his hand as I watched the rain outside.

“Wyatt?” I asked and I felt hot breath on my neck with brought goose bumps to my exposed skin.

“Yes?” he said and I smiled.

“I want ice cream. But not just any ice cream. I was home make ice cream from Grandma Jennie’s down the road, with extra peanut butter, hot fudge, whipped cream, and nuts.” I said and he groaned.

“But you hate peanut butter.” he said and sat up and looked at me. He put his hand to my forehead and I laughed.

“I know, but I’ve been craving it all week.” I said and I sighed.

“Let’s go.” he said and got up. He turned around and helped me up since it was getting harder for me. I grabbed his hoodie and put it on, and then put on my coat, and handed him his coat.

“You better hope she’s open since it is 10:30 at night.” Wyatt said and I smiled.

“She’s open till 10:45 so drive quickly.” I said and he smiled.

“Just for you.” he said and I cleared my throat.

“Correction. Just for you two.” he said and I smiled. We arrived at Grandma Jennie’s Ice Cream Parlor five minutes later, and I litter jumped out of the car, and sprinted to the door. No one was in line so I walked up to the counter and waited (in)patiently to be served.

“Can I help you Brair?” Grandma Jennie said and I smiled.

“Hi Grandma J. I would like a large peanut butter hot fudge sundae with extra peanut butter whipped cream and nuts, with dark chocolate ice cream please.” I said and she smiled.

“What a sugar rush you will have.” she said and I nodded.

“I thought you didn’t like peanut butter?” she asked as she made my sundae.

“I’ve become accustom to it.” I said and she laughed I felt an arm snake around my waist and immediately melted into Wyatt’s side.

“Hi.” I whispered and pecked his lips. He smiled and mumbled a hi back and looked at the board to see what the special was. Grandma Jennie placed my sundae in front of me, and I wasted no time in starting to devourer it. Wyatt laughed at me, as did Grandma Jennie.

“Would you like anything young man?” she asked Wyatt, and he nodded.

“Can I have a small dark chocolate in a waffle cone, and another one of her sundaes to go please?” he asked and I smiled.

“You really do love me.” I said and he nodded.

“I love you Air.” he said and I smiled.

“I love you too Wyatt.” I said and gave him a sideways hug and put whipped cream on his nose.

“You’re so immature.” he said and wiped the whipped cream off of his nose.

“You know what I just realized. Immature really says I’m Mature, so technically I’m mature.” I said and he rolled his eyes as he paid and we left.

“Thank you!” I yelled over my shoulder and Grandma Jennie laughed and called back a,

“You’re welcome.” we got in the car, and I immediately turned the heat on full blast and closed my eyes, now full, satisfied, and tired.

“Wake me up when we get home.” I mumbled and fell asleep in the car.


I opened my eyes slightly when I felt me head it something soft. I looked over at Wyatt, and smiled. He had his back to me and was stretching. He peeled off his shirt and jeans and turned back around.

“Holy gizmos you scared me Air.” he said and I laughed. I got up and hanged into my booty shorts and tank top and crawled back under my purple duvet.

“Did you ever realize, through out all this chaos, we found safety in each others arms, and actually fell for each other?” I ask Wyatt, only to realize that he was asleep. I sighed and turned into his chest and fell asleep myself.
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