Sequel: 10 Things
Status: complete, but i may add a few more chapters

My Safe Haven

Mirror's Don't Lie

Chapter 15

I stood in front of the mirror and sighed. I tried to button up my pants again, but they still didn’t go around my now noticeable bump.

“Fucking pants, why must you turn on me now?” I yelled at the pants in the mirror and I heard a chuckle from behind me. I looked in the tip right of my mirror and saw that Wyatt was standing in the door way. He was giving me a ride to school since mom and dad were still gone and Landon was still staying at his friend’s house.

“What are you chuckling at?” I sneered and he laughed again.

“Face it Air, you knew it was bound to happen some time.” he said and I threw my hair brush at him.

“Yeah but not at three months.” I said and he moved just in time to miss the impact of the hair brush. It hit the frame and fell to the floor with a thud.

“Almost four. And isn’t that what your pregnancy book that your doctor gave you say that it was normal to start showing at four months?” he asked and walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

“Yeah, but I wish it wasn’t true.” I mumbled and shimmed out of my jeans and slipped on my grey flare bottomed sweat pants.

“There.” I mumbled and he kissed my neck.

“I prefer you in sweats and a t-shirt anyways.” Wyatt said with a raspy voice in my ear. I could feel my face blushing about seven different shades of red and he laughed because we were still standing in front of the mirror.

“I also think its incredibly cute when you blush because of what I say.” he whispered to me and I blushed even more. He laughed ad pulled me out of the room and out to the car.

<><><><> At School <><><><>

“People are staring at my stomach.” I whisper-yelled to Wyatt and he shrugged.

“SO? Let them stare. There is nothing to be ashamed of.” he said and I nodded and kept repeating that to myself as we walked through the hallways.

“Whore.” I heard a few people say as I walked through the hallways and I could feel my eyes starting to tear up.

“Shut up bitch.” I heard some one call and turned around to see a girl standing there smiling at me.

“Thank you.” I whispered and she nodded.

“Any time chica, by the way I’m Steph.” she said and I nodded.

“Brair.” I said and she nodded.

“Oh I know who you are, see you around.” she said and sauntered off and turned down the closest hall. I smiled to misled knowing that not every one things I’m a whore or a slut, and the fact that I think I just might have made a new friend.
♠ ♠ ♠
incredibly short i know but i thought i would put something up because im in a good mood. passing every class on my pregress report and going to see Alice In Wonderland later tonight.

comment please because i only got one comment for the last chapter and it made me sad.

and here is what Steph looks like: