Sequel: 10 Things
Status: complete, but i may add a few more chapters

My Safe Haven

Dinner Guests

Chapter 2

I gave Wyatt a hug good bye and walked onto the bus. I made my way to the back, past all the little middle school scholars, and sat down. A few minutes later Landon came on and sat across from me. We don’t have the sibling thing where we ignore each other, we choose to talk things out, because that is how we were brought up.

“So who was the boy you were talking to today?” he asked me and pulled out a bag of chips from his book bag. He offered me one, but I declined.

“His name is Wyatt, and he is only a friend.” I said defensively. Landon put his hands of defensively and laughed.

“Just asking sis.” he said and I nodded. We stopped talking so I put my ear buds in and listened to my I-pod. I jumped off the bus when we got home because I knew Hannah and Jessie we inside waiting for me. I opened the door and there stood Jessie with Chocolate covered hands, and Hannah with frosting all over her face.

“What did mom let you guys help her with?” I asked accusingly and they giggled.

“Daddy’s birthday cake.” Jessie said and smiled. I picked him up, trying not to get any chocolate on my, but failed. He instantly wrapped me in a hug when I picked him up and made two hand prints on the back of my shirt.

“Thank you Jess, I really needed that.” I said sarcastically and put him down when we reached the kitchen.

“Hey Mama what’s for dinner?” I asked and opened the fridge.

“Lasagna because it’s your dad’s favorite and it’s his birthday.” she said as she put the lasagna into the oven. I smiled. My favorite too. I took right after my dad, every since I was little was more interested in boy things than girly things like toy trucks and making mud pies.

“We’re having guests over for dinner, so dress nicely.” she said, and I frowned. I hate dressing up.

“Who’s coming anyway?” I asked and bit into my apple.

“My old friend Nicole. She was the nurse that delivered you. Her and her son just moved back to town so we are celebrating your dads’ birthday, and having a little welcome home party for them.” she said and I nodded. I remember her telling me how her and Nicole used to always talk.

I walked upstairs and went into my bed room. I walked over to my little piano and sat down. I played for a little while, but got bored with it, so I pick up my bass guitar and started playing Bat Country by Avenged Sevenfold. A few minutes later there was a knock at my door. Landon told me dinner would be ready in a few minutes so I should get ready and then left.

I sighed and walked over to my closet. I grabbed a pair of gray skinny Jeans and a nice purple shirt and a white beanie and put it on. I walked back downstairs and sat down on the couch and waited for our guests.

A few minutes later the door rang. I was the only one downstairs so I got up and walked to the door. I opened it and got a nice surprise. Standing outside on my doorstep, was Wyatt, and his mom. Wyatt chuckled but stopped when his mom gave him a look.

“Hi, you must be Nicole, come on in.” I said and moved to the side so they could come in. Wyatt put his arm around my waist as we walked into the living room and sat down.

“You didn’t tell me that your mom was Nicole?” I said and he shrugged.

“You didn’t tell me that your mom was Kasey.” he said and I shrugged.

“Touché.” I said and he laughed.

“Brair! Time for dinner!” my mom yelled from the dining room and I groaned.

“Well at least it’s my favorite.” I said and Wyatt laughed.

“What is it?” he asked and I smiled.

“The best food known to man kind A.K.A lasagna.” I said and he laughed again. I sat down and Wyatt sat next to me. It was really quiet except for me and Wyatt, so I looked up. My parents were staring at me in disbelief.

“What?” I asked and grabbed a piece of garlic bread to silence myself.

“You’ve never talked this much before.” they said and Wyatt laughed.

“I’m bringing her out of her shell.” Wyatt said and I laughed.

“Have you two met before?” Nicole asked and I nodded.

“Mom this is the girl I was telling you about.” he said and Nicole nodded.

“Ooooooh.” she said and smiled at me. I smiled hesitantly and looked down at my plate of food. We had dessert after dinner and I took Wyatt up to my room and showed him my guitar and piano.

“These are so cool.” he said and picked up my bass.

“Be careful with that one, it’s my baby.” I said and sat down on my bed. Be laughed and tried to play, but kept hitting bum notes.

“I guess I’ll have to teach you how to play that too.” I said and took it from him. I played Bat Country for him and he smiled.

“You rock at bass too.” he said and I thanked him.

“I’m better a piano though.” I said and he nodded.

“Wyatt, we’re leaving in a few minutes!” his mom yelled up the stair and I frowned.

“Does your mom know that you’re gay?”

“No, you and my dad are the only ones that know. We technically you’re the only living person but still. So could you keep it a secret?”

“Sure.” I said and he smiled.

“Thanks babe.” he said and kissed me.
♠ ♠ ♠
so what did you guys think of this one?
brairs bed room: Image

guitar: Image