Sequel: 10 Things
Status: complete, but i may add a few more chapters

My Safe Haven

Hello Sunshine, Hello Cupcake.

Chapter 3

I touched my lips after Wyatt left. They were still tingling from the heated kiss we shared. I smiled to myself because I had just had my first kiss. I squealed and flopped back down on my bed. I must have fallen asleep a few minutes, because the next thing I that happened was my mom coming in to wake me up. I sat up and yawned, and then I smiled. I got to se Wyatt today.

I rushed into the bathroom and took my shower and did my other business then walked back out to my closet. I settled with but cut sweatpants, a Vampire Knight graphic tee, and my flip flops.

“Good morning.” I said in a sing song voice and sat down.

“Good morning Honey.” my dad said and handed me my plate of food. I downed it instantly, and got up and put it in the sink. I went to the dining room and grabbed my bag and went to the door. When I opened it, Wyatt, was standing there smiling.

“Hello sunshine.” he said and I smiled.

“Hello cup cake.” I said and he laughed.

“Cup cake? Is that the best you can do?” he asked me.

“Hey its only 6:45 in the morning, what do you expect?” I said and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

“Mom I’m riding to school with Wyatt. I’ll see you when I get home. Bye, I love you!” I yelled and closed the door behind me. I walked over to the passenger side of the car, and got in.

“Is this going to be a regular thing?” I asked and instantly plugged my I-pod into his radio.

“If you want a ride every day then sure.” he said and I nodded.

“I would love that.” I said and he nodded.

“then it’s settled. I shall pick you up everyday.” he said and we started singing along with music.

<><><><>Free Music Period<><><><>

Wyatt and I walked into free music period, and a paper was immediately shoved into my face.

“What’s this?”

“This is a permission slip to compete in a competition for the musically gifted, and you my dear are musically gifted. If you place you are entered in to will a scholarship, and the winner will get the scholarship. We’ve never had anyone from the school place, so I figured you would have a fair chance.” the teacher said and I smiled.

“How big of a scholarship are we talking about?” I asked curiously.


“Wow… I’ll have to talk to my parents, but I’m in if they say yes. I’d be honored.” I said and the teacher smiled at me.

“That’s wonderful.” he said and walked away. I turned to Wyatt and smiled.

“This is awesome!” I yelled and he picked me up and spun me around. He set me down and I sighed.


“You have to help me pick out the song.” I said and he nodded. He walked into Mr. Jennings office and came back a few minutes later with a 2” binder full of songs. He grabbed my hand and we went to the back room., A.K.A our room. I sat down on the bench and opened up the cover. I started flipped through page after page after page, and sighed in frustration.

“What is it babe?” he asked me after he sat down.

“All of these are way too easy.” I said exaggerating the way.

“Are you serious? These are all level 6!” he said in disbelief.

“Remember, I’m really good?” I said but it came out more like a question.

“Yes, I remember.” he said and laughed.

“I’ll be right back.” I said and he nodded. I got up and walked over to Mr. Jennings’s office. I knocked twice before being invited in.

“Hello Brair, what brings you in here?” he asked.

“Um, those songs in that book, are way to easy.” I said and his eyes bulged out.

“What those are all le-”

“Yes I know they are all level 6, but I was wondering if I could create my own, you know compose one for me to play?” I asked and he smiled.

“Sure, it says in the rules you can, but I thought you would have preferred to have a pre-written one.” he said and I shook my head.

“Nope, I like to be original, and do something no one has ever heard before.” I said and he nodded.

“Well then it’s settled. You shall write your own song.” he said and I smiled.

“Thank you.” I said and skipped back over to the back room.

“What are you so smiley about Simons?” Wyatt asked me and I giggled.

“I get to write my own arrangement.” I said and he smiled.

“That’s great babe!” he said and I nodded.

“I know, and guess what.”


“You’re going to help me.” I said and he frowned.

“What?” I asked and sat down.

“I suck at writing.” he said and I patted his back.

“Well this is a chance to get better at it.” I said and he nodded.

“You’re right.” he said and kissed my temple.
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