Sequel: 10 Things
Status: complete, but i may add a few more chapters

My Safe Haven

I Was

Chapter 7

<><><><> Sophomore Year <><><><>

I walked out of my bathroom with a towel wrapped around me when the phone started ringing. I sighed because I was the only one home so I had to answer it.

“Hello?” I asked and went though my closet for clothes.

“Hey Briar, it’s James, what’s up?” he asked and I put the phone on speaker so I could get dressed.

“Not much James, just getting dressed. Why what’s up?” I asked and he chuckled. He and Wyatt loved how straight forward that I was.

“Not much, I was just wondering if you and Wyatt wanted to hang out tonight.” he said and I nodded to myself. James and I we okay now, and that made Wyatt happy.

“Sure I’ve got nothing better to do.” I said and he chuckled.

“Okay, see you around 6 then?” he asked.

“Sure. Bye.” I said and hung up. At least I had something to do tonight. I went down stairs and got my left over Chinese food, and went back upstairs and turned on my lap top. I signed onto my AIM and waited for my buddy List to load. I smiled when I saw that Wyatt was on.

s(he) Be(lie)ve(d): Ello love what’s up?”

~Wyatt~: Not much here, what’s up with you babe?

s(he) Be(lie)ve(d): Not much, eating Chinese food, and wondering if James asked you if wanted to hang out with us yet tonight?

~Wyatt~: No he didn’t, but I can’t n e ways, I have a family dinner thing. Sorry =[

s(he) Be(lie)ve(d): it’s alright cupcake, hey I have to go, I’m heading over to James’s house, ttyl ok?

~Wyatt~: sure think baby ;]

s(he) Be(lie)ve(d): okay bye =]

~Wyatt~: okay bye =]

s(he) Be(lie)ve(d): has signed off.

I shut down my lap top, and put it back into its case. I slipped on my tan boots and black trench coat and walked out side, and got into the Taxi that I had called for a few minutes ago. When I got to James’s house I paid the cabby driver, and walked into James’s house.

“I’m here!” I yelled up the stair and heard an okay from at the top of the stairs.

“Come on up Brair, I’m going to kick your ass in Wii!” he yelled and I laughed. I took off my boots and coat, and laid them over the banister and ran up the stairs. A few hours later I was laying on his bed, and he was down stairs paying for the pizza that we had ordered.

“I hope you’re hungry, because they doubled our order on accident.” James said and I laughed.

“I’m starving, that Wii really made me hungry.” I said, and grabbed a slice.

“So what do you want to do now?” I asked when we were done eating.

“How about a movie?” he suggested, and I nodded. I got up and went over to his DVD shelf, and started looking through them. I few minutes later, I felt someone’s arms snake around my waist and pull me back onto the bed. James hovered over e a few seconds later and I sighed.

“James what are you doing?” I said and pushed at him, but he didn’t budge.

“Ok, seriously James, this isn’t funny anymore.” I said and he laughed.

“Oh contraire Brair, it is quite funny, you see, I have you right where I want you, and there is nothing you can do.” James said, and kissed my neck. I whimpered and pushed at him again, and once again he didn’t budge. I shoved at him again and he growled and tightened his grip on my wrist.

“Do that one more time bitch, and I will hurt you.” he threatened, I could feel he tears running down my cheeks and I let them.

“What are you going to do to me?” I asked and me laughed.

“What do you think?” he asked and I whimpered.

“Please don’t do that. What about Wyatt, don’t you love him, I know he loves you.” I said and he laughed again.

“You think I actually care about that fag, think again.” he said and attacked my neck again. When I thought I would have something to do later, I didn’t mean latterly was the last thought to go through my head before my night of torture began.

(I’m sure you can all guess what happens after that)

I made sure James was asleep when I got up and dressed. I ran down the stairs as fast as I could, ignoring the pain from every stop on my body. I wiped away another tear and ran out side, and ran all the way to Wyatt’s house. I knocked on the door, not caring that it was two in the morning at the moment. Wyatt answered the door a few moments after I stopped knocking, and gasped when he saw me.

“Honey what happened to you? Why are your clothes on backwards?” he asked me, and ushered me in, and led me to the living room. I curled up in a ball in the corner of the couch and let the tears fall again.

“Do you want to write it down instead?” he asked me and I nodded. He left, and came back a few minutes later with a piece of paper, and a piglet pen that lit up when you pressed down on the tip. It would have made me smile and laugh if I weren’t in the situation I was in now. I grabbed the pen and paper with shaky hands and started scribbling. I handed the paper to him and he gasped.

“You’re lying, he wouldn’t do that? Did he?” he said and I nodded.

“Oh, Oh my gosh. MOM!” I heard him yell, as he wrapped an arm around me. His mom came down rushing down the stairs a few moments later and gasped when she saw me.

“Brair, what happened to you dear?” she asked and knelt down in front of me. Wyatt shoved the piece of paper in her face, and I watched as her eyes grew huge as she read what I had wrote.

“Who is James?” she asked me and pressed her hand to my forehead.

“Mom he was my boy friend.” Wyatt said and his mom gasped.

“You’re gay?” she exclaimed, and Wyatt shook his head.

“No mom I’m bi.” he said.

“But right now that is not the point momma, Brair needs medical help.” he said and he lifted me up and his mom grabbed the keys to their car off of the coffee table.

“Put her in the back, and sit there with her.” his mom directed and I watched Wyatt nod.

<><><><> At the hospital <><><><>

“Yes she was indeed sexually abused tonight.” the doctor told my parents and Wyatt’s mom. My mom broke down in tears, and grabbed my hand.

“I am so sorry honey.” she whispered, which only caused me to cry.

“What are you going to do to the bastard.” my father (Jack) growled and rubbed my mom’s arm.

“We are going to bring him in, take a DNA test from him, and if it comes back positive, then we will lock him up.” the police officer told me, and my family.

“Um can you check for any STD’s?” I asked and the doctor nodded.

“We did, and there is nothing.” she said and I sighed in relief.

“Can I go home, that’s all I want right now.” I whispered and the doctor nodded.

“Just have your mom or dad sign the release form and you can leave. A few minutes later I was walking out of the hospital and all I could think about was that commercial where all the women say ‘I was’ and I always used to think that it would never happen to me. I now realize that anything could happen. And that I now have to say ‘I was’
♠ ♠ ♠
this had to happen for where i want the story to go. why dont you let me know what you thought and who me couldnt be yes it will still have a happy ending =]