Sequel: 10 Things
Status: complete, but i may add a few more chapters

My Safe Haven

I don't approve

Chapter 4

<><><><> 4 Months Later <><><><>

I sighed as I looked at my watch. He was now officially 35 minutes late. I grabbed my purse and stood up. I was tired of Wyatt always being late. Though you can never stay mad at the one you love. Yes I’m in love with my gay best friend.

I went to turn around and leave, but some one cleared their throat loudly, and made me jump. I turned around and there stood Wyatt, and some one I didn’t know. And they were holding hands.

“Well it’s about time.” I said and sat back down. He giggled and I glared at him. He shut up immediately, and sat down too.

“I’m sorry I’m late babe, for give me?” he asked and I sighed.

“Fine, but this is the last time.” I said and he nodded. A waiter came over a few minutes later and took our orders, and then left.

“So are you going to introduce us?” I asked Wyatt and he blinked.

“Opps. I forgot to.” he said and I rolled my eyes. Why was he acting like this, he never does, I thought to myself.

“Brair this is James, James this is Brair.” he said and I stuck my hand out.

“Nice to meet you James.” I said and he shook my hand.

“You too.” he said and took his hand back. The waiter dropped our food off, and then left.

“So how do you two know each other?” I asked Wyatt and took a bite out of my double cheeseburger with extra mayo.

“About that, Brair try not to freak out, but we’re dating.” Wyatt said and I started choking on my food. I gasped for breath and then glared at him.

“Wait till I finish swallowing next time please.” I said and James snickered. I then realized how sexual that sounded and glared at James.

“Get your mind out of the gutter.” I hissed at him and wiped my mouth.

“But with out the gutter my mind would be homeless.” he said back and I rolled my eyes.

“You found a keeper Wyatt. But I have to go, I have to watch Jessie and Hannah.” I said and slipped out of the booth. I slipped a five on the table and left. Not even five minutes later I had a text from Wyatt. I opened it and growled.

‘WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!?!?’ was his message and I laughed. If only he knew.

‘what did it look like?’ I replied, and turned off my phone. I took out my I-pod, and ran the rest of the way home.

<><><><>Later that night<><><><>

I put Jessie and Hannah in their beds and ran back downstairs to answer the door. I opened the door, and there were a dozen tiger lilies sitting on the doorstep. I picked them up and smelled them. They were fresh, and they were my favorite flower ever. I picked the card out from between the flowers and opened it.

My Dearest Brair,
I’m sorry for springing that on you, I should have told you sooner because you see, we’ve been dating since you and I have met. Please forgive me.

I crumpled the note and growled. So much for telling each other everything I thought and threw the flowers in the trash. I walked over to the door, set the alarm, and went to check on the twins. Us three were the only ones home. The rents went on a cruise for their anniversary, and Landon was staying at his friend Chet’s house. I walked into my bedroom, and flopped down on my bed. Loving your gay best friend sucks.

<><><><>Monday at school<><><><>

I walked through the halls looking for Wyatt. I was trying to avoid him, and so far, it was working. I looked up quickly, and squeaked. I ran right into someone and they fell on top of me. I looked up and staring back down at me was Chet, by brothers best friend.

“Hi.” I whispered and smiled.

“Why hello there, fancy meeting you here on this dirty school floor.” he said and smiled back at me. He got up and pulled m up with him.

“Sorry I ran into you, I want looking where I was going.” I said and scratched the back of my head.

“No it’s okay Brair, listen I got to run, but I’ll talk to you later, okay?” he said and I nodded.

“Yeah talk to you later.” I said and he turned and walked away. I turned and Wyatt was standing there looking at me. He walked over to me and grabbed my arm.

“What are you doing Air?” he asked me using my nickname.

“Nothing, I ran into him that’s all.” I said and pulled my arm back.

“It was more that just nothing Brair, I saw the way you were looking at him, and I don’t approve.” he said and I snorted.

“And why should that matter, I don’t approve of James, but did that stop you, No” I hissed and he glared at me.

“That was a low blow Brair, even for you.” he said and I smirked.

“Well then I guess we’re even.” I said and walked away.
♠ ♠ ♠
you got to see the other side of both Brair and Wyatt, so why dont you tell me what you thought of this chapter.

and here is what chet looks like: