Sequel: 10 Things
Status: complete, but i may add a few more chapters

My Safe Haven


Chapter 17

I turned around to a not very happy looking Wyatt. He looked from me to Steph’s brother and then back at me. I grabbed his hands and placed them on my stomach. He looked me in the eyes and smiled.

“It’s nothing, I promise. I couldn’t do that to you.” I said and he nodded. He looked at Steph’s brother and glared.

“Stay away from my Brair, and don’t touch her.” he growled and I glared at Wyatt.

“I’m not a freaking piece of property Wyatt, you don’t own me.” I said and yanked my hand out of his.

“I didn’t mean it that way babe.” he said and grabbed at my hand, but I pulled it away from him.

“Steph can give me a ride home. I’ll talk to you late Wyatt.” I said and got in the backseat of Steph’s car. Wyatt looked taken back, and I shook my head.

“Where do you live?” she asked me when we pulled out of the parking lot, and onto the main drag.

“The house by the beach. 122.” I said and wrapped my arms around my stomach. She dropped me off a few minutes later, and I heard her worn her brother, whose name is Damen to stay away from me. I chuckled and walked around back and sat on the beach, whose sand was still a little wet since it was only April. I was now seven months pregnant, and was big.

I picked up a rock and chucked it towards the water. It landed with a little splash and I picked up another one, but dropped it because my baby kicked. I winced and put my hands over the spot where the baby had just kicked me.

“You don’t have to take it out on mommy because your daddy is the one being the asshole.” I said and put my hands behind my back and leaned on them. I closed my eyes and tried my best to calm down. Maybe he didn’t really mean it that way. I opened my eyes and stared at the sun setting off in the distance. A few minutes later I felt the sand shift behind me, and hands rest on my hips.

“I’m sorry.” he mumbled and I leaned back into his chest. I put my hands on his knees, using them as an arm rest.

“I know you are, but I don’t appreciate being treated like a piece of meat, or property.” I said and he pinched my thighs a little, I’m guessing to get me to turn around and look at him.

“I guess that I’m protective of you, and I get jealous easily. Especially when it comes to a beautiful girl like you.” he said and I blushed, hoping he couldn’t tell.

“Thank you, but just ignore it the next time because I’m with you, and only want to be with you.” I said and he chuckled. We were quiet for about a half an hour and then I cleared my throat getting ready to speak.


“Yeah Yeah Briar?”

“I want Chinese food really bad.” I said and he laughed.

“Brair, it’s almost 8:30.” he said and I whined.

“Fine, lets go.” he said and I smiled.

“On second thought, e might want to change, and then we can go.” he said and I nodded. My Capri’s were wet from the sand, and I would rather not look like I wet myself while going out to eat.

“Mom, dad, I’m changing then Wyatt and I are going out to eat!” I yelled on my way to my room and heard two muffled ‘Okays’ I walked into Landon’s room, ignoring him and his girlfriend making out on his bed, and grabbed a pair of his skinnies for Wyatt and walked back towards the door. I stopped and turned back.

“Use protection.” I yelled and Landon just flipped me off. I laughed and went back to my room. I threw the pants at him and went into my closet to change.

“Thanks.” I heard him said and I groaned in response. He laughed and I flipped him off, which only made him laugh again. We finished changing and then left. With was good because I really wanted my boneless spare ribs with pork friend rice. We ate outside at the picnic table and I couldn’t help but smile as we walked to the car.

“Wyatt, I love you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
=] what did you think, and thank you for the four comments, they made me happy.

let me let you in on a little secret, the more comments the happier i am and the happier i am the quicer the chapters come out.